Thread: Hilary email
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Old 01-20-2016, 07:51 AM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Retroactively mind you. There also seems to be a lot of disagreements as to how different departments believe certain information should be handled. You could have info that considered top secret by one agency and yet published publicly in multiple sources but it's still considered classified.

There's not much new in this latest report, other than Republicans continuing to leak information to hurt Clinton's campaign. Wait that's not really new either.

I'd note Clinton's not under investigation and there's no yet evidence she broke any laws...
"There also seems to be a lot of disagreements as to how different departments believe certain information should be handled"

No, there's not a lot of disagreement there. It's established practice that the agency that develops a piece of intelligence, has sole authority to classify it, and all other agencies are bound to accept that. So if the CIA takes a pic of North Korea missile movements and classifies it as top secret or higher, Hilary doesn't get to decide that it's no more sensitive that her yoga schedule.

"Retroactively mind you"

Absolutely, 100% false. The 2 emails cited in the story I posted, were deemed to have been higher than top secret before they got to Hilary's server. The IG considers that "a closed matter". The State Dept tried to change the classification, but as I said, they don't get to do that unless they developed the information.

When she said her server had nothing but wedding plans and yoga, it was a lie. Then she said it had no emails that were classified at the time. Also b.s.
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