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BrianS 06-28-2006 08:05 AM

so how do you fathers do it?
Juggling work, family, and personal life (not just fishing)

I am 6 weeks away from my first child.. and I barely have time to breathe.... and I am positive its not gonna stop.. Ive been working on the house, the yard, planning my wifes shower (dont ask - family and best friend 1200 miles away)

I went to infant care class last night and while I knew what having a child entailed, it just firmly entrenched the fact that life, as I know it, is done.

Luckily I have already learned to function on 3 hours sleep

Do I really have 18 years till it gets easier? or maybe 22 years before my son signs his first NFL contract? (and if he takes after Daddy's size he will!)

This isnt a grump
This isnt a rant
I think this is just me going - HOLY CRAP!!!

chris L 06-28-2006 08:11 AM

kids take care of themselves . In 18 years you will be wondering the same thing "how the hell was i able to do it ?"

was I supposed to help with the kids ? I thought my job was over 9 months before ?

Im just along for the ride . Im the bag guy .

BrianS 06-28-2006 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by chris L
kids take care of themselves . In 18 years you will be wondering the same thing "how the hell was i able to do it ?"

was I supposed to help with the kids ? I thought my job was over 9 months before ?

Im just along for the ride . Im the bag guy .

You must have a good wife... heheh... :)

Mine... well.. that wont be the case with me...

Ive tried to convince my wife to lay down some litter in a small cage - it didnt go over well.

Karl F 06-28-2006 08:15 AM

Hang in there, and remember, you only get what you give.

I won't tell you it gets easier at any age. Each age has it's own challenges, and hopefully, rewards. Keep your eyes wide open all the time, a lot going on in todays world.

Also, your needs, (all kinds), are about to go waaay to the bottom of the list, if they remain on the list at all. Good news is, ya get used to that pretty easy. :D

Aqua-man 06-28-2006 08:15 AM

"firmly entrenched the fact that life, as I know it, is done."

Don't think that way, the fun part is just about to start. Just remember to make time to take time.

chris L 06-28-2006 08:29 AM

if it is a girl build the out house asap .

BrianS 06-28-2006 08:38 AM

definitely a boy!

he will be carrying my eel bucket in a few years.. :)

partsjay 06-28-2006 08:42 AM

I can relate...had twins 16 months ago, and thought the same way you do...and for a while, it will be overwhelming.....everything changes...the scariest part is when you realise that you are all he/she has..that was the moment for me....but, you just find a way to step up..even when you think you already have...or can't step up will. If I can help, or if you have anymore questions...drop me a pm.

Congrats on your new's the best feeling in the world!!
:cheers: :cheers:

The Dad Fisherman 06-28-2006 08:51 AM

My Observations...the 1st 12 years
Fatherhood is a blast....its not that life is done, its just different.

The 1st couple of months are probably the roughest. You just brought home the little one and the only thing the baby does is Eat, Crap, And Cry, nothing else, and all at the most in-opportune times. It seems that you got no return on your investment.

But then it happens, you get that 1st real smile, not the "I just recycled some Enfamil in my Diaper" Lip Curl but a real Smile. You can see it in their eyes....there you go, there's the return on investment. Its like the most powerful drug you ever had, you will stop at nothing to get a fix of your childs smile...then when they start laughing, Forget about it, You'll be late for work just to get 5 minutes of that in the Morning.

After that for the next 3-4 years you are like the Messiah. Every time you come home you'll hear the running down the hallway and the Screams of "Daddy, Daddy" almost like you just returned from war instead of a day at the office. They'll sit with you while you do everything. That kid will follow you anywhere.....they'd stand next to you while your sitting on the Pot if you'd let them.

Then comes School, Sports, Scouts, Dance and all the other things that will eat up your time, and money....but its well worth it. And you'll do it because your still looking for that "Fix", Your kids smile and happiness. You'll be more excited about the little ones 1st goal than they will be. I'll tell you I see guys complaining about sitting through there Daughters Dance recitals, Me, I love it. She is Smiling Ear to Ear and she is happier than a Surfcaster on a 50.

