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Old 07-28-2013, 01:28 AM   #21
must find the fish
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Originally Posted by Swimmer View Post
Community policing was brought about to get peoples minds off the idea of civilian review boards. CP is and was a childish way to placate certain members of different communities. Lip service, (with very little actual interaction) but for another name. What works is getting back to basics, such as utilizing a foot patrol. Your examples are extremely biased reports of incidents by people who have something to gain. Not every officer is going to do a good job. Some shouldn't have the job. Police departments are supposed to be a refection of the community, which means that every departments is going to have defective under achievers on the job as well as over-achieving hard working officers, and every possible type of person in between. So if you don't like what you see in uniform, one only has to look in the community mirror and you'll see the problem.
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I agree completely.

The problem is the feds stepping in and taking policing from a local thing to a national thing. The DHS requires them to carry military weapons and take the military style training. Which would be all well and good for SWAT teams and the like who are called in to deal with dangerous threats. It is not good for the average joe officers patrolling the streets. It instills in them the perception of threat from everyone and everything they encounter. The "new kids" aren't policing friendly faces. They are doing a job, and doing it how they were told to. If you talk with older officers, they are great. They get to know people, they get to know what actually constitutes a threat, they start understanding different type of peoples needs. But now there's a wave of militarized younger guys, who have no clue, (not all but most) they just think they are there to kick a$$ and take names. I get dailllly reports of misconduct. Which can be expected, mistakes happen. People lose their cool under stress. The problem I have.. is the system behind it covering those officers rear quarters. Not charging them, not punishing them at all in most cases, bending the laws, or outright ignoring them, thinking they can do what ever to who ever with no consequences. That is what makes me irate. Thats the reason I post this crap everywhere. Because like you said it's a reflection on the community, and the community collectively has it's head up its behind on this issue. The only way to get it to stop before it's far to out of control is to spread the news. That way people can complain to the proper channels and vent their frustrations about it to the proper people. So that these abusers of power are no longer allowed to be officers. Everyone makes mistakes, but when your mistakes are violent outburst, and have no sense respect for the people you are sworn to protect and serve, AND cost innocent peoples lives, or harm. You should be voided of being a police officer. They are there to insure our safety, they have proven they can not handle that responsibility it should be given to someone else. I would feel a lot safer that way. I don't like feeling like there is someone out there just looking for a reason to harass or arrest people. I'd rather it be someone looking to help and protect people. And there are a lot of cops like that out there.. But they are starting to be overshadowed by all the new laws, and rotten apples. At some point the good guys on the force need to take a stand, and so do the courts. 1 innocent person harmed is too many.

as to the other comments.. why so hostile? I don't hate police, i even stated that their service is necessary to society. Don't try spinning me as a cop hater, cause i only hate cops who abuse their positions. I hate any and everyone who abuses any power or status given to them. They are all equally scum in my book, and that could be any profession. It's just that in this case these pieces of crap, are in direct control whether WE live or die. they are the ones WE depend on. they are the ones WE look to for help, they are the ones WE expect to protect the people (not hurt them, and look to lock them away for the profits of a private prison system.) WE PAY THEM FOR THAT! WE need to make sure that every single one of them is doing what WE expect of them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process. ~Paul O'Neil, 1965
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