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Old 02-25-2016, 02:11 PM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
I didn't have anything even close to privilege growing up.
I had no financial priviledge. I had a different kind of priviledge, one that no white person is depriving any bkack oerson of. What I had, was two (dirt poor) parents who loved each other, loved their kids to death, worked hard, and broke their backs to keep us all on the path to productivity. No TV during dinner, everyone at the table talking to each other. Strict rules on completing homework. Encouragement for putting forth our best effort. Church every single Sunday wihtout exception.

That was my priviledge, and mankind knows no better blueprint for upward economic mobility. But those values that serve as the foundation for upward economic mobility, are exactly the values that are mocked and rejected by liberals like Hilary. My parents took absolutely nohting from any African American, so as TDF said, Hilary can keep her white guilt to herself. But she won't keep it to herself, because the more she talks about it, the more votes she gets.
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