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wdmso 12-09-2020 01:06 PM

China China China
Anyone notice the full court press on China from secret agents to DNA editing on Troops and China 'greatest threat' to freedom since World War II,,,

Why now 30days or so until a new administration, sabotage? It’s all telling

Pompeo’s bitter missives about China are coming out so quickly that there’s barely time to digest them. In the past few days alone, he has slapped new visa restrictions on Chinese government officials affiliated with the United Front Work Department – soon after announcing new guidelines to significantly curtail the privileges of travel visas for Chinese Communist Party members – and also scrapped a number of China-funded exchange programmes.

They action are so obvious

Slipknot 12-09-2020 03:49 PM

wdmso 12-09-2020 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Slipknot (Post 1206215)

you need to get out More Let me Guess You think all of Americas Judges and state supreme court judges are in on the Steal.. And you ask why no one takes your seriously ... overstock former CEO and One America News, they are one of the few Networks left that reports using facts::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:

DZ 12-10-2020 10:27 AM

We just had 4 years of Russia, now lets settle in for four years of China.

detbuch 12-10-2020 04:55 PM

Article by Glen Greenwald yesterday entitled: The Hunter Biden Criminal Probe Bolsters a Chinese Scholar’s Claim About Beijing’s Influence With the Bidens

Some critical exerpts from the article which focuses on a speech by a Chinese professor of politics at a major financial event held last week in Shanghai. :

"Professor Di Dongsheng says China’s close ties to Wall Street and its dealings with Hunter could enable it to exert more power than under Trump . . ."

"The reason, Di said, is that China’s ability to get its way in Washington has long depended upon its numerous powerful Wall Street allies. But those allies, he said, had difficulty controlling Trump, but will exert virtually unfettered power over Biden. That China cultivated extensive financial ties to Hunter Biden, Di explained, will be crucial for bolstering Beijing’s influence even further. . ."

"The centerpiece of Di’s speech was the history he set forth of how Beijing has long successfully managed to protect its interests in the halls of American power: namely, by relying on “friends” in Wall Street and other U.S. ruling class sectors — which worked efficiently until the Trump presidency. . ."

It’s just because we have people at the top. We have our old friends who are at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence. . ."

"why did this close relationship with Wall Street not enable China to exert the same influence during the Trump years, including avoiding a costly trade war? Di explained that — aside from Wall Street’s reduced standing due to the 2008 financial crisis — everything changed when Trump ascended to the presidency; specifically, Wall Street could not control him the way it had previous presidents . . ."

"But as Di shifted to his discussion of the new incoming administration, his tone palpably changed, becoming far more animated, excited and optimistic. That’s because a Biden presidency means a restoration of the old order, where Wall Street exerts great influence with the White House and can thus do China’s bidding . . ."

"And Di specifically referenced the work Beijing did to cultivate Hunter: 'Trump has been saying that Biden’s son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped [Biden’s son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals inside all these'. . ."

"That Hunter Biden received large sums of money from Chinese entities is not in dispute. . ."

"Nor can it be reasonably disputed that Wall Street exerts significant influence in Democratic Party politics generally and in the world of Joe Biden specifically. . ."

"Biden also received a ton of financial support from leaders on Wall Street in the third quarter.” At the same time, said CNN, “professionals on Wall Street are shunning Trump and funneling staggering amounts of money to his opponent. .."

"Moreover, Biden’s top appointees thus far overwhelmingly have massive ties to Wall Street and the industries which spend the most to control the U.S. government. . ."

"all of their [Wall Street] behavior indicates that they view a Biden/Harris administration as far more beneficial to their interests, and far more susceptible to their control. And that, in turn, makes Beijing far more confident that they will wield significantly more influence in Washington than they could over the last four years. . ."

"Beijing’s close ties to a newly empowered Wall Street as well as their efforts to cultivate Hunter Biden, efforts we are likely to learn much more about now that Hunter’s activities in China are under active criminal investigation in Delaware. We should and could have learned about these transactions prior to the election had the bulk of the media not corruptly decided to ignore any incriminating reporting on Biden, but learning about them now is, one might say, a case of better late than never."

Got Stripers 12-10-2020 06:13 PM

Was wondering when the other foil hatters would chime in

detbuch 12-10-2020 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1206284)
Was wondering when the other foil hatters would chime in

Are you claiming that the Chinese Communist Professor Di Dongsheng and award winning Progressive journalist Glenn Greenwald are foil hatters?

wdmso 12-10-2020 07:24 PM

If republicans dont succeed try try again..

