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Old 10-02-2013, 11:03 AM   #21
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
All Presidents do, most just aren't as honest about it as Obama.

What honesty has he showed? Did Obama go on TV and admit that Bush was right, and that he, Obama, was lying to our faces?
Has he begged forgiveness for his ill-conceived attacks of Bush? If Obama did that, I missed it.

Spence, Obama opposed raising the debt ceiliing. There are 2 explanations...

(1) Obama was too ignorant to understand that Bush had no choice, or

(2) Obama knew full well that Bush had no choice, but he attacked him to score political points.

Those are the only 2 choices, I don't see a third possibility. In either case, in my opinion, it means he's unqualified. He's either too stupid or too dishonest.
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