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Old 02-25-2016, 09:15 AM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
And that qualifies him to be our president ?!?!?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
He's not going to be President. If it's him against her, she might run the table. It will be a rout of 1984-like proportions.

I get the anger, I say with no ambiguity that I can't stand Obama and they way he treats everone who disagrees with him. I get that Republicans want someone who will be willing to respond in kind when attacked (Bush 43, McCain, and Romney never did that, they didn't have it in them, and it didn't serve them well).

No President has thrown more cheap shots than Weird Harold (attacking the Supreme Court, during the State of the Union, when they are sitting right in front of you, and they don't have a chance to respond? There is no cheaper shot than that, there just isn't). I get the anger. What I don't get, is how you think that a productive channle for that anger, is voting for a guy who literally has no chance in the general. We are handing the presidency to the Dems, and quite possibly Congress as well. Because a Trump candidacy will result in massive liberal turnout to block him, and will incentivize people like me to stay home.

I will cast a write-in vote for Condaleeza Rice, I think.
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