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Old 06-04-2013, 11:23 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Canalman View Post
I'd be more likely to bend on the Thursday start time, rather than the Sunday finish time. If I move the Sunday finish back, then I'm doing all the tallying, posting, photo editing, etc on Monday, when I'm supposed to be doing real work.

But I'm still leaning toward leaving it as-is for now.

Im with you all the way with this. Moving the Sunday finish time to midnight would really kinda screw you there. I like being able to see the final results and everything before I go to bed sunday night as well. Hell, I wouldn't mind if the finish time for sunday was changed to sunrise, then you could probably do every update to the site and everything before the end of the day. After pulling a few all nighters in a row I'm not really too sure many people fish during the day on sunday anyways. Plus, most normal people return to work monday and would enjoy a night of rest after giving it all they had for 4 nights straight.

Now Thursday is fine the way it is, not counting it as a weekend day or starting the tournament on Friday I think is just out of the question. I do like starting it at midnight but then you would have to worry about people entering fish from 10 pm wednesday.

If it were up to me I would start it Wednesday at sunset, run it till Sunday at sunrise. But other than that, leave it as it is.

"There is very little luck in fishing. Luck is when you and your buddy catch 3 fish each, and his heaviest is 5 pounds bigger than yours. Skill is knowing when, how and where to catch those six fish" -Sherwood Lincoln
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