Thread: Ukraine
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Old 03-21-2014, 02:57 PM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Yea, the idea of world leaders trying to collaborate is pretty offensive is it not? I'd note that:

A) US/Russia relations were advancing under Medvedev including further reductions in nuclear weapons via New Start.


B) Obama may have scrapped Bush's missile defense plan, but he replaced it with something just as effective or according to Robert Gates even better...

Nice, blame it on Billy Jean King. Good lord, you're starting to sound like Jim.

Syria may have been clumsy at times but I think Russia was actually worried we'd take military action. They responded and now Syrian WMD is being destroyed. I'd like to hear your better nothing? Invade? How well would that have gone over?

Unfortunately we try and actually care about people. It's a bit inconsistent, but I wouldn't attempt to peg it on any one President.

I'd go back to several good books I've referenced in the past...we've become too reliant on militaristic quick fixes and lost the art of leaning into an adversary.

Even on matters less than war, measurement should be taken. I guarantee you Russia looks at the position of all sides of Congress to evaluate what room the Administration has to move within. Yes there are doves and hawks, but petty disrespect is far worse.

Completely disagree. This was a defensive action, and he did only what he thought he could get away with. Putin fears the EU and Nato because they will destroy the counter reforms Putin has used to maintain power.

The situation in the Ukraine was if anything the result of a failed bribe attempt. The annexation of Crimea was via intimidation. These actions have no sustainable legs. We may be very well witnessing the last flash of the USSR fading into memory...

We've already buffered our defenses with a more effective missile defense.

Looks at the unity with the EU and the impact. The Ruble is at a record low. The Russian market has dropped 10% this month. Money is flooding out of Russian banks. Their 3rd world economy is on the brink of recession.

And now Germany, perhaps the most important EU nation is warning on harsher economic sanctions.

I'd say this is being played pretty well.

"we've become too reliant on militaristic quick fixes and lost the art of leaning into an adversary."

(1) that art of leaning into an adversary, really only works when the adversary isn't a raving lunatic. Unfortunately for your pacifism, there are a few of those out there. Diplomacy will not work with some of them.

(2) that art of diplomacy doesn't do much to help the little Syrian kid being gassed to death by a guy who was specifically warned by your hero not to do that.

Afghanistan was not a quick-fix, but a response to an attack. You may have heard something about that attack, if not, I can also refer you to some books.

As to Iraq, the use of force was approved by the US Senate. The list of Senators voting for the use of force, included the following right wing neo-cons: Senators Clinton, Biden, Kerry, Edwards, Feinstein, Boxer, Schumer.....all right-wing nutjobs I suppose? If you have no use for those who lean towards militaristic quick-fixes, and you were referring to Iraq, can we all assume you won't be voting for Hilary?

You're not making this very hard anymore.
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