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Old 11-20-2015, 04:51 PM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
That's not true, we do have a very good vetting process. We may not be able to run conventional background checks like you'd do for a US citizen but that doesn't mean there isn't a good process in place. It's very different than what happens with refugees heading to Europe.

Quite simply, it would be orders of magnitude easier for a terrorist to sneak into the US via other means than by posing as a UN refugee.

While we must remain vigilant, this is primarily a political issue to stoke fear of Muslims to rally voters = exactly what ISIS wants.

Given Trump's recent behavior I'm starting to wonder if he's on their payroll.
"That's not true"

I'm just repeating what Obama's own people are saying. I guess you know better than them.

"this is primarily a political issue "

Well, if it's political, it's bi-partisan, because 47 Democrats joined the GOP in passing a bill to slow things down.

"stoke fear of Muslims to rally voters = exactly what ISIS wants"

ISIS wants voters to be motivated by Islamophobia? ISIS wants us to elect someone like Trump, who would be wuick to bomb them into extinction? I don't think so. ISIS would rather see Trump than Obama? Come on.

They want us all dead, or to at least get us to force our women to dress like ninjas and prevent them from going to school.
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