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Old 03-29-2014, 10:17 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I've never thought Cristie ordered the thing, but it's interesting how many of his really close people have been implicated. I do think there's still a decent chance he misled when he learned about it.

Translation: Sure, Hillary was fired from the House Judiciary working on the Nixon impeachment Watergate scandal because the judiciary chief of staff who hired, then eventually fired her, said "she was a liar. She was an unethical dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee, and the rules of confidentiality." I know . . . I know . . . she tried to deny Nixon counsel by saying that there was no precedent that he had a right to it, and when chief judiciary Zeifman gave her the documents that showed that there WAS precedent for counsel, she kind of hid the documents and continued her . . . uh . . . somewhat innocent ploy, and shouldn't really have been fired . . . somewhat of an overreaction. And, of course, there's all that old Whitewater stuff with various evidences of wrongdoing . . . and so many of her really close people were actually the guilty ones, and somehow dying and what not . . . but couldn't be proved she did anything wrong. . . . And when some files that could show the Clinton's involvement went missing for two years, they magically turned up after the statute of limitations expired. Minor stuff like travelgate was to do about not much. So staff of many years lost their jobs to be replaced by Clinton's people. That's the way the cookie crumbles. And . . . oh, yeah . . . the little white lie about being under fire at Kosovo . . . c'mon . . . And my goodness gracious, the overworked fuss about Benghazzzzzzzziii. I mean, some of her really close people died there. True . . . the story the administration weaved was kind of, sort of, proved not to be . . . accurate. What, at this time, does it matter ???

I, of course, never thought Christie ordered the thing . . . but interesting how many of his really close people have been implicated. Still a chance that he misled when he learned about it.

Of course, no way is there a chance that Hillary ever misled us about any of that old news stuff about her.
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