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RIJIMMY 03-03-2010 11:57 AM

Why isnt Obama listening?
Just curious, it seems the public has been consistent in its opposition to the Health Care Bill. No one has been able to express the benefits to the average person who currently has healthcare. It seems like a big welfare program.
Why is Obama moving forward when the American people are (from what the polls suggest) against it?

Raider Ronnie 03-03-2010 12:14 PM


RIJIMMY 03-03-2010 12:18 PM


Fishpart 03-03-2010 12:34 PM

As a result of his progressive educationin Cambridge, MA he knows way better than we do what is good for us. :fury:

Nebe 03-03-2010 02:04 PM

perhaps he knows something we dont.

PRBuzz 03-03-2010 02:07 PM

Great timing: right in the middle of Obama explaining "HIS" (did anyone count the number of "my" used?) health care plan, the TV network launches the "EMERGENCY BROADCAST ALERT" system....coincidence?

EarnedStripes44 03-03-2010 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Fishpart (Post 751907)
As a result of his progressive educationin Cambridge, MA he knows way better than we do what is good for us. :fury:

He was sharp before he came to Cambridge

fishbones 03-03-2010 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by EarnedStripes44 (Post 751943)
He was sharp before he came to Cambridge

I wonder what happened to him since then?

RIJIMMY 03-03-2010 03:04 PM

O - "Everything there is to say about health care has been said, and just about everybody has said it," he said. "Now is the time to make a decision about how to finally reform health care so that it works, not just for the insurance companies, but for America's families and America's businesses."

I just dont get it. I respect people moving forward with their plans despite opposition, but there is such a huge gap in support. I dont even hear people who support it being that passionate about it, they just merely say we need to do something and this is a step. I think he just wants a victory under his belt, to say he passed something major. This is going to haunt him and the Dems.

fishbones 03-03-2010 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 751955)
O - I think he just wants a victory under his belt, to say he passed something major. This is going to haunt him and the Dems.


buckman 03-03-2010 03:16 PM

It has to be arrogance. With those ears, he has to hear us.

Raven 03-03-2010 03:58 PM

every presidency has tried to tackle this problem and failed
because of it's complexity

so if he achieves will indeed be a victory

is the bill ultimately flawed - you betcha
ps. i signed up to elect sarah palin for president
just so i could send her crap to the spam zone.:spam:

RIJIMMY 03-03-2010 04:24 PM

[QUOTE=Raven;751970]every presidency has tried to tackle this problem and failed
because of it's complexity

so if he achieves will indeed be a victory

is the bill ultimately flawed - you betcha

but at what cost? The have nots seem to gain, the haves seem to lose. despite the Democrats best efforts, we still have more have than have nots in this country (sarcasm). Solving a problem is a good thing, isnt this just moving a problem to a new one?

Joe 03-03-2010 05:16 PM

I noticed that they take the sickest kids first at Hasbro, everybody else has to wait regardless of coverage or ability to pay. I know you were worried about waiting behind a freeloader.

buckman 03-03-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 752004)
I noticed that they take the sickest kids first at Hasbro, everybody else has to wait regardless of coverage or ability to pay. I know you were worried about waiting behind a freeloader.

How about behind a hypocritcal congressman's kid?

Hasbro does most things right. Great place

Joe 03-03-2010 05:37 PM

Obama's a true believer that government can enact positive change.....very similar to Bobby Kennedy. That's the scary part. Most politicians are purely opportunistic and predictable, this guy really believes.
He's willing to trade a second term for health care. But if it does pass he'll parade out a bunch of people at election time who will say he saved their lives and pull at the heartstrings of an easily manipulated electorate.

crashfromamesbury 03-03-2010 05:54 PM

if you dont' agree with what he is doing you need to contact your legislators and tell them outright if they vote for this.. we will vote them out.. its a simple solution.. look what happened in mass.. people voted against a person (martha coakley ) who would have voted for it.. if this goes thru its going to bankrupt our country.. if he wants to lower the price of healthcare, first go after tort reform.. if you lower the payouts in malpractice cases you will lower the cost of malpractice insurance , which in turn will lower the rates doctors and hospitals will have to charge to cover their insurance premiums..

many people are tired of waiting in emergency rooms behind illegals who use the er as their doctors office.. thats not going to change unless they work on immigration reform.. or start enforcing the already existing immigration laws..
but thats another can of worms for another thread..

Joe 03-03-2010 06:11 PM

Clinton would float a public opinion poll and if it cost more votes than it garnered, he'd ditch it. He was the perfect example of an opportunist - not so with this guy.

