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bloocrab 04-05-2004 02:57 PM

Your Dead
So what happens when you die?

I'm curious what y'all think about you just die and cease to exist? Is there NO afterlife? You don't have to explain your-self, just a simple "Just Die"...will do.

I'm curious as to how many non-believers there are on this site...I've read some really sad remarks on this site in relation to God. I am not defending the Church, nor the pope, nor the Catholic or any other religion for that matter,... every human has their faults, in the end...God will be the OVERALL judge. I'd like to know what kind of people I interract with on this site.........and if you decide not to answer, that's an answer in itself. Poltroon!

I for one,...believe there is an after-life. It's called Heaven, and it's Ruled by the Almighty Father with His Son seated by His side.
What proof do I have? It's called Faith. :)

...yes, this post is slightly religious
...No, you shouldn't fear what you don't understand
...If you did understand it, you wouldn't fear it
...If you DO fear it, that's the first step

Please take the time to reply - again, a simple "Just Die" says enough....


MrsSFrances 04-05-2004 03:04 PM

I believe in after life....I am going to need lots of anti-burn cream for where I am going:laughs: :devil:

and lots of marshmallows to roast:cool:

bloocrab 04-05-2004 03:04 PM

:hs:.......11 poltroons so far.

...thanks for being honest Moni :)

Mike P 04-05-2004 03:06 PM

"Why fear death? It's the most beautiful adventure in life"--Charles Frohman, Boradway Producer, standing on the deck of the sinking Lusitania, May, 1915.

I think we go to a better place, if we've led a moral life. That's all I have to say.

Fishpart 04-05-2004 03:06 PM

I for two,...believe there is an after-life. It's called Heaven, and it's Ruled by the Almighty Father with His Son seated by His side.
What proof do I have? It's called Faith.

fishsmith 04-05-2004 03:07 PM

I never paid too much attention in CCD (but that was God hooking me up by having a rabid Celtic fans for a teacher during their winning 80's years, thank you God.)
But I'm a Catholic and I believe in God. I'm baptised and confirmed, but I don't go to church, and I have no good reason for it, I just never liked going church.

Now to your question - The afterlife - I think it'll be like the cartoons. But I forsee St. Peter doing alot of himming and hawwing with me, then saying alright go in, the I'll see all the people who passed away while I was living , then we'll all go fishing and have 50lbers tugging away on the end of our lines.


KLMulder 04-05-2004 03:07 PM

I believe that Jesus died for the sin's of the world.

missing link 04-05-2004 03:08 PM

I Think there is somthing after death- but dont no what it is till I go there.

MrsSFrances 04-05-2004 03:12 PM

:devil2: ...hehe no problemo!

in all honesty, joking set aside...I do believe in afterlife....when I was 17 I was caring for my terminally ill great grand mother...I was by her side night and day caring for her..along with a hospice nurse...I knew she was in pain and prayed for God to take her...not because I wanted her to die, but because I did'nt want her to feel pain anymore...The next night she passed...I went outside and it was a cold calm January night no wind no nothing...I asked God for a sign that she made it up there...and the wind started blowing genlty...but thats not the kicker....I went in er room where she lay, her hearing aid was going off, making that god awful sqeeling noise....I picked it up to turn it off...and it was already off:eek:

That was my sign that she was ok:)

I miss her alot, but I know she is in a better place now...riding in an old rumble seat car with my great g-pop, young and beautiful again :)


HighTide 04-05-2004 03:16 PM

I was raised Catholic, Father , Son, Holy Spirit, and I believe in that. But, I don't really go to church all that much. I just try to live the best I can and live by the Golden Rule.

I also believe there is an afterlife in Heaven where we can fish anytime we want, and the lunkers are always biting.

BigFish 04-05-2004 03:18 PM

I will worry about it when I get there!:eek:

chris L 04-05-2004 03:23 PM

in my religeon when you die you get back all your lost socks , keys , sunglasses and lost plugs . Im looking forward to getting my gray needlefish back that I caught my 44# fish on and all my 3 and 4 oz jigs . you also get to see in virtual reality all the fish that got away from you during your entire life time .

BigFish 04-05-2004 03:25 PM

Can I convert???:confused:

chris L 04-05-2004 03:27 PM

it costs many plugs

BigFish 04-05-2004 03:30 PM

My honest opinion Bloocrab is that I believe that the place that I will go when I pass on will be a place that is filled with the happiest moments and the most wonderful people that I ever encountered in this life. Right now we are paying our penance and we will be rewarded in the next life or afterlife. :angel:

JohnR 04-05-2004 03:30 PM

I believe in science and amino acids and life and death and lightening striking saltwater on any planet creating "life". But I beleive that God created all and is the head man in the universe. He creates all that's all and influences when need be. (BTW - I don't beleive in Heavens Gate (those comet freaks a few years back) and the like.)

I belive God will allow those into heaven that live an honest, morally sound life. I believe that I can be the best "christian" I can be by raising my son to be an honest young man, knowing right and wrong, and doing the right thing. I don't believe that the church has the authority to direct my life at a moments notice as my commitment to God is between me and him, not me the church then him. When I pray for someone, I don't pray to the church, I pray to the man himself.

I believe there is a heaven so to speak and might not be the harps and angels as book upon book have written as I think it's possible that "book upon book" have humanized a vision of what heaven might be so we can better understand...

