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Old 05-14-2014, 08:55 AM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Don't you think that after so many (7 or 8) investigations, tens of thousands of documents, dozens of testimonies and participation by non-partisan and high ranking 40 year veterans of our military...that someone would think due diligence has been done?

Back in the day it would have long since been.

Wake up.

Spence, let's let it play out, and see if anything new is uncovered.

You sound a little nervous about the hearings. I wonder why that is.

Spence, were special forces soldiers told to get to Benghazi ASAP? When was that order given.

And I'm sorry, as I have said (and as Gowdy said) when the administration justifies not sending in special forces because "they couldn't have gotten there in time", when obviously they had no way of knowing how long the attack would last, that alone tells me that either there is a cover up, or someone is too stupid to have the job they are in.

The House, led by the GOP, is getting this hearing. Spence, someone you absolutely adore once said "elections have consequences". Well, here you go.
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