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Old 09-23-2014, 07:12 PM   #1
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Mass health / and dss or what ever they r called now

I'm not sure if this is the right place but i need to vent And air out some dirty laundry and baby get some advice on a direction to go before i call a television station
On friday we got a call from mass social services that they just took my dope head junkie sister in laws 4 yr old drug dealer's kid from her. They gave my wife and i ( we're his god parents) the option of either taking foster custody of him or he was goin into state foster home. I said no effin way at least for weekend he's a real good kid and dont want him gettin f'd up from that experience. So we suddenly became a family of 5. Something i am in no way mentally or emotionally wantin to do but so is life. Fortunately we r able to take on the financial burden and our house is big enough but here is where i am pissed off to no ends and need advice
It is now day 4 and we cant get ahold of the social worker or even her superviosor. They havent returned numerous calls. We have no idea what to do or where to go. We have no "receipt" whats so ever giving us decision making authorization for this kid should he get hurt and have to go to hospital. We have like no clothes or anything for him and they said we would get clothing and food vouchers from state which is no big deal cause we arent hurting that bad financilly but still
Now the other part of my gripe about health insurance and mass health in particular
My p.o.s. sister in law is on mass health we just found out that after she gets out of detox for heroin addiction ( welcome to se mass) mass health will only cover 10 days of residential rehab. Wooped f'n doo. What good is 10 days of rehab for one of the most addicting and deadly drugs on the street. No wonder why the heroin epidemic is so out of control. People cant afford to get the help they need to kick it r just kicked backed to the wolves, yet our government will spend gazzillions on the drug war but not more than 10 days on rehab to help people get clean
F'n joke
And now my family is gonna be put thru the ringer more, especially raisin another kid
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