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Flaptail 11-10-2006 07:14 AM

Born Again Christians
Do you think that someone who is a "born Again Christian" and beleives that that bible is the actual factual word of God and lives and breathes everything in that book, including the concept of the world was created in six days, can really be effective as a world leader?

George Bush does.

In a world as complex as ours, with so many different cultures, religions and ethnicities where values of life vary to such a great extent and in the world political arena you have to deal with the devil, can these types of people truly be judged to be in touch with these realities so that they may make effective leaders.

I don't. I think the born again thing is absurd in the extreme. :uhuh:

afterhours 11-10-2006 07:25 AM

got some bac friends- seems to me they like the no-strings, here are all the answers, stay in the box approach.

fishpoopoo 11-10-2006 07:30 AM

i go out of my way to tick off jesus jumpers.

freakin brainwahsed robots.

RIJIMMY 11-10-2006 08:46 AM

Flap, are you saying GWB is a born agian christian? thats incorrect.

I am an atheist at best, or more so i believe that the "earth" is a god to worship, but what you are saying is that people with different religious views than me cannot be rational, effective people.

SO lets explore that, all christains ( I was raised and educated in catholic schools through high school) believe that a man was born in a little town, he was a son of god, killed and then came back to life and then now people's sins are forgiven if they beleive in him and then they can go to heaven. How wacked is that?
In my mind doenst follow the laws of nature at all. So where do you draw the line with what is "in touch with reality"???
In my mind, anyone who has faith in a higher power is not in touch with reality, since there is NO reality to prove. There is only faith. Cant prove faith.

spence 11-10-2006 09:27 AM

I don't believe Bush has ever completed "born again" certification...but he does like people to think he is. Obviously this is used well by his political advisors.

Personally I don't have any issue with evangelicals, as long as they keep a firewall between their faith and politics and keep it to themselves. But some of the widespread beliefs shared in this community I do find quite difficult to comprehend or just simply outdated, bigoted and very intolerant.

Could a born again be a good leader? I'm sure they could...but you'd have to consider that most of those in politics professing to be motivated by Christ rarely, if ever actually behave like Jesus would.

The Haggert thing was the icing on the cake. For a man, in all likelyhood a gay man to speak of this darkness that's tormented him his entire life is just pathetic. It seems he was a natural leader, image what he could have done to improve the world had his life not been weighed down by this anchor of self-hate.

Lord only know how his kids minds work. How much you want to bet they off some gay kid at school as payback for this "sickness" ruining their trust funds?


MikeTLive 11-10-2006 10:32 AM

I am anti-organized religeon.

Funny thing is that the "family business" is the catholic church.
Uncle is a Catholic Priest in Canada.
Grandfather quit the seminary.
Great uncle was a priest
lots of other aunts that were sisters, and uncles that were priests all across the family tree.

I was raised catholic but by highschool religion class I had already seen the flaws in the teachings that they were preaching acceptance but only those we want to accept.

I was forced to go to church for quite some time.
then I saw the part about jesus saying the church was the people not the place. thats when I was allowed to stop.

the more you learn about something the more you find you dont know about that something.... like fishing for striped bass.

take physics.
the further you go the more you find contradictions to the theorems and laws that you learned in the previous course. until you finally get to the end of coursework and are faced with the "ok, now you figure it out cause we cant"

Goose 11-10-2006 07:18 PM

prayers needed...people on this thread

spence 11-10-2006 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Goose (Post 432485)
prayers needed...people on this thread

Can't ya feel the love :)

America is a diverse country, there's no doubting that.


Nebe 11-10-2006 07:31 PM

Christianity is about core values. If anyone uses those values to make decisions for the good of all there should be no problems, in fact it could lead to utopia. The problems arise when someone hides behind those values, spreads the word of those values and then turns around and makes decisions that are the complete opposite to only benefit a few.. that is a real problem & that is where we are today.

baldwin 11-10-2006 07:47 PM

That man may claim to be a Christian, but his actions don't show it. Neither is he a scientist. As for born-again, maybe the world'd be better off if he wasn't born at all.

gone fishin 11-10-2006 09:48 PM

OH OH John ... gonna need another forum :eyes: soon.

Joe 11-11-2006 10:31 AM

Fundamentalism is what is wrong with the world....It hobbles nations and is at odds with modernity, tolerance and prosperity.

It's why some societies can exist for a thousand years and still not be able to provide basic infrastructure to support an economy that enables them to move into the first world.

Secularism - the separation of church and state – and freedom of religion are big parts of what has enabled this country to be able to have a robot on Mars while others are dragging people out of their homes and cutting their heads off over a split on who was the true heir to Allah.

