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Old 09-03-2014, 12:30 PM   #76
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
And when 10 or 30 innocent civilians die from those bombs, what happens next.

This is a delicate situation that requires delicate action. Pouring gasoline on a fire comes to mind.
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That scenario is ugly, and it's what Israel faces every single day. But you have to protect yuorselves and do what's right.

It's ugly. But one thing history has taught us is this...when you decide to go in in a situation like this, you go in all the way or you don't go at all. Half-measures will never work. Obama is doing airstrikes, and I give him credit for that. But if ISIS is the threat they seem to be, it's time to send in the cavalry and kill as many as we possibly can, avoiding civilian casualties when possible, living with the consequences when it's not possible.

It's awful, but it's necessary. There is more to being President that golfing and fund-raising and hob-nobbing with the swells on Martha's Vineyard. Maybe we shouldn't have chosen someone who constantly voted "present" as a state senator, because he din't have the courage to take a position and act on it.
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