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UserRemoved 03-17-2011 04:56 AM

POKING the dragon
Obama in campaign mode: 'Delivered on change that we can believe in' -

:rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2:


Yea all new taxes and #^&#^&#^&#^& rammed down our throats.

It's better.

See ya Spence :hee:

Raven 03-17-2011 05:37 AM

the only change "i see"

is that i only have
change as in "coins"

in my pocket :doh:

scottw 03-17-2011 06:31 AM

clearly delusional....

Obama in campaign mode: 'Delivered on change that we can believe in'
By Sam Youngman - 03/16/11 10:39 PM ET

President Obama boldly proclaimed Wednesday that he had fulfilled his most daring but abstract 2008 campaign pledge: "Change we can believe in."

Obama told a gathering of top donors and Democratic officials that, while his work is not finished, "we have made extraordinary progress over these last two years."

"When you look back at the track record of work that we've done over the last two years, I think it's fair to say the promise we made to the American people has been kept, that we have delivered in change that we can believe in," Obama said.

zimmy 03-17-2011 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Saltys (Post 844939)

Yea all new taxes and #^&#^&#^&#^& rammed down our throats.

It's better.

Scott, did your federal tax rate increase? Your payroll tax? I can't find information anywhere that says these things have increased on anyone. I know many states have raised rates, but which taxes specifically has Obama raised?

zimmy 03-17-2011 08:49 AM

David Stockman, Reagan's bidget director
Very interesting views on both (all?) parties
David Stockman: The U.S. Is In A "Race To The Fiscal Bottom"

RIJIMMY 03-17-2011 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 844986)
Scott, did your federal tax rate increase? Your payroll tax? I can't find information anywhere that says these things have increased on anyone. I know many states have raised rates, but which taxes specifically has Obama raised?

ugh, as much as it pains me, got to agree with Zimmy. Taxes have not increased under Obama. The deficit has.
here is my 2 cents on our presidents progress

1. Two wars - still fighting them. Most of the progress in Iraq was the result of Bush's work. Obama barely mentions Iraq. Afgan? Whats the plan? update?
2. Guantanamo - still open and no plan on how to close
3. Govt. transparency - do your own web search, both sides agree he as done very little
4. Uniting the country - more divided than ever
5. Economic crisis - TARP was Bush's. O's team administered it
6. Stimulus package - big chunk of $ paid out. So, whats it done? Their website is terrible, cant make any conclusions on success or even where the money is. The biggest idea and most expensive was a tax break, hidden in paychecks that no one knew about. great idea!
7. The worlds view of us - suddenly everyone loved us once O became president. A few months back, barely reported by the media - Napolitano stated the US is more likely to have a terr attack now than immediatley following 911. Think about that! despite all the good will, bowing to leaders and hugs and kisses, we're more likely to have an attack NOW

Although I am biased, follow up on any of what I posted above. Its all spot on. So O delivered on his plan? His promises?

scottw 03-17-2011 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 844997)
ugh, as much as it pains me, got to agree with Zimmy. Taxes have not increased under Obama. The deficit has.
here is my 2 cents on our presidents progress

1. Two wars - still fighting them. Most of the progress in Iraq was the result of Bush's work. Obama barely mentions Iraq. Afgan? Whats the plan? update?
2. Guantanamo - still open and no plan on how to close
3. Govt. transparency - do your own web search, both sides agree he as done very little
4. Uniting the country - more divided than ever
5. Economic crisis - TARP was Bush's. O's team administered it
6. Stimulus package - big chunk of $ paid out. So, whats it done? Their website is terrible, cant make any conclusions on success or even where the money is. The biggest idea and most expensive was a tax break, hidden in paychecks that no one knew about. great idea!
7. The worlds view of us - suddenly everyone loved us once O became president. A few months back, barely reported by the media - Napolitano stated the US is more likely to have a terr attack now than immediatley following 911. Think about that! despite all the good will, bowing to leaders and hugs and kisses, we're more likely to have an attack NOW

Although I am biased, follow up on any of what I posted above. Its all spot on. So O delivered on his plan? His promises?

there's this...
too bad the house switched huh?

ABC News Obama's Budget: Almost $1 Trillion in New Taxes Over Next 10 yrs, Starting 2011
February 26, 2009 12:00 PM

President Obama's budget proposes $989 billion in new taxes over the course of the next 10 years, starting fiscal year 2011, most of which are tax increases on individuals.

zimmy 03-17-2011 10:01 AM

Why would it pain you to agree with me? I am usually right (ask my wife) :). I am with Jimmy on a lot of that stuff, but the country more divided I believe is based on much unfounded rhetoric about things like Obama raising taxes. He is a scapegoat for a segment of people that as a group are easy to incite at the moment.

