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Old 03-22-2015, 08:09 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think the deal has potential, what's stopping you?
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I thought, by what you said, that you wondered why nobody was talking about "the alternative approach". So you think the alternative approach to the deal is "the deal has potential"? I don't know if that's circular or just stagnant.

How about this as an alternative approach. Obama likes to use the military for peaceful, constructive things instead of always sending it to break and destroy. So, he could magnanimously offer to send the Army Corps of Engineers, or even some greedy capitalist American company, a Haliburton type, to build Iran's nuclear power plants for peaceful use. And we could maintain it for them, thus ensure no hanky panky. Iran, of course, would have to give up its current centrifuges and other paraphernalia and documents. We would do it all at U.S. expense. What's another hundreds of billions or trillions added to the debt. Maybe we could rescind the food stamp program, and the agricultural and corporate welfare programs. Maybe we could even build transatlantic pipes from the Iranian nuclear plants to U.S. distribution facilities to replace the crony capital funding of wind power. Nah, the greenies wouldn't allow it. Crap, there's always some bug in negotiation. This would, no doubt, make the Iranians pleased as punch, and make them an ally. It would halfway immediately solve Middle East tensions, remove the need for Iran to threaten Israel's extinction, create the peace and prosperity and brotherly love that Obama promised the Iranian people if a "deal" could be accomplished.

Or, how about not giving a crap if they get the bomb or not. Hell, we could even help them build it. After all, they think like us, right? That's what makes negotiations possible. Like minded "folks" getting together to make goody for everyone. I mean, what on earth would folks who think like us do with the bomb? Not to worry.

To be a bit more rational, if Iran really wants the bomb they are not going to make a deal that stops them from getting it. If they really don't want the bomb, negotiations should not be difficult--should have been accomplished long, long ago, even pre-Dubbya. So an alternative approach would have to include either incorporating Iran's getting the bomb, or forcefully destroying its ability to so get.

Your turn.

Last edited by detbuch; 03-22-2015 at 09:34 PM..
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