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Old 09-02-2014, 11:52 AM   #61
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by justplugit View Post
" Beyond anything we've ever seen."

"JV" and another round of golf, or back to Washington for a National Securities
meeting? What say you?
"What say you?"

What say I?...Hmmm...

I remember Obama's comments concerning the Iraq Surge, which he opposed and derided, refused to admit is was succeeding, and when he could deny it no longer, he said something like "it exceeded everybody's expectations". Actually, it did precisely what the military expected it would do, but Obama's original expectations, since they were based on ideology instead of military logic, coul dnot have been more wqrong.

I remember the jillion dollar stimulus package, which Obama said would keep unemployment below 8% and woudl fund all these shovel ready jobs. When the dust settled, unemployment went much higher than 8%, and Obama LAUGHINGLY said that those jobs weren't as shovel-ready as he originally thought. Once again, his predictions could not have been more wrong.

And here, he dismisses ISIS as a "JV" squad.

Obviously, no one is perfect, and of course I am biased because I absolutely despise everything about Obama. But these were major, major issues, and not only was he not right, it would almost be impossible for him to have been more wrong.

This is, predictably, what you get when you elect a guy who has absolutely no track record of accomplishing anything significant. Community organizer in Chicago? i'm not sure what that means exactly, but whatever it was he did in Chicago, it doesn't appear to have been all that effective at improving conditions there.

There are lots of ideas that sound absolutely fantastic in an Ivy League faculty room, but which fail miserably in the real world. Being educated is a fine thing, but it needs to be combined with SOME real-world experience.

The giuy can't get one right, not even by accident. Everything he touches, turns to vomit.
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