Its not that You're "Done" your just different. You'll remember things that you had forgotten about when you see your kids doing them. You can come home from the worst day in your life at work and the kids will do something completely off the wall that will have you ROTFLMAO. They can go from Einsten to Curley in a matter of Minutes. They'll Embarass You and Make you Proud all in the same day. If you have a Boy You'll want to see him grow into a fine young Man and if you have a Girl you won't want to see her get any older than 5 (That is the Best age for Girls IMHO). Just enjoy the ride.

You'll see its a lot easier than you think.

whiplash 06-28-2006 10:32 AM

With two teen age boys :yak5: -- I drink a lot!:gu:

likwid 06-28-2006 10:38 AM

Just remember, it'll be like driving to Montreal to pick up my dog every day for the next 18 years, just without the strippers, or Chamberlain, or a dog.

Backbeach Jake 06-28-2006 10:55 AM

"Juggling work, family, and personal life (not just fishing)"

Try rearranging the order of those..

Roseneath 06-28-2006 11:25 AM

We had a little girl six months ago and so far its everything The Dad Fisherman described... her smile alone will make my day.

When she sleeps, I fish.

MakoMike 06-28-2006 11:41 AM

You're right, life as you know it is about to change forever, but its going to change for the better!

HighTide 06-28-2006 11:43 AM

These guys pretty much nailed it.. I got 2 girls myself, 11 & 7, and they always make my day.
Last week I had my little one convinced that the reason I'm using anti aging sunblock on her is because i don't want her to get any older.:D

labrax 06-28-2006 11:46 AM

I have a 4yr old and before she was born I made it a point to get out a lot. The nice thing is that kids tend to go to bed early after they are infants. That allows me to now get up at 2am hop in the car and fish and be back home around 9am, so I do not miss family time. I may be a little brain dead, but a quick nap in the afternoon and you can function alright. You'll be able to squeeze in the fishing somewhere.

Being a Dad is a great gig - like was mentioned earlier in the thread. They do say some funny things and it is fun to see things through their perspective. Just attended the end of the year concert at pre-school and captured one of those 'America's funniest home video' moments of one of my daughter's classmates picking her nose, examining it and then popping it into her mouth all during one of the songs.

Good luck with everything - especially planning that baby shower...

pops02 06-28-2006 11:54 AM

good post dadfisherman. it will be tough the first couple of months, but at about 3 months your child should start sleeping a good amount of the night, which will make things easier. enjoy the spare time, that you might get infrequently, but most importantly enjoy being a dad. It is simply amazing at how fast they grow, and how much they learn in just a short time. Our son turns 1 next week, and with another due at the end of august, well be in the same boat. you will just have to fish at night, while the family is sleeping. congratulations, good luck,and enjoy.

Jimbo 06-28-2006 12:00 PM

BJS, the early part of balancing family, work and personal life is the easy part. It's when they multiply and become mobile that you need a degree in balancing to handle it all even at that there's margin for error, but it's a great ride and like Hightide and labrax said, full of memories. I've got a million, but one I am constantly reminded of is one hectic morning while I was packing lunches and making sure no one missed the bus, I inadvertently put a Bud Light in my then 7 year old's lunch bag instead of a Diet Coke. She sold me out to her teacher in a heartbeat and I had a most interesting call from the assistant principal.
Take pictures constantly, they grow up too fast.

BrianS 06-28-2006 12:25 PM

Thanks guys... Its been a hell of a couple weeks... and it all just coming to a head

Reading this stuff, put it a bit more in perpspective and reminded me of the all the goodness that is coming. I am really looking forward to this child... I just smile any time i see any baby - screaming/laughing/smiling/whatever.... I just cant wait.

Just hitting a low point before I shoot back up... As soon as I get this @#$#$ Baby shower out of the way, its more or less clear sailing from there...

likwid 06-28-2006 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by bjs
As soon as I get this @#$#$ Baby shower out of the way, its more or less clear sailing from there...

