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Old 10-23-2015, 11:54 AM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Clinton to be the smartest and most capable person in the room.
Tell that to the families of the 4 dead Americans.

The hearing was motivated, to a large degree, by politics. No question.

That doesn't mean that her state department didn't drop the ball in Banghazi, and then attempt to lie about what caused their deaths, rather than admit that they failed.

I agree she probably comes out of this the winner. Not because she's smart or capable, but because sheep like you are incapable of questioning her explanation, that she did the best she could.

Let me re-state. I believe she did the best she could. In this case, her best was a pathetic, abject disaster, compounded by the fact that she tried to dodge guilt by saying it was a spontaneous response to a video, rather than a terrorist attack that was foreseen by everyone who had people in Benghazi, except her.

Others saw the danger and evacuated Benghazi. She failed to do so, and people died. Rather than admit she fu**ed up, she lied about what happened. And that's someone who we want to elevate, to give her more chances to screw up on a bigger stage?

Sorry. If you get your clock cleaned at Pop Warner football, you aren't ready for the NFL.
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