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RIJIMMY 01-12-2010 04:41 PM

bad news for Big O
We all know how I feel, but looks like I am not alone. This is HUGE.
I am not in favor of his policies but I expected more. So far, we've seen nothing new, no new solutions, NOTHING young or hip, no great ideas...... you were fed a bunch of crap and bought it

Forty-eight percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey said Obama's presidency has been a failure so far, while 47 percent of respondents said the year has been a success.

The survey indicated that Obama's approval rating as president stands at 51 percent, down 3 points from last month, with 48 percent disapproving, up 4 points from December.

"Only 44 percent approve of how Obama is handling the economy; just four in 10 give him a thumbs-up on health care, and his approval rating on the federal deficit has plunged to 36 percent. Those are three of the four most important issues on the public's mind today," Holland said
"The president's ratings also suffer from the growing perception that he is too liberal," he said: Forty-six percent feel that way today, up 10 points from March
The president's 51 percent approval rating is nearly twice as high as the approval rating for Congress. As the House of Representatives comes back into session Tuesday, only 27 percent of Americans have a favorable view of legislators.

JohnnyD 01-12-2010 04:56 PM

Wait a minute....

You don't like Obama? New to me.:huh:

striperman36 01-12-2010 05:21 PM

Name anyone, who could do anything different and not have similar results????
If we only knew the future we'd all be retired and wealthy, living in brazil.

Fly Rod 01-12-2010 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by striperman36 (Post 738594)
Name anyone, who could do anything different and not have similar results????
If we only knew the future we'd all be retired and wealthy, living in brazil.

Sorry, no Anaconda is going to have me for lunch. :rotf2:

Raider Ronnie 01-12-2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by striperman36 (Post 738594)
Name anyone, who could do anything different and not have similar results????
If we only knew the future we'd all be retired and wealthy, living in brazil.

Are you F***ing serious ???
Not "Everyone" would have mortgage the next 3-4 generations futures with the INSANE spending/wasting $ that your POS president has been doing !

spence 01-12-2010 07:50 PM

How could 48% say he's failed while he has a 51% approval?

I've got to say, my math ain't that great, but I might want to see how the questions were phrased.

And 51% approval for a President who inherited a terrible economy and two go nowhere wars ain't that bad...even considering!


stcroixman 01-12-2010 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by striperman36 (Post 738594)
Name anyone, who could do anything different and not have similar results????
If we only knew the future we'd all be retired and wealthy, living in brazil.

He had no experience, and made huge promises of change. 1st democrat I didn't vote for since Jimmy Carte in '80.
I just knew he couldn't deliver (and he is a little too arrogant for me)

justplugit 01-12-2010 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 738624)

And 51% approval for a President who inherited a terrible economy and two go nowhere wars ain't that bad...even considering!


Inheritance is hard to use now being he manned up and said "the buck stops here"
when it came to the war on terror.
I give him credit for that.

JohnnyD 01-12-2010 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 738603)
Are you F***ing serious ???
Not "Everyone" would have mortgage the next 3-4 generations futures with the INSANE spending/wasting $ that your POS president has been doing !

Unlucky for you that he's *your* president as well.

fishbones 01-12-2010 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by striperman36 (Post 738594)
Name anyone, who could do anything different and not have similar results????
If we only knew the future we'd all be retired and wealthy, living in brazil.

Are you really serious that someone else couldn't have had different results?

Stimulus - Huge waste of money with nothing accomplished.

Job Creation - How are all those shovel ready jobs working out?

Cash for Clunkers - Worked out great (for foreign car companies)

Health Care Reform - Totally effed up.

Closing Guantanamo - I haven't been there, but I hear it's still open.

I could go on, but the more I think about it, the more depressed I get.

scottw 01-13-2010 07:59 AM

can't wait to count the lies in the State of the Union...

