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Old 02-01-2016, 10:37 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
"And I am not saying it did or it didn't"

but yet again feel free to hang your Hat on what you think I said

I thought I was hanging my hat on what you said when I replied to your "And I am not saying it did or it didn't" post by saying "From the way you put it, it seems that you could say the same thing about "Liberals." Which should make it a wash. From the way you put it, both "Conservatives" and "Liberals" are berserk, blind, wackos."

I in no way blamed Benghazi on the Video but you assigned that position to me.. you seem very good at that

I reread my post and couldn't find where I assigned that position to you. By implication, I assigned it to Clinton and to the Obama administration for claiming that the video caused a spontaneous attack.

I am sorry some can not grasp the similarities .. The outrage over un true made up videos made for 1 reason to decive and mislead those watching.. it seems lies from conservatives are ok it if the mission agrees with ones position .. but lies from the left or deception from the left seem far more heinous ???

It is a stretch to "grasp" a similarity when it doesn't really exist. The Planned Parenthood videos have been alleged by PP to be deceptively edited. That has not actually been established. And if it does so get established, I don't think "Conservatives" will continue to credit it as "some" on the left continue to believe that the Benghazi video was instrumental in a spontaneous attack.

I am only pointing that out .. and people get upset
Stating a position is not getting upset. And it is not "going berserk."

Last edited by detbuch; 02-02-2016 at 11:08 AM..
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