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Old 02-06-2015, 10:43 AM   #67
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
One of the biggest problems that i have seen for a long time and especially as of late is that the GOP is controlled by the 0.01% of this country- the billionaire class. take the Koch brothers for example and the XL pipeline mess.. GOP is hell bent on getting this thing passed because of all of the campaign contributions that they have taken. ( Koch brothers have huge leases on the tar sands production in Canada)

So you have the GOP being mostly funded by the ultra wealthy and then you have the fact that the GOP's main base of voters is the religious conservative right who want to limit women's rights limit personal freedoms, and basically impose a lot of laws on people that they feel that everyone should follow because it is what their religion tells them what is right. ( Im thinking abortions, marijuana laws, gay rights, etc)..

When you think about the definition of life and liberty, justice for all, pursuit of happiness, separation of church and state, i can't justify ever supporting a political party that panders to a religious group, namely conservative christians.

When the GOP comes up with a platform that is solely focused on the greater good of this entire country both financially and socially, maybe i would be swayed away from supporting a democrat.. but as it stands now, my money is on Bernie Sanders.
You might want to check your facts, or consider from where you get your facts.

(1)Most in the GOP don't want a federal law outlawing abortion. Most conservatives, like me, say that since the word abortion isn't anywhere in the list of things the constitutoin gives the feds to regulate, it should be an issue decided by the states. And if enough people in a state want to outlaw abortion (regardless of the reason, whether they are motivated by religion or not) it can be outlawed. That's called "democracy".

(2) "you have the GOP being mostly funded by the ultra wealthy "

A liberal myth. Does George Soros not give big $$ to Democrats? To labor unions not give big $$ to Democrats? So I guess when liberals donate money to democrats, that's just being an engaged citizen. But when conservatives give money to Republicans, that's somehow undermining the integrity o fthe political process? Sorry, I fail to see how Republicans are more beholden to their special interest groups than Democrats are.

(3) "want to limit women's rights "

A huge number of women in thi scountry, tens of millions, are opposed to abortion. That tells me that it's not a fundamental woman's right. Again, you are phrasing the issue in a demonstrably false way, in order to demonize those who disagre with you.

(4) c"separation of church and state, i can't justify ever supporting a political party that panders to a religious group," are OK with the fact the Democrats are influenced by their own special interest groups (labor unions, Hollywood, trial lawyers, etc). Thos egroups donate to like-minded politicians to promote their individual interests. That's no different than what happens when religious-based conservative groups do th esame exact thing. We are all gfree to support politicians we like - it does not matter what the basis is for why we like those politicians. Beliefs that are derived from religion are no less legitimate than beliefs that are derived from one's parents, school, or civic organiztions. That's not in any way a violation of church and state, that's another liberal lie. "Separation of church and state" means that the feds cannot prohibit anyone from practicing whatever religion they see fit. It does not mean that one cannot make political decisions based on morals that derive from one's religious beliefs.

(5) "When the GOP comes up with a platform that is solely focused on the greater good of this entire country both financially and socially"

Despite what you hear on MSNBC, here is the GOP platform, as it exists today at the national level...

  • Sanctity of all life, including the unborn
  • Small federal government, in accordance with the constitution
  • Promotion of individual liberty
  • Promotion of the concept of individual's being responsible for their own actions
  • Letting our free market do its thing, subject to a reasonable level of regulation (the free market provides more econoic upward mobility than any system derived on this planet)
  • Very strong national defense, including secure borders
  • Fiscal responsibility (not spending ourselves into oblivion on useless pork projects)
  • En
couraging charity towards our neighbors

I would genuinely like to you dent that's an accurate list of GOP ideals, or do you deny that list helps benefit all of us?

The Democratic agenda?

Spending ourselves into bankruptcy
Insane benefits to unionized employees
telling people "if it feels good do it", which has caused a spike in abortions, adultery, divorce, babies born out of wedlock
welfare as a solution to everything, which cripples the desire to excel for many Americans
Creating groups of victims, and telling those people that nothing they do is ever their fault
Worsening the racial tensions among us
imposing tax rates that cripple those in the middle class, and make it very difficult for small businesses to grow
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