He said he would reform health care, he did. What one thinks about that depends entirely on opinion at this point.

He was pretty close on with the plan for transition in Iraq. He didn't fix it, but I don't think he was wrong with what he said.

He doesn't know what to do about Afghanistan. he was never very specific about Afghanistan. I think he is gonna be hurt by Afghanistan mostly in his own party, if people pay attention to it.

More likely for terror attack has little to do with "world view" of us. There may be other things he has messed up with homeland security, but I would have to look into it more before concluding. Al Qaeda and its cronies don't follow world view. The arabs aren't going to like us as long as we side with Israel. As an aside, if the nutso's who think Obama is a muslim looking to install Sharia law here were correct, he would be very popular in the mid-east. His popularity in Europe is much higher than his predecessor. Can we call that one a draw?

Guantanamo- he was basically wrong about Guantanamo. He should have known how difficult it would be to safely shut down. However, it will be hard for him to defend keeping people in custody without enough evidence for trial.

Overall, I think it is a mix of what he said. Health reform, more oversight of financials. Middle class tax relief. Transition in Irag.

Economic stimulus- hard to know. Economy has grown, even if at too slow a pace. What would have happened without stimulus is debatable, but entirely based on opinion.

Raven 03-17-2011 10:03 AM

his power
as was Reagen's is PURE charisma
But he ain't no Reagen

He isn't delusional he's diabolical
he is simply using primarily the power of persuasion

combined with the power of Suggestion
in a very Skillful way .... that's a given

His Ability to get things accomplished
has backFIRED tremendously

his people are already abandoning ship!

scottw 03-17-2011 10:12 AM

maybe this is what he was referring to?

March 17, 2011
Democratic Socialists of America reach their goal ahead of time
Kerem Oner

DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) is the largest socialist organization outside of the CPUSA (Communist Party U.S.A.) honest enough not to masquerade as something other than what they are.

In 1997 DSA goals to attain by 2017 included:

A U.S. President from the Progressive Caucus, a 50 member socialist caucus in Congress, successful programs of the likes of universal health care, progressive taxation, social provision and campaign finance reform.

Little could they have known that almost a decade before their deadline, they would have practically achieved every one of their stated goals.

Their not-so-secret plan to achieve these goals was to take over the Democrat party, which they accomplished as apparent from the current crop of Democrats and the demise of the conservative, true "blue dogs" like former Democrat Senator Zell Miller (GA), whose book 'A National Party No More' is a must read for every American who cares to inform themselves about the transformation of the Democrat party. The CPUSA also joined the DSA in this goal as far back as the 1970s and admits that their members run for political office under the banner of the Democrat party.

In fact, the CPC (Congressional Progressive Caucus), with its 83 declared members, openly espouse the principles of socialism and publicly had signed onto the agenda of the Democratic Socialists of America. It was organized by the DSA per DSA's own admission. Like Obama with his seemingly multitudinous radical associations, the current estimated number of Democrats who were active in DSA (or had very close associations with likes of DSA or CPUSA), is well above their 1997 goal of 50 congressional members.

As our radical-in-chief likes to say, this is a teachable moment for those of us who still cherish the principles our great constitutional republic was founded upon.

spence 03-17-2011 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Saltys (Post 844939)

Yea all new taxes and #^&#^&#^&#^& rammed down our throats.

Actually, two years into Obama's first term I believe taxes are at their lowest rate in history.


scottw 03-17-2011 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 845005)
his people are already abandoning ship!

and worse...

Clinton announced that she’s done with Obama after 2012 — even if he wins again.

“Obviously, she’s not happy with dealing with a president who can’t decide if today is Tuesday or Wednesday, who can’t make his mind up,” a Clinton insider told The Daily. “She’s exhausted, tired.”

He went on, “If you take a look at what’s on her plate as compared with what’s on the plates of previous Secretary of States — there’s more going on now at this particular moment, and it’s like playing sports with a bunch of amateurs. And she doesn’t have any power. She’s trying to do what she can to keep things from imploding.”

Clinton is said to be especially peeved with the president’s waffling over how to encourage the kinds of Arab uprisings that have recently toppled regimes in Egypt and Tunisia, and in particular his refusal to back a no-fly zone over Libya.

In the past week, former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton’s former top adviser Anne Marie-Slaughter lashed out at Obama for the same reason.

The tension has even spilled over into her dealings with European diplomats, with whom she met early this week.

When French president Nicolas Sarkozy urged her to press the White House to take more aggressive action in Libya, Clinton repeatedly replied only, “There are difficulties,” according to Foreign Policy magazine.