His old boss accused him of presenting dubious claims by the Trump campaign as journalism

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Another of their stories

US is slaughtering Yemeni civilians to ‘keep weapons factories running,’ senior Houthi leader claims

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 12-10-2020 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1206290)
If republicans dont succeed try try again..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Aside from the "try try again" aphorism applying well for anyone who wishes to succeed, Glenn Greenwald and Professor Di Dongsheng are not Republicans.

wdmso 12-10-2020 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1206293)
Aside from the "try try again" aphorism applying well for anyone who wishes to succeed, Glenn Greenwald and Professor Di Dongsheng are not Republicans.

The Biden China angle clearly is the new Republican mission. watch fox for 5min China China China maybe 1 Covid then China China again
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 12-10-2020 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1206294)
The Biden China angle clearly is the new Republican mission. watch fox for 5min China China China maybe 1 Covid then China China again
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The "Biden China angle" has been around for a good while. The corrupt press has refused to explore it. The DOJ has been investigating it since 2018. But any attempt to expose it has been rebuffed by the corrupt media as well as the politically motivated social media such as Facebook, Twitter, youtube. The NY Post article was supposedly "debunked" as Russian disinformation (it wasn't), so refused to cover it. The DOJ didn't want to "influence the election" even though not exposing it did influence the election.

Professor Di Dongsheng and the CCP have been well aware of it (as well as other compromised people in the government such as Swalwell and others in power) being as that the CCP deliberately sucked the Bidens into a web of potential influence backed by having the blackmail in hand to wield their power. Professor Di spelled out the Biden-Wall Street-China relationship and how the election of Biden "means a restoration of the old order, where Wall Street exerts great influence with the White House and can thus do China’s bidding." He had no reason to lie. Nor to feel elated that Biden won and that Trump lost other than for the China/Biden connection as he explained in his speech.

Of course, you think that what is obvious, has been known for some time by those who have actually explored the matter, is just a conspiracy theory, or "tin foil" as Got Stripers would say. And now that the election is over, it can be covered without fear of affecting the election, then "debunked" in the phony way that the Wall Street driven and corrupted media does.

Pete F. 12-11-2020 12:18 AM

As far as Hunter goes, Fox News is happy about the Hunter Biden investigation, but you know who is unhappy? Ivanka, Jared, and the rest of the Trump family now that this taboo has been broken. And I'm sure they've got a lot more to worry about.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 12-11-2020 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1206298)
As far as Hunter goes, Fox News is happy about the Hunter Biden investigation, but you know who is unhappy? Ivanka, Jared, and the rest of the Trump family now that this taboo has been broken. And I'm sure they've got a lot more to worry about.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

This thread is about China and its influence. What do Ivanka and Jared have to do with that? Why bring them up? You have brought them up in various other threads. Who cares? What's it to ya? You want to see them fry? Good for you. The concern here is how much influence China will have in our government, via Biden and Wall Street if Trump is gone.

Pete F. 12-11-2020 12:49 AM

Foreign intelligence agents often make approaches to people in power (remember Russian spy, Maria Butina?). The question is, when they learn from the FBI that they are unwittingly being targeted, do they cease all contact? Swalwell did. Can’t say the same about Carter Page & Co.
Just to emphasize, Carter Page was warned that he was being targeted by Russian intelligence. So was the Trump campaign. And Senator Ron Johnson. NONE of them cut off contact...they doubled down (and in the case of the Trump campaign, later concealed and lied about it to the FBI)
I’ll add: The FBI typically gives a defensive briefing/warning when they believe you are being UNWITTINGLY targeted. If they think you are knowingly participating, they will quietly monitor you to gather more info (and in some cases open a criminal investigation)
Targets of foreign intelligence can include: scientists and researchers, politicians, businessmen, journalists, diplomats. Being approached means you have access to info they want. (HPSCI: shocker!) Again, what matters is how you respond once the FBI alerts you to the threat.
And one should ask why isn’t the fact that Cindy Wang was a Republican donor being mentioned?
There’s always Maria Butina, the NRA and Don Jr
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 12-11-2020 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1206299)
This thread is about China and its influence. What do Ivanka and Jared have to do with that? Why bring them up? You have brought them up in various other threads. Who cares? What's it to ya? You want to see them fry? Good for you. The concern here is how much influence China will have in our government, via Biden and Wall Street if Trump is gone.

wouldn't it be fun to replay the last several months and see how the media would have played the same story if hunter's last name was trump or kushner?

pretty sure it would have been a major scandal, non-stop coverage and disqualifying trump as a legitimate and viable office holder or candidate....

scottw 12-11-2020 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1206300)

(remember Russian spy, Maria Butina?).

