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Old 12-22-2014, 01:49 PM   #30
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
The majority of my posts here are in response to your posts and usually return the venom you spew. I limit them to you rather than paint 1/2 the population with the broad brush you do.

Tell us more about the "plight of blacks" since you seem to know so much about them.
And the majority of my posts are a direct response to what I perceive as repugnant behavior from your side. So again, please explain the difference. I'm all ears...

The plight of blacks is poverty. Any honest person will admit that the best path to avoid poverty is to make decisions that are shown to avoid poverty - stay in school, study hard, get into a college, pick a majhor that will actually lead to a good-paying job, look presentable, work hard, don't have kids until you are at least 25. Studies show that people who follow this path, black or whote, almost always avoid poverty. Sounds a lot like what the Tea Party (those you called teabaggers) are suggesting.

Your side, Spence's side, takes the opposite approach, despite the fact that we have decades of empirical evidence to show that the liberal solution (here's a few dollars, it's not your fault, it's all whiteys fault, keep voting democrat if you want to keep this welfare) perpetuates poverty, it doesn't solve it.

My side is willing to say what's unpopular, because it;s obviously correct. Your side is willing to cripple an entire culture, in order to secure their votes by getting them addicted to welfare.

try making that wrong.
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