Backbeach Jake 03-03-2010 06:21 PM

I can't for the life of me deny anyone medical services as needed. ANYONE. Healthcare in this country as it is, is a travesty. Sure we have the most sophisticated technology in the world, but for a price and for only those who can afford it. We are inches away from having an Indian style class system. And those who don't have are the "untouchables". Health care has become a chain that keeps you in a job as well. Looking to better yourself (read this as keeping you in your "class") is made difficult by healthcare. Everyone deserves their good health and a means to maintain it. I'm just not selfish enough to let someone suffer and die for lack of healthcare.

RIROCKHOUND 03-03-2010 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Backbeach Jake (Post 752046)
I'm just not selfish enough to let someone suffer and die for lack of healthcare.

Liberal Pussy :D

Fly Rod 03-03-2010 08:31 PM

He hasn't heard the words, "Impeach Him." :hang:

OOPS! Wrong icon. "Oh well." :rotf2:

scottw 03-03-2010 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Backbeach Jake (Post 752046)
I can't for the life of me deny anyone medical services as needed. ANYONE. Healthcare in this country as it is, is a travesty. I'm just not selfish enough to let someone suffer and die for lack of healthcare.

I had to take my mom to the hospital the other day for a procedure and on the way in and out of the entrance we had to literally step over dozens of bodies of all of the people who had apparently been denied healthcare and suffered and was gross...and there were all of these rich people with IV's and casts and stitches pointing and laughing....

I'm going to call Patrick Kennedy, Sheldon Whitehouse, Jim Langevin and Jack Reed and tell them that the need to oppose this healthcare plan.........never mind...

Joe 03-03-2010 09:08 PM

Neutron care is what we have now for the uninsured. It leaves the patient standing, but destroys all his assets. They'll treat you now, and sic a collection agency on you later.

Backbeach Jake 03-03-2010 09:42 PM

There ya go Joe. And if you have no assets, then what? You're at the mercy of whatever the PRESENT government will afford you. Suppose it's a stingy government? You're schrod in Boston..

scottw 03-04-2010 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 752119)
Neutron care is what we have now for the uninsured. It leaves the patient standing, but destroys all his assets. They'll treat you now, and sic a collection agency on you later.

you don't know what you are talking about....

RIJIMMY 03-04-2010 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 752016)
Obama's a true believer that government can enact positive change.....very similar to Bobby Kennedy. That's the scary part. Most politicians are purely opportunistic and predictable, this guy really believes.
He's willing to trade a second term for health care. But if it does pass he'll parade out a bunch of people at election time who will say he saved their lives and pull at the heartstrings of an easily manipulated electorate.

Joe - what happened to a government for the people, by the people?
If the people are against it and the president is for it, shouldnt the people win? What you state as opportunistic is a control built into the system, it SHOULD benefit a politician when they go with the will of the people, no?

RIJIMMY 03-04-2010 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Backbeach Jake (Post 752046)
I can't for the life of me deny anyone medical services as needed. ANYONE. Healthcare in this country as it is, is a travesty. Sure we have the most sophisticated technology in the world, but for a price and for only those who can afford it. We are inches away from having an Indian style class system. And those who don't have are the "untouchables". Health care has become a chain that keeps you in a job as well. Looking to better yourself (read this as keeping you in your "class") is made difficult by healthcare. Everyone deserves their good health and a means to maintain it. I'm just not selfish enough to let someone suffer and die for lack of healthcare.

ahh, the liberal heart, a beautiful thing. Im not selfish enough to have my kids without a good education, so I work my arse off to save for it, Im not selfsih enough to have my kids without healthcare, so I work my arse off for it. Every night as I sit reading with my kids while a bunch of jack offs are out drinking beers at the bar and their kids are playing nintendo, the kids grow up to be bozos like their parents and Im supposed to pay for it? Working my arse off helps the country, drives growth, drives consumer spending, drives tax revenue, drives debt reducuton, etc. All good things. Government hand outs only drive the need for more government hand outs. WElfare is a failure.
Lets reform the HC system, this bill expands the system. How is that a good thing?

striperman36 03-04-2010 08:26 AM

Hillary;s approach back in Bills first term was better,
I am hopin we don't get this passed in semblance of what either bill is today.

We need reform but lets really think what is needed not what they think is needed.

PRBuzz 03-04-2010 08:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Found on, says it all....

Joe 03-04-2010 08:30 AM

Jim: You asked for opinions and I gave you mine. It's o.k. to discount what I think - a lot of people have - but I believe my points were valid.

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