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Old 07-15-2015, 10:54 AM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Jackbass View Post
Sounds almost dictatorial Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Yes, it is dictatorial. It's also the only way to run a country. The alternative is anarchy, where state sare free to choose which federal laws they comply with, and which they don't.

These are duly constituted federal laws, dealing with issues of national security. Liberal cities are choosing to ignore these laws, and people are dying because of it.

What would happen if, for example, Dallas Texas decided they weren't going to recognize gay marriages? You think Obama would allow that?

Abraham Lincoln took the dictatorial approach during the Civil War, and he is usually considered a hero for that.

I cannot believe that we cannot agree on low hanging fruit such as this. Cities can let felons walk around free, in spite of federal laws to turn these people over to the ICE. I literally cannot believe that our divides run this deep.
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