OK - I'm rambling - back to work....

Billybob 04-05-2004 04:01 PM

To be honest, I really don't know.
I've had the Christian upbringing -alter boy and all that. But, this whole organized religion thing with their rules, abuse, authoritative crap...........

Plus, I don't want to offend anyone but it seems the older I get, the more I question the wisdom of God when I look around at all that is wrong in the world.
But, I agree maybe I just don't get it.

I don't know if there's an afterlife - hope so.

But, then I don't know what a Poltroon is :D

I'll bet it's crowded.


Scotch Bonnet 04-05-2004 04:09 PM

I believe in God and in some kind of life after death(I don't think I'll find out exactly what it is til I get there).

I grew up Catholic but as an adult I don't agree with what the church has to offer. If I had to pick a "religion" to be associated with it would have to be Buddism. Their philosophies make more sense to me. I have a hard time believing all the "stories" in the Bible. Evolution is more believable to me than adam and eve. I don't believe Jesus is the only "son of God"(I think we all are). I believe money is at the heart of most modern religions - The Catholic church selling Watch Hill mansion(vow of poverty?) to fund sex abuse settlements, Christians giving 25% of their income to the church, etc, etc. It all doesn't sit well in my heart.

I try to take a little from each religion and live my life the way I think is right. I pray every night and try to find God in every aspect of my day. Church to me is a warm June sunset, alone in my boat on the Salt Pond with Bass breaking all around me( and theres nobody sticking a basket in my face looking for a buck!!!)

Krispy 04-05-2004 04:14 PM

absolutely nothing happens when you die.
Sorry to let guys in on it :(

Slipknot 04-05-2004 04:50 PM

I'm glad to answer your question Bloocrab :) My belief is that the spirit moves on after the body dies.

Slingah 04-05-2004 05:34 PM

John 3:16:)

BigFish 04-05-2004 06:23 PM

Oh Slingah....Mr. Religion! :read: :angel: Bet you can't even tell me what John 3:16 is about!:D

Slingah 04-05-2004 07:28 PM

It's about accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior.

For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, for whom so ever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

I might not act like it all the time, but I am a Christian. Without some sort of a spiritual understanding, I would be a dead man.

nor-easter 04-05-2004 11:54 PM

I Believe in The Father, and I Follow The Son and am Guided always by The Holy Spirit!

bart 04-06-2004 09:47 AM

i consider myself a firm believer in evolution, but everytime my mother takes a business flight i always pray for her safety. so im not sure really what that says about me. what i do know is that i am going to live a positive, rewarding existence and whatver happens from there on is outta my control.

"uffah!!" 04-06-2004 09:58 AM

"Your Dead"
You go to heven when you die. Unless your a Yankee Fan,
then you go straight to HELL!!!

Jenn 04-06-2004 11:41 AM

when I got married my mother was hurt that I wasnt being married in church and wasnt going to be married in the "eyes of god" and I told her that wasnt a part of my lif and that I was sorry this hurt her. But I asked her why should this matter if we loved each other and we were true to each other ????? that we did not cheat or tell each other lies???? she thought for a moment and replied "I guess youre right and I think of alll the people that were married in
the church and are now divorced, cheating, etc, etc......" from that point she accepted my choice.

how about the 10 commandments??? what if a non believer basicaly lived pretty much to these standards????? would they still be bad people or immoral just because they didnnt believe????? what if a believer broke every rule in the book would this make them a better person because they confessed once a month????

I think these are the biggest reasons I cant convince myself religion is for me...its like saying "you CANT be a good person no matter how hard you try if you dont go to church every sunday"!!!

MrsSFrances 04-06-2004 01:25 PM

Jenn, I am right there with you....I was never married in a church...I do not go to church either....

God will love you no matter who you are and he will not love you "more" if you go to church....

I'm not a very religous person, my mother tortured me with sending me to Catholic school, and soon I was removed because a nun cut off my hair, because I would not keep it out of my face:rolleyes: mom was not very happy with that, when I came home crying with a chop-job boy hair cut...I was 7 with hair down to my mid-back...:mad:

At that point all 7 years old I thought, why would God care if my hair is in my face, or why would God care if I didnt write properly because I am left, go figure.....

Sometimes I wonder if there is a God....(for personal reasons)


chris L 04-06-2004 02:06 PM

let em try and cut my hair ! Ill bust them in the lip .

I went to a catholic school for 6 years , alter boy , married in a catholic church and never abused by a priest . Does that make me a good catholic ? I dont think so ! do I believe in one God ? sure do ! but which one is the right one ? there are really too many varients to make a wise choice for yourself . many follow what their parents teach them . I have 1 brother who is a morman , 1 that is catholic , 2 that have no affiliation to anyone religeon . does that make them any less God loving than lets say an agnostic ? No but we are very diverse in religeon and out looks in and after life . we seldom if ever talk religeon for obvious reasons . But each one of them are good people !

so what are your political veiws ?
lets get back to life and fishing !

oh yeah and fred when your dead your dead !

Bassman18 04-06-2004 02:36 PM

Re: "Your Dead"

Originally posted by "uffah!!"
You go to heven when you die. Unless your a Yankee Fan,
then you go straight to HELL!!!

Hm, I'd say it would be the reverse

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