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Old 11-19-2015, 03:31 PM   #27
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
The European Jews were not. (Edit - Actually the reason the ship was turned away was bc it was thought they where security threats and/or communists.). The overwhelming majority are just trying to escape death. I read we let in 750K since 9/11 and there were either 3 or 0 people arrested for terrorism. Basically none.

Did we stop Saudi's after 9/11 even though I think all but 1 were Saudi nationals? The terrorists in France where almost all homegrown from France and Belgium. Lebanon let in 1,000,000 and we can't settle 10,000?
There is no comparison whatsoever between the security threats posed by a boatload of European Jews, and a boatload of Syrian refugees (unless you can check them out, which Obama's leaders are saying we can't).

"Did we stop Saudi's after 9/11 "

Did we let any in that we couldn't determone who the hell they were?

"we can't settle 10,000"

Not if we have no way of determining who they are.

"Lebanon let in 1,000,000 "

Are the jihadists trying to kill every Lebanese person they can find? Nope. They want to kill us, though.

We can talk about whether or not we shoul dlet these people in. But it's the height of intellectual dishonesty to compare this situation with the European Jews. The Jewish extremists weren't hijacking planes and then flying them into our biuldings.
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