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Old 02-25-2015, 11:43 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Raven View Post
that is a short sighted opinion i think JIM
because of the vulnerability of it
not to mention the environmental impact

already as we speakblog) the ONLY River with out a dam
in the USA that's running through Yellowstone National Park
has had a pipeline burst where it crosses over it dumping
crude into a semi frozen river making clean up impossible
Actually, I meant the pipeline likely wouldn't have a big imapct on jobs or gas prices, etc.

We need some kind of balance between helping people and protecting the environment. We can't deny all technological advances that could conceivably hurt the environment. And we should be able to make it safe with curret technology. When did they build the Alaska pipeline, the 1970's? All the concerns were raised about the environment, and other than maybe being an eyesore to the 0.00001% of Americans who will ever set eyes upon it, it has done no harm (the Exxon Valdez is another story, but that wasn't the fault of the pipeline) while generating jillions of dollars that have been used to build schools and medical clinics in remote areas of Alaska.
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