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Old 12-21-2014, 12:26 PM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Who was inciting violence? Protests in NY and other cities have been peaceful for the most part aside from the Ferguson riots. I don't see an issue with a politician supporting First Amendment rights.
There were rallies in NYC where the peaceful protesters were chanting for dead cops. Hundreds of people.

Spence, I agree that the majority of people were peaceful. I never said there were zero peaceful protesters. What I'm saying is, the number of violent sociopaths out there is also greater than zero. What happened in Ferguson, afetr what happened with the Rodney King verdict, these things tell us with zero ambiguity, that some people can be incited to violence.

Sharpton doesn't have to ask for his followers to "go out and kill cops". It's enough, when he says that black lives don't matter to white cops, and that white cops are in the habit of executing innocent black children. We know, we know for a fact, that alone wil incite some to violence.

The evidence of the potential danger, is there. As usual, your side can't process the empirical evidence, because it doesn't support "the narrative".
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