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Old 06-05-2013, 08:22 PM   #15
Jim in CT
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I'll end my posting on this thread by re-iterating that I admire the woman in the video for reminding the feds that it's not up to them to choose whether ot not to grant our liberties to those with whom they disagree. These career politicians need to be reminded that any authority they have comes from us...not the other way around. These liberties are not bestowed upon us by empty suits in Washington, they are bestowed upon us by a higher power. It's not for politicians to decide who has the right to petition the government and who doesn't.

If we want to say that all groups who engage in the political process are ineligible for this tax status, fine. But the feds can't bestow favorable status on groups with which they agree, and deny that status to groups with which they disagree.

Paul S, I'm sure you can agree with that. The fight these people in DC are fighting is your fight too. The freedoms they demand are your freedoms too.

Adding insult to injury, the woman in charge of the IRS divivion which targeted conservatives (the IRS is freely admitting this, by the way), was tapped by the Obama administration for a promotion to a new gig overseeing the administration of Obamacare. She should have been fired for the gross violations that happened under her watch, but because the victims were conservatives, and because the President is Obama, she gets promoted.

That lady who murdered 3 people in an armored car robbery and is now a professor at Columbia...maybe Obama can appoint her to head the FBI.

And not all tea partiers are birthers

Last edited by Jim in CT; 06-06-2013 at 05:32 AM..
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