“Frankly we are just completely puzzled,” one of the diplomats told Foreign Policy magazine. “We are wondering if this is a priority for the United States.”

Or as the insider described Obama’s foreign policy shop: “It’s amateur night.”

Jim in CT 03-17-2011 11:55 AM

Obama is an unqualified clown who is in way over his head. The one thing he got right in the last 3 years was ordering that the Somali pirates be taken out. Other than that. he's a train wreck.

The economy? Obama said unemployment would stay below 8% if we passed his stimulus bill. How did that work out? We spent what, $750 billion? Obama says 4 million jobs were saved or created (whatever saved means), and even if you believe that, it works out to $187,500 per job. Most of those jobs are in the public sector, since much of the money was given to local governments. What liberals cannot seem to grasp is that the more public employees there are, the higher taxes must be. That doesn't seem too complex to me, but libs can't grasp it. The Chinese, for God's sake, are telling us to put a brake on the spending.

Foreign policy? Iraq has gone exactly as the Bush administration scheduled it to go, and that country is much better off than it was before we invaded. Afghanistan? Ater talking endlessly about what a bad idea the Iraqi surge was, it seems to me Obama adopted the same strategy.

Candidate Obama said that Gitmo was a stain on America's greatness. President Obama realizes Gitmo serves a purpose.

Bashing the Cambridge police? Civilian trials for terrorists? Not taking a stand on the appropriateness of the so-called grouind zero mosque? Saying republicans have to sit in the back of the bus? Has the guy done ANYTHING to fix social security or medicare? Adding trillions to the deficit?

I'll say one thing about Obama. As incompetent as he is, he was smart enough to pick an attorney general and a secstate who make him look brilliant...

zimmy 03-17-2011 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 845042)
Not taking a stand on the appropriateness of the so-called grouind zero mosque?

You mean the same one that Bloomberg took? That the mosque has been there for years and that a community center is certainly within their rights to build and any ban would be un-American and unconstitutional?

scottw 03-17-2011 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 845042)
I'll say one thing about Obama. As incompetent as he is, he was smart enough to pick an attorney general and a secstate who make him look brilliant...

veep too!....ugh...that's depressing :confused:

UserRemoved1 03-18-2011 06:46 AM

No employees no payroll tax. I don't know what has increased RIGHT NOW because I haven't sat down with the acct yet.

There's been new liquor taxes, new cigarette taxes, LESS state aid (causing higher state and local taxes), new telecommunication taxes, ALL since ya buddy barry took office.

If your going to tell me that obamacare isn't a tax increase or the fact they that HAVE raised the deficit which will need to be paid with new taxes........



Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 844986)
Scott, did your federal tax rate increase? Your payroll tax? I can't find information anywhere that says these things have increased on anyone. I know many states have raised rates, but which taxes specifically has Obama raised?

zimmy 03-18-2011 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^& (Post 845256)
No employees no payroll tax. I don't know what has increased RIGHT NOW because I haven't sat down with the acct yet.


I was just checking Scott :). Your taxes are very likely lower now then under the last regime. There will certainly be tax increases in the future since the liquid part of the budget can't be reduced enough to slow the debt. However, at the moment he has not raised taxes. We already pay for Obamacare anyway when some uninsured person heads to the ER for a runny nose. Alot of stuff needs to be fixed, but the tax issue right now is more perception than anything.

UserRemoved1 03-18-2011 07:07 AM

You must have missed this paragraph so I'll cut and paste again :rotf2:

There's been new liquor taxes, new cigarette taxes, LESS state aid (causing higher state and local taxes), new telecommunication taxes, ALL since ya buddy barry took office.

Like I said BE PATIENT :spam:


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 845258)
I was just checking Scott :). Your taxes are very likely lower now then under the last regime. There will certainly be tax increases in the future since the liquid part of the budget can't be reduced enough to slow the debt. However, at the moment he has not raised taxes. We already pay for Obamacare anyway when some uninsured person heads to the ER for a runny nose. Alot of stuff needs to be fixed, but the tax issue right now is more perception than anything.

Raven 03-18-2011 07:24 AM

you forgot a WAR

the FAILED drug WAR of 60 years

for the Prison country with more
inmates than any country on EARTH

we the tax payers are paying for it
over a Trillion dollars spent already
and drug use is UP and UP and UP

TAX the drugs

spence 03-18-2011 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^& (Post 845261)
You must have missed this paragraph so I'll cut and paste again :rotf2:

There's been new liquor taxes, new cigarette taxes, LESS state aid (causing higher state and local taxes), new telecommunication taxes, ALL since ya buddy barry took office.