FYI new change of terms...."jobs created or saved" has not been working out so well...from now on the Obamorons will be referring to "jobs funded" to claim success because, of course...they've funded them, just not sure where all of the money went, they did their job and "funded" the job creation and saving, don't try to blame them if none of it actually materialized, typical liberal logic, listen to what we say and don't blame us for what we or our programs fail to do, just shut up, and give us more and more climate's changing...just not sure where all the Global Warming went...:uhuh: and those "man caused disasters" shooting up Army bases and trying to blow up airplanes who are closely linked by a single radical cleric(probably just a coincidence, like Obama and Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, Rashid Khalidi, Bernadine Dorn, Rev. Wright, Father Flaeger, Wilfred Mitsuji Oka-this is a new one that you should check out, and on and on :uhuh:)... and one is a terrorist and one is not...the one that didn't kill anyone is a terrorist? who was initially an "isolated extremist" but then...later... part of the Al Qaeda terrorist network sporting and underwear bomb ...go figure......

yes JD...he is "our" president...however, many of us will not have to apologize to our children in the future for our vote to elect a radical leftist(marxist,socialist,communist,facist, progressive...pick your term, it's all in the eye of the beholder and none belong in the White House) to the highest office in the land... and all that will result from that unfortunate decision...:)

JohnR 01-13-2010 08:05 AM

It's been a great first year :eek5: .

Jury is out on the economy. Did he help fix it?

Wars: Iraq has a chance but he inherited that.

AFG? Who knows. After twiddling fingers for months he moved forward. We'll see.

Spending: "And do sex to you!"

Iran, NORKS ?

So I'll bite, I'm in the dissatisfied column though only marginally dissatisfied - which means I'm less dissatisfied than I might otherwise have been. At this point I'm not voting for him in Round 2.

afterhours 01-13-2010 08:22 AM

three more years of this chicago politican :err:.....if you work and pay taxes- hold on it's going to be a rough ride.

JohnnyD 01-13-2010 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 738693)
yes JD...he is "our" president...however, many of us will not have to apologize to our children in the future for our vote to elect a radical leftist(marxist,socialist,communist,facist, progressive...pick your term, it's all in the eye of the beholder and none belong in the White House

It seems like you're just repeating terms you've read or heard. You are aware that all those terms are different, right?

scottw 01-13-2010 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 738707)
It seems like you're just repeating terms you've read or heard. You are aware that all those terms are different, right?

only slightly different :uhuh: which one are you?:)

Raider Ronnie 01-13-2010 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by afterhours (Post 738698)
three more years of this chicago politican :err:.....if you work and pay taxes- hold on it's going to be a rough ride.

Three more years this is going to be
The United States of China !

scottw 01-13-2010 10:00 AM

regardless of the hairs that JD would like to split regarding the terms(and I would argue that it's the left that constantly shifts terms and constantly tries to dodge any accurate lable..."I'm not a Socialist, I just like to spread the wealth around") the individual is more quickly than ever in our history becoming subjugated to a large centralized government...this country was founded on princilples subjugating limited government to the individual and the People..not the other way around...this is the culmination of nearly a hundred years of subsersives pushing this country to the left...the government is increasingly becoming involved in your life from the moment that you scratch yourself in the morning until you shut your eyes at night...some find comfort in that...others recognize where it has led in the past and will sadly lead here ....

JD has made it clear that he has utter disdain for the "average" individual and their lack of comprehension of virtually every important subject in his opinion...he, however has an incredible grasp and knowledge and depth of understanding of any subjuct that you wish to discuss:rotf2: and if you disagree with him you are simply repeating something that you must have heard elsewhere and would never have concluded on your own...

see how it works ?...:uhuh:

this is what the elitist tell themselves and the mode in which they operate as they seek more and more control over your life....:devil2:

JohnnyD 01-13-2010 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 738726)
regardless of the hairs that JD would like to split regarding the terms(and I would argue that it's the left that constantly shifts terms and constantly tries to dodge any accurate lable..."I'm not a Socialist, I just like to spread the wealth around") the individual is more quickly than ever in our history becoming subjugated to a large centralized government...this country was founded on princilples subjugating limited government to the individual and the People..not the other way around...this is the culmination of nearly a hundred years of subsersives pushing this country to the left...the government is increasingly becoming involved in your life from the moment that you scratch yourself in the morning until you shut your eyes at night...some find comfort in that...others recognize where it has led in the past and will sadly lead here ....

