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Old 11-21-2015, 08:02 PM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
The literacy rate of young females in Iran is 98.5%. 60% of university students in Saudi Arabia are women, in fact there are 8 Muslim nations in the Middle East where more women than men go to University.

The bigger problem with women in many Islamic nations is that they can't find work for their skills.

Oh, and name one Muslim country where growing a beard is mandatory.

Conclusion = Jim clueless.
(1)What about Hilary saying that Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism? If she believes that Muslims are no more linked to contemporary terrorists than the Amish, is she of sound enough mind to be POTUS?

(2) Would you call Muslims 'tolerant'? I used hyperbole about literacy (though literacy rates for women are a lot lower than your statistic in Iraq and Afghanistan). Would you describe Muslim nations, in general, as "tolerant" of Christians, Jews, or homosexuals? They're not even tolerant towards each other for that matter.

I await your thoughtful reply.

Also, what do you think of your hero's comments that everyone who wants to be thoughtful about refugees, isn't as "tough" as he is? Of course, he hurls those insults in a forum where he cannot be challenged. How very brave.
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