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I think she was one of your countless "bombshells" that was finally going to bring down the trump presidency and prove you right...:hihi:

Pete F. 12-11-2020 07:22 AM

Well, Tweety did lose
But the bitter clingers won’t admit it
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 12-11-2020 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1206308)
Well, Tweety did lose
But the bitter clingers won’t admit it

Well, then, you can assure the bitter clingers that they needn't be concerned with the "Biden China angle."

detbuch 12-11-2020 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1206290)
Who feeds you these sites

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Another of their stories

US is slaughtering Yemeni civilians to ‘keep weapons factories running,’ senior Houthi leader claims

Actually, the article I posted is not an exclusive Aletho News originated one. The article was written, as I posted, by Glen Greenwald. And the Chinese scholar's speech that Greenwald commented on also was not some Aletho News sponsored or created event. Like most international stories, various news outlets, including major US news agencies, publish them. Several other sources published the Greenwald story. Greenwald has been a major contributor of journalistic commentary from the Progressive side for years. He is not some "needle in the haystack" kook.

One of the sources the net search linked was Aletho News. My first thought when I chose to link to it's entry was that you would pooh pooh it because of the source rather than the comment on the information in it. Bingo! Other sources linked to the Greenwald article. I just chose the first one.

And, as usual, you try to kill the messenger instead of attacking the message. Greenwald's article is factual. It has several internal links to back it up, including the Chinese scholar's speech.

Pete F. 12-11-2020 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1206333)
Well, then, you can assure the bitter clingers that they needn't be concerned with the "Biden China angle."

Apparently you haven't been paying attention for the last 4 years

As national security officials and some trade advisers in the Trump administration tried crafting get-tough-on-China policies to address what they viewed as America’s greatest foreign policy challenge, they ran into opposition from an unexpected quarter.

President Trump himself was undermining their work.

That has been the underlying tension of the last three and a half years, laid out in blunt language in the new memoir by John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser. The book supports what administration officials have said in interviews and private discussions since 2017, and what, in many ways, had been out in the open in Mr. Trump’s fawning statements about China’s authoritarian leader, Xi Jinping, many made on Twitter.

Taken together, the accounts reveal that there has been no coherent China policy, despite efforts early in the administration by senior aides to frame foreign policy around what they labeled “great power competition,” outlined in their own national security strategy document.

Administration players on China have been divided by factional feuding and irreconcilable policy goals, with security hawks and religious freedom crusaders butting heads with Wall Street advocates and free traders.

Overseeing it all has been a president whose main aim with China has been to secure a trade deal — using overt pleas to Chinese leaders — that would help him get re-elected, according to the accounts.

Mr. Trump, who has shown little interest in human rights and has an affinity for dictators, had no qualms about negotiating openly on those terms with Mr. Xi and ignoring other issues. He even told Mr. Xi repeatedly to continue building internment camps that Chinese officials have used to detain more than one million Muslims — “which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do,” Mr. Bolton wrote.

Although Mr. Trump is known to be a transactional president, Mr. Bolton’s unsparing account reveals transgressions that not only break norms, but also could increase the risks to U.S. national security: Mr. Trump intervening to end sanctions against a Chinese technology company as a favor to Mr. Xi; offering to end a Justice Department case against a Huawei executive in exchange for trade concessions; and “pleading with Xi to ensure” China would make American farm product purchases to help Mr. Trump win re-election, as Mr. Bolton put it.

“Make sure I win,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Xi, according to unredacted pages seen by Vanity Fair.

wdmso 12-11-2020 12:52 PM

it comes down to this , seeing that the Administration in on the way out !
as if by magic all these stories about china this and china that hit the conservative mouth pieces?
2015, U.S. intelligence officials, who had been monitoring Fang’s activities, became concerned about her ties to Swalwell and provided a “defensive briefing” to the California Democrat, Axios reported.Swalwell immediately cut off contact with Fang, and he is not suspected of any improper actions in his dealings with her.

5 years later this is a story 5 mins before Biden gets sworn in ya ok :kewl:

this has nothing to do with America 1st its just a replay of setting the ground work to what republicans do best obstruct lie and lie some more

detbuch 12-11-2020 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1206337)
Apparently you haven't been paying attention for the last 4 years . . .

In spite of the cherry picked out of context quotes and slanted opinions (which probably have some grain of truth but distort the overall picture), nothing you posted shows us how Mr. Bolton or any past administrations did anything to halt the rise of China's power or influence--instead it steadily and continuously grew to the point where we now face a worse threat than ever to the American experiment not only from Chinese leftism, but leftism from within.

As crappy as you try to portray Trump's efforts re China (and they included more than the mere trying to get a trade deal as Bolton claims), he has thrown more of a monkey wrench into the CCP's objective than anyone, including Bolton, has done before. If anything, from Nixon through Obama, we have enabled China far more than deterring it.

And China is elated that Biden won, not Trump. That should mean something. The Greenwald article explains why. But let us not discuss that. And let us not discuss Biden's China connection. That's all been "debunked." Yeah . . . right.

