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Old 02-25-2016, 03:01 PM   #147
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
Jim, it is a slippery slope for you to say you have never had white privlidge on your side, just as much as it is for a person of color to tell you that you have. Unless you have lived as a minority, you will never know what life can be like when you are constantly oppressed by racists. So I would shut your pie hole about saying you had to claw your way to get to where you are today... A black man would have to claw his way a lot harder.
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Maybe I would have been pulle dover a few more times if I was black. So maybe that's white privildege. But ta the same time, if I was black, I woul dhave gotten a free ride (and a monthly stipend) to go to UCONN, instead of taking out loans. It works both ways.

If my family was black instead of white, and everything else was the same, there is no earthly reason to believe my life would be less fulfilling to me, or that it would have been harder.

"you will never know what life can be like when you are constantly oppressed by racists"

Who is being 'constantly oppressed by racists'? This isn't the 1950s. I reject that widespread, institutional racism exists.

"So I would shut your pie hole about saying you had to claw your way to get to where you are today"

And I would tell you to shut your pie hole about telling me to shut my pie hole. If I was black, I would've gone to UCONN for free, that is a fact based on the grades I had in high school - we joked about it at the time. Please tell me how, specifically, my life would have been harder if I was black. I can't wait to hear this...maybe i would have been pulled over more by the police. Maybe not.
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