We are an increasingly centrist nation and this week – like 1992 – was another confirmation of our true nature. In this country the power of the center is felt at the polls and both sides are alternately shocked – though they should not be. Moderates do not spend time espousing their positions or trying to convert the wackos on the far left and the far right, but they are by far the majority – it’s quite evident. Each time we turn too far to the left or too far to the right, we take a giant step back to the center – thank God.

spence 11-11-2006 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 432645)
Fundamentalism is what is wrong with the world....It hobbles nations and is at odds with modernity, tolerance and prosperity.

I don't think fundamentalisim is the's the political expression of fundamentalisim.


stripersnipr 11-11-2006 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by baldwin (Post 432492)
That man may claim to be a Christian, but his actions don't show it. Neither is he a scientist. As for born-again, maybe the world'd be better off if he wasn't born at all.

Alec? Is that you?

Karl F 11-11-2006 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by gone fishin (Post 432547)
OH OH John ... gonna need another forum :eyes: soon.

yep.. or it could go in the new one.. politics and religion.. kinda the same,.. hot button topics...
meybe politics, religion, and VS threads.. all seem to end up in a shoot out.

Swimmer 11-11-2006 06:59 PM

Utopia, oh God.............

Isn't fundamentalism the verbal or physical expression of a fundamentalists? So fundamentalism is in all liklihood an overt physical act.

I think if Gore was elected we would have had a pefect world by now, no doubt about it.:bl2:

Swimmer 11-11-2006 07:03 PM

One more thing
I think born again christians have the potential to be the biggest hypocrites in the world.

Skitterpop 11-11-2006 07:08 PM

Have you heard.................................. the word

RIJIMMY 11-11-2006 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 432763)
I think born again christians have the potential to be the biggest hypocrites in the world.

But the basis for christianity is....forgiveness, no? So you can only be a hippocrtite if you do not forgive.

fishpoopoo 11-12-2006 08:32 AM

recommended website for fundamentalist muslims:


basswipe 11-12-2006 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Bassturbed (Post 432879)
recommended website for fundamentalist muslims:


How the hell do you find this stuff?!

Swimmer 11-12-2006 12:27 PM

I let my guard down, no more religious chats.

baldwin 11-12-2006 03:50 PM

Spare the rod...and the reel, the plugs, (no chunkin', though)...

striprman 11-12-2006 03:52 PM

Things were so much simpler when people were ignorant. Some people still are.

vanstaal 11-12-2006 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 432489)
Christianity is about core values. If anyone uses those values to make decisions for the good of all there should be no problems, in fact it could lead to utopia. The problems arise when someone hides behind those values, spreads the word of those values and then turns around and makes decisions that are the complete opposite to only benefit a few.. that is a real problem & that is where we are today.

talk about hitting the nail on the head :tm:

riverrat55 11-12-2006 09:06 PM

The ignorant shall inherit the Earth!!!
WAIT A MINUTE!!! They have already!!!
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

Bronko 11-13-2006 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 432737)
Alec? Is that you?

:bl2: :laughs:

Flaptail 11-13-2006 10:07 AM

How many of you get the "Sportsman"s Channel" on your cable or sattelite tv? Have your ever seen the amount of born agains on those shows. Son Country Outdoors where the cross on calgary is surrounded by elk and deer in the sunset. The Sportsman's Bible, In camo cover, offered by the (?) Rev. Jimmy Sites, camo clothing that has the cross situated in the pattern. Okay, let's kill that deer or that bear or take out a monkey with a blow gun and poison ( "the Rev. Jimmy Sites did that) "thank you Jesus, thank you lord" as they shoot this moose and show it standing there, blood gushing out it's mouth and nostrils like a fire hose and then slowly falling to the ground. Don't get me wrong, I am not against hunting in any way but to connect Jesus and taking out a bear from a stand with a bow while the bear is baited in with Trix cereal and mini marshmallows while praising the Lord is just creepy.

Reality takes a back seat with these people. 'The Rapture" has them all in a tither of giddy joy. Yippee were all gonna die in a giant cataclyism" and then rise to heaven. (Don't forget your your Mathews Solo-Cam while your rising up into the clouds and angels are singing. Oh yeah, send me fifty bucks and God will give you wealth beyond your wildest dreams!

Maggots like Jimmy Swaggart, that two timing, drug using whore monger, have people desperate for help believing that they have the answer, for a donation of course. Nascar, camo bibles, TV Evangelists out getting Crystal Meth and "massages from Gay prostitutes.

Born agains, like all religious exremeism has this world totally F&cked up. Whatever happened to just caring for one another, respecting one another and just being a decent human being?

How the hell did we get to this?

RIROCKHOUND 11-13-2006 10:10 AM

How about the guy in the morning infomercials selling 'miracle spring water'
what a scam... too many people use religion as a way to make money and justify their life...

mekcotuit 11-13-2006 10:53 AM

Born okay the first time, thanks! :happy:

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