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Old 06-05-2013, 12:42 PM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
So what did you mean in your other rant when you said "In a major coup for Islamic jihadists"?
Here's what I meant by that remark (and I doubt you need to have this spoon-fed to you)...Ms Rice has shown us with no ambiguity, that she's either too stupid or too dishonest for this position. Thus, the jihadists would rather have Ms Rice in that position, than, say, Rudy Guliani or John McCain or Norman Schwartzkof.

I certainly wsn't insulting anyone for their politics. I don't know what Ms Rice believes on any issue except the cause of the Benghazi attacks. And if she can't even get a simple one like that correct, then how is she qualified for an even more vital position?

Remember when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor? What would you think of a national security advisor who would say of that attack, "what happened at Pearl Harbor was not a military attack. Rather, the Japanese were upset at the way they are portrayed in the 'Godzilla" films"? If someone said something that stupid, are they fit to be the national security advisor during a time of war?
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