I'm taking lithium for that day.

partsjay 06-28-2006 12:56 PM


After that for the next 3-4 years you are like the Messiah. Every time you come home you'll hear the running down the hallway and the Screams of "Daddy, Daddy" almost like you just returned from war instead of a day at the office. They'll sit with you while you do everything. That kid will follow you anywhere.....they'd stand next to you while your sitting on the Pot if you'd let them


Homerun04 06-28-2006 01:19 PM

Get ready for the highest highs of your life, and the lowest lows of your life....every emotion is magnified 1,000X when you have aint even seen worries yet my friend.....and forget about your needs anymore.....nature will kick in and soon all thoughts will be of his needs.......rattle vs. new popping plug = no contest.....the old plug will have to do.

Good luck.

justplugit 06-28-2006 01:22 PM

It will all work out.:) Re-arrange your priorities as to what you think---
is the most important first. You will be a Father, and imho the most important job you will ever have. Whatever sacrafices you make will be worth it. It's kinda like pay me now or pay me later.

Make time for your wife as if that relationship falls apart so will everything else.

Enjoy, your in for a great ride. :D

chris L 06-28-2006 01:24 PM

oh a boy ? when you change his diapers face him away from you or you will be tinkled on .

In all honesty
the girls were the best thing that ever happened to me . I have been nothing but the happiest I have ever been . I was 34 and married 10 years when I had my first so I was ready for the change in life .

I dont fish as often as I used too but thats Ok , they fish with me often and that makes my lost time a nonissue . you will step up and be a great Dad with ease . change is good , kids are good , diapers not good but its short lived . My girls are now 12 and 8 and are the best ladies .
they are mad that Im going to cutty to fish with out them but its no place I want to take them yet

ktugboat42 06-28-2006 01:29 PM

I've got 2 girls, 12 and 13 and i keep wondering how did they get that old that quick. Time flies when you're having fun and kids are just plain fun.

hooked 06-28-2006 01:43 PM

It's easy, just accept that your life is no longer about you. These guys hit it on the head, tough couple months followed by experiences that you would never trade.

But, organizing a baby shower? You need to get a better agent!

Since my oldest turns 12 soon, my question would be "so how do you fathers of teenage daughters do it?" :spin:

Jimbo 06-28-2006 02:32 PM

I'm knee deep in trying to comprehend the 16 year old female being that occupies space in my house. She can be as sweet as sugar one minute, then a head spinning Regan the next. She wants the freedom, privacy and independence being an adult brings, but seems above lifting a finger around the house, even her own dirty dishes, and often expects that we have an endless supply cash and nothing better to do than taxi her friends around. Lately she seems to have no problem mercilously berating her mother especially in public, and it's put me at my wits end. I'm on the verge of donning my camo and boonie and pulling a g.d. Gunny Highway on her lazy, impolite a$$, but her mother won't let me. Fortunately, I've still got 3 good years with my 10 year old before teenagerdom hits.
Good luck to you, Hooked, et. al. parents of [and especially girls] teenagers.

Homerun04 06-28-2006 02:50 PM

Amen Jimbo.....I have two girls....14 and 8.....sweet and sour both of them.....I used to think I was loosing my mind, now I know it is the female brother-in-law says it best (and he has 2 girls age 18 and 16), "All women are evil"....... :D :D

UserRemoved1 06-28-2006 03:46 PM

Everything TDF said and more. 2 boys one 11 and one going on 3

Now if'n you think your life is over now then go work for yourself with two companies and soon a third.

Here's a good fix..

DADDY DADDY I did poopoo in the potty as he runs around the house showing everyone he can :hidin:

taJon 06-28-2006 04:13 PM

I'm actually fearing the position you're in. I feel like there is alot to do before I have to have kids......

Guess we'll see. Hopefully there'll be a boat sooner rather than later.

Good luck, it'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine :D

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