Like I said BE PATIENT :spam:

I thought there was no liquor tax in MA any more?


The Dad Fisherman 03-18-2011 09:14 AM

No Liqour SALES Tax anymore

justplugit 03-18-2011 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 845014)
Actually, two years into Obama's first term I believe taxes are at their lowest rate in history.


That's only because the Bush tax cuts were extended against his wishes.

Unless Obamacare is defunded or repealed we will be working 7days
a week for the Government to pay our taxes.

Raven 03-18-2011 10:19 AM

on top of all this...

food prices are and will be going sky high
highest increase in 36 years it is said
to the point it will be the main focus quite soon...

because the retailers have squeezed the product smaller
and added all the packaging reduction tricks possible
to not raise the price too fast.

now with the products being obviously very Puny to begin
with it will cost 5% more in a matter of weeks

FishermanTim 03-18-2011 11:09 AM

Although he hasn't "raised" our taxes, what he has done has affected so many facets of our lives that the taxes will be levied/applied at state/city/town levels.
That's how he will claim that he hasn't raised taxes.

It's just the Obama "trickle-down" theory, that's all!

justplugit 03-18-2011 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 845331)
on top of all this...

food prices are and will be going sky high
highest increase in 36 years it is said
to the point it will be the main focus quite soon...

Yup, with price increases on gas, oil and food, inflation is about to
rear it's ugly head. :(

zimmy 03-18-2011 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 845324)
That's only because the Bush tax cuts were extended against his wishes.

Unless Obamacare is defunded or repealed we will be working 7days
a week for the Government to pay our taxes.

The only part he didn't want to extend was the tax break Bush made for incomes over 250000 or so. He wanted them to go to the rate they were in the 90's. Many very smart economists have said that those tax rates from the 90's are reasonable and would be much better for the economy than the current rate of debt growth. The republic party prevented a return to the tax rate of the 90's. So the debt grows, aid to the states is reduced (as Scott points out) and the economy still stalls as is has since those tax rates were inacted. For 8 years the republicans grew the debt. The Bush tax cuts for the wealthy never boosted the economy as Bush said they would. He was re-elected. Now people are screaming about Obama for TARP that Bush created. the one thing he has done is the health bill, which in the end may not cost much more than it currently costs to pay for uninsured peoples health care, which we already do. Lastly, I could give 2 shts if a 6 pack of beer costs a bit more cause of taxes. I would feel the same way if I smoked. Obama has not raised income or payroll taxes, he has cut them. I will revisit this thread in another year and we can discuss it then. As you said Scott, I will just wait :) Until then, I will pay a few extra cents on my locally produced American made Southern Tier IPA without any complaints and order my 1 oz needles over the internet from MA and forgo state tax:spam:

UserRemoved1 03-18-2011 09:10 PM


see you next year :D

TheSpecialist 03-19-2011 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 845042)
Obama is an unqualified clown who is in way over his head. The one thing he got right in the last 3 years was ordering that the Somali pirates be taken out. Other than that. he's a train wreck.

The economy? Obama said unemployment would stay below 8% if we passed his stimulus bill. How did that work out? We spent what, $750 billion? Obama says 4 million jobs were saved or created (whatever saved means), and even if you believe that, it works out to $187,500 per job. Most of those jobs are in the public sector, since much of the money was given to local governments. What liberals cannot seem to grasp is that the more public employees there are, the higher taxes must be. That doesn't seem too complex to me, but libs can't grasp it. The Chinese, for God's sake, are telling us to put a brake on the spending.

Foreign policy? Iraq has gone exactly as the Bush administration scheduled it to go, and that country is much better off than it was before we invaded. Afghanistan? Ater talking endlessly about what a bad idea the Iraqi surge was, it seems to me Obama adopted the same strategy.

Candidate Obama said that Gitmo was a stain on America's greatness. President Obama realizes Gitmo serves a purpose.

Bashing the Cambridge police? Civilian trials for terrorists? Not taking a stand on the appropriateness of the so-called grouind zero mosque? Saying republicans have to sit in the back of the bus? Has the guy done ANYTHING to fix social security or medicare? Adding trillions to the deficit?

I'll say one thing about Obama. As incompetent as he is, he was smart enough to pick an attorney general and a secstate who make him look brilliant...

Finally we agree on something...:buds:

UserRemoved1 06-13-2011 03:13 PM


White House to cut access to half of federal websites - Washington Times

buckman 06-16-2011 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 845014)
Actually, two years into Obama's first term I believe taxes are at their lowest rate in history.


OMG!!!! complete BS:rotf2:

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