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Old 06-05-2013, 05:54 PM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
So your whole arguement is that I said "basically the whole Tea Party" when in fact some polls say a majority felt that way and you claim that I made up my statement?

So, let's see. There is a lunatic fringe on both sides but you choose to post a thread mentioning the lunatic fringe on the left?

I certainly wasted time reading this thread.
That's not my whole argument. I was merely pointing out that by your own admission, you have no idea whatsoever what % of the tea party believes he is a Muslim. Amazingly, you feel justified in painting the whole tea party with that "birther" brush.

Here is my other's not just the fringe on the left that wants to silence conservatives, which you would know if you followed the story this thread is about. The IRS doesn't represent the "fringe" left, they represent the federal government. And yet they sought to harass and silence conservatives, guilty of nothing more than orderly political discourse.

That's my point. And it's irrefutable. The IRS, under this administration, used their might to target folks based solely on their political beliefs. I'm not talking about the fringe. It was you who brought the fringe into this by discussing "birthers". If a few whacky conservatives say Obama wasn't born here, that's nowhere near the same thing as the IRS targeting conservatives.

No one is forced to listen to a few kooky conservatives. The IRS can seize your house, and put you in prison. Not exactly the same thing.

Don't you agree?
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