Pete F. 12-11-2020 02:15 PM

Keep believing
Pretty hard for America alone to combat China.
Just think how hard it will be for us to justify outrage against Chinese or Russian annexation of adjacent countries when we have signed onto Israel annexing the West Bank and now Morroco and the Western Sahara.
Certainly a win for Putin in Crimea
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 12-11-2020 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1206340)
it comes down to this , seeing that the Administration in on the way out !
as if by magic all these stories about china this and china that hit the conservative mouth pieces?
2015, U.S. intelligence officials, who had been monitoring Fang’s activities, became concerned about her ties to Swalwell and provided a “defensive briefing” to the California Democrat, Axios reported.Swalwell immediately cut off contact with Fang, and he is not suspected of any improper actions in his dealings with her.

5 years later this is a story 5 mins before Biden gets sworn in ya ok :kewl:

this has nothing to do with America 1st its just a replay of setting the ground work to what republicans do best obstruct lie and lie some more

Again, Greenwald is not a Republican. He is not a conservative. Neither is Professor Di. Neither is Axios re Swalwell. You keep dodging what Greenwald said. And the China/Biden connection is not some new last minute revelation. It has been commented on and even documented by "conservative mouth pieces" well before this (see Peter Schweitzer).

Swalwell is an example of China's large infiltration into the levers of power and secret information in this country. China has gleaned a great deal of info, tech, military, financial, through its thousands of implanted agents in the U.S. There is no telling what Swalwell may have told Fang before she was outed.

Trump has been skewered, accused, investigated by the FBI, a special counsel, the Congress, for alleged security threats because of ties to Russia. Will Biden be investigated? Do you care?

detbuch 12-11-2020 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1206350)
Keep believing
Pretty hard for America alone to combat China.
Just think how hard it will be for us to justify outrage against Chinese or Russian annexation of adjacent countries when we have signed onto Israel annexing the West Bank and now Morroco and the Western Sahara.
Certainly a win for Putin in Crimea

So . . . this being a thread about China China China . . . is there a possible security threat to Biden being President since his family has financial ties to China? What about Professor Di's speech? Any merit to that? Any merit to what Greenwald wrote?

Pete F. 12-11-2020 03:01 PM

We'll see won't we
But if you and Glen are complaining that the DOJ did not disclose the Hunter Biden investigation prior to the election, did you also complain that the DOJ did not disclose the Russia investigation prior to the 2016 election?

Both decisions were correct.

detbuch 12-11-2020 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1206354)
We'll see won't we
But if you and Glen are complaining that the DOJ did not disclose the Hunter Biden investigation prior to the election, did you also complain that the DOJ did not disclose the Russia investigation prior to the 2016 election?

Could be a good point. Although I'm not complaining so much as pointing out the hypocrisy of saying that disclosing an investigation prior to an election could influence it, so that's the reason for not disclosing it. It influences the election if we don't know there is an investigation, just as well. The reason for not disclosing it
should be the same for not disclosing any investigation.

Criminal investigations should remain undisclosed until a charge is made. And the American citizen being investigated should be informed that he is.

Both decisions were correct.

Comey told Trump that he was not under investigation. Comey lied.

Now, if your "we'll see won't we" response is all you have to say re my posts, it's no worthwhile response at all. I suppose it was just another way to cover for dodging giving any opinion on the subject of the thread and on the Greenwald article and Professor Di's speech while having stuck in some more anti-Trump rhetoric.

You certainly didn't take a wait and see stance on the outcome of the Mueller investigation, nor the impeachment.

wdmso 12-11-2020 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1206364)
Comey told Trump that he was not under investigation. Comey lied.

Was he obligated to tell him?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 12-11-2020 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1206372)
Was he obligated to tell him?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

He specifically told Trump that he wasn't under investigation. That was a lie.

Comey said that he had told Trump "You will always get honesty from me."

I don't know FBI protocols on being honest with those who are being investigated or if they must inform them that they are being investigated.

I, personally, believe that an American citizen who is being investigated should be dealt with honestly. And should be informed that he is being investigated.

It certainly is punishable by imprisonment if an American citizen lies to the FBI.

Now, being as how this is your thread, the subject being China, China, China, what about the Greenwald article that I posted, and the Chinese Professor's speech?

Pete F. 12-11-2020 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1206364)
Comey told Trump that he was not under investigation. Comey lied.

Now, if your "we'll see won't we" response is all you have to say re my posts, it's no worthwhile response at all. I suppose it was just another way to cover for dodging giving any opinion on the subject of the thread and on the Greenwald article and Professor Di's speech while having stuck in some more anti-Trump rhetoric.

You certainly didn't take a wait and see stance on the outcome of the Mueller investigation, nor the impeachment.

We’ll get to read the full Mueller report before too long and likely see the surviving documentation on the impeachment also after the recent Tweety shetshow.
Wonder why Individual One is worried?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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