JD has made it clear that he has utter disdain for the "average" individual and their lack of comprehension of virtually every important subject in his opinion...he, however has an incredible grasp and knowledge and depth of understanding of any subjuct that you wish to discuss:rotf2: and if you disagree with him you are simply repeating something that you must have heard elsewhere and would never have concluded on your own...

see how it works ?...:uhuh:

this is what the elitist tell themselves and the mode in which they operate as they seek more and more control over your life....:devil2:

This is fun.

Fishpart 01-13-2010 10:36 AM

History has shown...EVERY SINGLE TIME, when you cut taxes the economy recovers and jobs are created.

RIJIMMY 01-13-2010 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 738624)
And 51% approval for a President who inherited a terrible economy and two go nowhere wars ain't that bad...even considering!


I would argue that the circumstances he inherited would only bolster his approval. The campaign was based on "Im not Bush" and Change! if everything sucks, do a few good things and you're a hero.He has failed in even doing a few good things. His team has been bungling messages, ex. Napolitano - "everything worked", incosnsitent message on healthcare, lack of innovation, etc.
The fact is, in the darkest of times, even a candle shows a big light, but the country is seeing nothing from Obama.

JohnnyD 01-13-2010 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Fishpart (Post 738731)
History has shown...EVERY SINGLE TIME, when you cut taxes the economy recovers and jobs are created.

Really? Seems as though the Bush tax cuts have contributed significantly to the current economic situation, while also contributing to a massive increase in the national debt under his reign. One major criticism of current Dems is that if they cannot pay for their spending and debt increases significantly, we're in for major issues with inflation and long-term economic problems (which I fully agree with).

I would be curious to read any article you may have seen about how every single time, tax cuts have resulted in a long-term improvement in the economy and jobs; while also not contributing to an increase of debt.

scottw 01-13-2010 11:19 AM

I can't decide whether it would be more productive to have congress flip in the mid-terms of if we ought continue down this road a little bit more...the stimulus has done little more than prop up the massive wasteful governement bureaucracies, particluarly in the bluest states which have been tinkering in socialism for many years, there will be no lesson learned, they will be supported through these bad times at great cost to surrounding more responsible states and will continue on their free spending ways as soon as some normalcy returns....maybe what is needed for those that have been sipping socialism is to get a big mouthful of socialism, like waterboarding:uhuh:, and really experience some of that "sacrafice" that Obama is always talking about but clearly never intends to participate in as he travels, eats, spends to his heats content.....

scottw 01-13-2010 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 738739)
Really? Seems as though the Bush tax cuts have contributed significantly to the current economic situation, while also contributing to a massive increase in the national debt under his reign. One major criticism of current Dems is that if they cannot pay for their spending and debt increases significantly, we're in for major issues with inflation and long-term economic problems (which I fully agree with).

I would be curious to read any article you may have seen about how every single time, tax cuts have resulted in a long-term improvement in the economy and jobs; while also not contributing to an increase of debt.

you are right as usual JD :rotf2::rotf2::rotf2::rotf2:

JohnnyD 01-13-2010 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 738742)
you are right as usual JD :rotf2::rotf2::rotf2::rotf2:

That doesn't even make sense.

fishbones 01-13-2010 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 738739)
Really? Seems as though the Bush tax cuts have contributed significantly to the current economic situation, while also contributing to a massive increase in the national debt under his reign. One major criticism of current Dems is that if they cannot pay for their spending and debt increases significantly, we're in for major issues with inflation and long-term economic problems (which I fully agree with).

