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Old 12-06-2013, 09:44 AM   #32
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It's called allowing a somewhat graceful exit after an awkward moment.

Again you abuse the concept of "they". A remark by one person doesn't constitute "liberals". You're mixing up your singular and plural.

Perhaps your grammar is a bad as your math

Also, you ignored my video link.

"It's called allowing a somewhat graceful exit after an awkward moment."

It wasn't akward, it was putrid.

I'll accept your categorization of allowing a graceful exit. But sometimes, when someone does something so unacceptable, they don't deserve a graceful exit. We can disagree on whether or not his comments rise to that level.

Why didn't they allow Alec Baldwin the same chance to make a graceful exit? After all, Baldwin merely made a spontaneous comment on his own time. Bashir made a scripted, premeditated comment on the air. The reason for the preferential treatment is that homosexuals are a protected class to liberals, while conservative women are to be attacked at all costs.

You still haven't commented (big suprise) on the fact that neither NBC nor MSNBC have made a single statement, other to to tell us whet a great host he was. Not one word about how that kind of hate has no business in civilized discussion.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 12-06-2013 at 09:53 AM..
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