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Old 12-19-2013, 11:10 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
Who the hell cares about opinion and principle?

Clearly they don't like making money, or they knew there would be backlash that would get them publicity.

And publicity good OR bad is ALWAYS good.

Remember, every time Howard or Imus say something dumb on the radio, listener-ship goes through the roof.
Ya think the judge was in on it? Maybe the gays were in on the scam too? Lotsa money to go around for everyone. Gives me a new outlook on all the discrimination suits that have been filed. And hear tell there are tons more coming down the pike. OOOOhWOW! the underground wealth index is about to spike up big. Too bad the governments can't get a tax or regulatory cut. Detroit could sure use some. Maybe they're in on it too.
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