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Old 12-02-2015, 08:48 PM   #32
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
Really ? You really think a couple liberals are shooting people right now?

Do you think that the guy who shot up the planned parenthood was a liberal ?

They are religious nut jobs.. Terrorists are religious but jobs and we know for sure that the planned parenthood shooter was one as well. He said he could do what ever he wanted because he knew he "could be saved".

What a joke
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Nebe, I didn't, nor would I ever, say that all mass shooters are registered Democrats. Try to respond to what I am actually saying, try not to put gibberish words in my mouth.

As a society, we are clearly moving away from the traditional family values of, say, the 1950s, in favor of more "progressive" values. As a direct result, we see more infidelity, more divorce, more abortions, more broken families, more unsupervised kids, fewer people going to church, fewer parents signing their kids up for scouting, etc. One of the pillars of liberalism is "if it feels good, do it". As a society, there is less emphasis on what is decent, and more emphasis on what feels good for me.

On top of that, it's much harder, thanks to liberals, to commit the mentally ill until after they hurt someone.

Perfect example...when actress Ingrid Bergman had an affair with a married man (1950s?), people stopped going to her movies, and she eventually had to flee the country. One generation later, Jane Fonda straddles a Viet Cong anti-aircraft gun wrapped in our enemy's flag, and she comes home to an academy award. One generation after that, we have college crybabies who want free tuition and student debt wiped out. Gimme, gimme, gimme. Me, me, me.

When we turn our back on family values and instead celebrate what feels good in the next second, why would you ask "what's wrong with people nowadays"? Guess what Nebe? When you tell people to stop paying attention to the 10 commandments, ugly behavior will increase. Guess what? It also turns out that when you plant potatoes, you get potatoes.
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