I would be curious to read any article you may have seen about how every single time, tax cuts have resulted in a long-term improvement in the economy and jobs; while also not contributing to an increase of debt.

So now it's the tax cuts that led to the deficit? I thought it was the war in Iraq?

Tax cuts are really just a loan from the government which is to be paid back in future taxes. And in reality, they've been very successful in the US and other countries in the past. Unfortunately for us right now, a tax cut wouldn't be successful because you need to have a reduction in government spending in conjunction with the cuts. This administration has already shown that government spending is on the increase with no sign of slowing down. You also must have consumers willing to put money back in the economy. If they have no confidence, they won't spend the money. Right now, consumer confidence is extremely low.

RIJIMMY 01-13-2010 11:48 AM

tax cuts are a one sided disucssion. Obama has opted to "give" money to promote the economy via the stimulus package. so we increase debt and reward....who? Who is benefitting?
Tax cuts reward those that WORK. Those that work, spend! Those that provide goods/services hire. Those that show a profit by working and selling pay taxes. It all works and most importantly encourages competition and hard work.

eastendlu 01-13-2010 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 738749)
tax cuts are a one sided disucssion. Obama has opted to "give" money to promote the economy via the stimulus package. so we increase debt and reward....who? Who is benefitting?
Tax cuts reward those that WORK. Those that work, spend! Those that provide goods/services hire. Those that show a profit by working and selling pay taxes. It all works and most importantly encourages competition and hard work.

Didn't the last round of tax cuts favor the wealthy and not the almost taxed to death middle class ?

JohnnyD 01-13-2010 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 738744)
So now it's the tax cuts that led to the deficit? I thought it was the war in Iraq?

You imply my post states that the tax cuts were the sole reason.


Really? Seems as though the Bush tax cuts have contributed significantly to the current economic situation, while also contributing to a massive increase in the national debt under his reign. One major criticism of current Dems is that if they cannot pay for their spending and debt increases significantly, we're in for major issues with inflation and long-term economic problems (which I fully agree with).

There are massive costs that come with starting 2 wars, yet Bush pushed tax cuts through in 2001 and again in 2003. He had his war agenda in place and no plan to pay for it. I'll accept the 2001 cuts because of Sept 11 and him campaigning on it, but then to thoroughly plan a case for war in Iraq and push more tax cuts in the same year was reckless. There are so many things that have gone wrong in Iraq that "how were we going to pay for this again?" often is forgotten.

It's similar to the current situation we face with health care and the bailouts. With the agenda the Dems have in place, if they were then to push for tax cuts, there would be no question to the complete financial failure of this country.

Huge debts plus additional expenses and then to decrease receivables from taxes is insane. It is insane today and it was insane during the last administration.

JohnnyD 01-13-2010 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 738749)
tax cuts are a one sided disucssion. Obama has opted to "give" money to promote the economy via the stimulus package. so we increase debt and reward....who? Who is benefitting?
Tax cuts reward those that WORK. Those that work, spend! Those that provide goods/services hire. Those that show a profit by working and selling pay taxes. It all works and most importantly encourages competition and hard work.

No one trusts the economy right now. The market is in a relative state of purgatory, consumers are saving more than spending. I don't think consumers will start spending until it appears things have actually improved. The continuing of terrible unemployment rates (actual rates are reported over 20%) and the recent increases in fuel prices isn't going to have consumers splurging any time soon.

fishbones 01-13-2010 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 738752)
Huge debts plus additional expenses and then to decrease receivables from taxes is insane. It is insane today and it was insane during the last administration.

I figured as a business owner you'd understand that all debts aren't bad. Tax cuts are put in place to get people spending. This increases GNP, which helps offset the lost revenue from the tax cuts. As I mentioned before, cutting government spending also helps offset the lost tax revenue. Tax cuts put more money into the hands of the people who are going to spend it, while throwing stimulus money at big corporations and banks just drains more money from the economy.

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