Thread: Was He or Not
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Old 06-09-2014, 08:03 PM   #5
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Spence: "Great remark from Gen. McChrystal."

McChrystal: “I think the key thing in a case like Sgt. Bergdahl’s is you first understand there’s a responsibility to our service members, and that’s very clear-cut and nobody should argue about that,” McChrystal said.

Who's arguing that there's not a responsibility to our service members? Actually, we have a responsibility to every U.S. citizen. That is the reason we have service members--to help enforce that responsibility. And we should enforce that responsibility with equal force and ferocity when any service member or citizen is denied legal due process or is illegally held captive by any foreign power. And we should not bargain with those who illegally or unjustly hold our citizens, whether they hold them for ransom or for ideology. We should demand their return or they should be prepared to fight to the death to keep them.

Quote McChrystal: “We know we have a responsibility to get them or their remains, and we go to great efforts to do that."

Yes, "great efforts", not capitulation.

Quote McChrystal: “And then, there’s a responsibility on individuals, service members, back toward their nation and their comrades, and we should demand that and we should check into that. "

Yes, as there is a responsibility on all of us, not only on service members, to back our nation and our fellow citizens against tyranny, foreign AND DOMESTIC. And we should check into that. When we allow our own government to hold us captive to a central bureaucratic state which constantly erodes the freedoms and form of government on which our nation was founded, and we argue over some token exchange which pleases and emboldens as well as fortifies our enemies instead of demanding the restoration of our greater collective and individual freedom, we are swapping that freedom to embolden and fortify the whims of the ruling class which continues to diminish individual private spaces and choices.

Quote McChrystal: "But we as a nation, instead of politicizing something like this, we as a nation, should look at it and say: Okay, [it’s a] complex problem, how do we handle this in a way that brings us together? Because it actually makes us look weaker to our allies, it makes us look confused to our foes,"

When we have divided the nation against itself by abandoning the Constitution which bound us together, we have already become weaker--to our allies, to our enemies, and to ourselves. There can be nothing but confusion if we have no common societal or governmental basis. The idea that "bringing us together" can be accomplished by all having the same opinion on a prisoner swap is childish, at best.

We have been looking weaker and confused to the rest of the world for some time. We have voluntarily capitulated to "world" views, and more and more are being led to believe that we are guilty of much, if not most, of the world's problems. We are told that we must apologize for our hubris, mass murders, and rape of the rest of the world. That we must sacrifice our comforts and well being in order to redistribute those things to others who have been blocked by us from getting them. That we are destroying the planet. That we are retrogrades stuck in some ancient faith in individual rights which sap the collective rights of the earth's people to share equally in the planet's bounty. That we cling to guns and quaint religion, instead of allowing the State to have the total power it needs to protect us, and instead of bowing to the religion of an all-powerful State. We kill so many babies in the womb that there are not enough new generations to grow the economy necessary to support the aging population with it's medical and retirement fiscal needs. So we replenish demographic growth with illegal immigrants who are invited by the crony relationship of government and business low wage desires and necessities. And our government constantly spends more than it gets, so has to get more, and has to inflate the money supply in order to devalue the currency to barely keep up with its debt. Which has the negative effect on the savings and wages of the people as well as raising the prices of the goods they need, as well as allowing the top .1% to accumulate even greater money wealth which expands the "income inequality" the government rails against.

We are at such odds with ourselves that these little government manipulations, deals, swaps, policies, in terms of making us look unified to the rest of the world, are a pathetic and destructive joke.

Quote McChrystal: "and if we were very united on something like this and we just said: ‘America doesn’t leave its people but we do have a high standard,’ then I think we’d come out better.”

No wonder Spence thinks McChrystal's remark is "great." That last sentence is the same kind of incoherence that fills much of Spence's posts.

Last edited by detbuch; 06-09-2014 at 09:05 PM..
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