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Old 08-14-2015, 12:40 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Jim, where does fetal tissue come from?
It doesn't all come from planned parenthood. We had a mid-term miscarriage a few years ago, it was of the type which, sorry for being blunt, required the removal of the tissue from my wife. We gave consent for the tissue to be used for research, if it was found that there was any value to it. I see notihng unethical with that tissue being used, but I hate what Planned Parenthood was discussing on the videos. I don't think that makes me a hypocrite.

I'm an organ donor. That doesn't mean I want someone to pull the plug on me early, or to alter my treatment at all, just so they can get a more bountiful harvest. "Hey Jim, we're suffering a shortage of brains for research, so we're going to hang you upside down until you die, to get more blood into your brain, that will be better for research."

Some people prefer to let nature take its course.
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