Thread: Charter tips
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Old 08-22-2013, 09:36 AM   #15
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Wow....thanks for the report. Very exciting!

Originally Posted by ThrowingTimber View Post
Definitely Dom.

We went out with him yesterday and we had a 60" in the bag and on ice before 8am. My cousin was in town and he had recently finished his residency, purchased a home, got married and he and his wife had a baby within the past year. He's an army medic and just recently re-upped as well so wanted to take him out for some jigging and he loved it!

Jig bite. High effort. High reward.

Hooked a pig that I had just started to settle in on and gain line, then it saw the boat and burned 400 yards at full strike. Then a parker trolled over it :w all: They saw us hooked up and trolled right over the fish despite our waving them off and shouting to turn a bit and no response from the radio or parkers crew on deck I would have like to have seen that one. Jigged up on a 500 gram rod that was real stiff and that fish put a beautiful bend in the rod.

As of our trip yesterday Dom is 6 trips straight with fish landed. We went 1 landed for 6 hooked. The jig bite is tough because they crushing the 110z/310gram point jude deep force jigs but the issue is theyre coming to the surface with them, so they crush the jig and continue upwards towards the boat, you have to reel like a mf'er to keep the fish tight. thats a lot of weight on that jig and if you dont keep them tight they shake their heads and that jig will pull super easily.

The toro on our fish looks like high quality hormone free, steroid free, grass fed BACON! My cousin has a cooler full as we speak on his flight back to washington state.
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