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Jim in CT 12-28-2020 08:20 AM

Covid relief bill, what are trump haters rooting for?
Congress passed a bill which spends a fortune, and gives. small portion of that to needy Americans, $600 each.

Trump is trying to single-handedly improve the bill as he sees it, to eliminate the waste, send less to foreign governments, and give much more to Americans.

WDMSO, Spence. Paul, mind if I ask what outcome you’re rooting for here? if he’s able to single handedly get a better bill than was drafted by 535 members of congress ( both parties obviously), will you be able to muster the honesty to give him credit?

Or do you hope he fails so that you can say all he did was delay the original bill, delay the assistance that was in there originally?

Do you hate him more than you like your neighbors?

Biden is telling Trump
to sign the bill passed by congress. Trump is trying to persuade congress to give much more to
americans. who is looking out more for regular folks? if it’s Biden, how so? Is $1200 for a couple
today, better than $4,000 for a couple, a week later?

Got Stripers 12-28-2020 08:47 AM

I'm all for more help locally and less help going abroad in times like these, but why has Trump waited until the last minute to sign in on his views, to the point now the GOP leadership has forced him to sign what they had in front of them. Pork in bills has been a major issue forever and until we get term limits and control of lobbyists, it will continue with very little we can do, other than express ourselves at the polls.

PaulS 12-28-2020 09:14 AM

I could care less if "he" fails or succeeds but his successes should be the countries success. Giving everyone (regardless of income) $ is stupid. The virus hasn't really caused me any hardships or effected me personally (lost an Uncle to the virus and a bunch of others but they were all old and limits my time w/my dad) other than I've increased my donations to food banks. So I wasn't infavor of giving everyone $2K or even $600 (I don't think I'll get any money but not sure). I'm damn lucky.

The reason he wasn't going to sign the bill even though his admin. was negotiating it for months is one of the reasons I dislike him. He could have voice his concerns earlier or told the people on his staff who were neg. to change the bill but he waited until the last min. to display his strength while making the people who are suffering suffer more. He prob. wasn't even aware of the details of the neg. bc he didn't read his briefing papers, listen at briefings and was playing golf all weekend.

He is a lazy, unprepared, ignorant person who surrounds himself with vile people (Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn, etc).

scottw 12-28-2020 09:24 AM

such bitterness...

PaulS 12-28-2020 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1207175)
such bitterness...

Is your life so lacking that you need to constantly come here and just comment on people's posts?

Jim in CT 12-28-2020 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1207171)
I'm all for more help locally and less help going abroad in times like these, but why has Trump waited until the last minute to sign in on his views, to the point now the GOP leadership has forced him to sign what they had in front of them. Pork in bills has been a major issue forever and until we get term limits and control of lobbyists, it will continue with very little we can do, other than express ourselves at the polls.

so rather than faulting congress (both parties) for proposing such pathetic benefits, it’s trumps fault for
not inserting himself sooner?

i guess you have a point, he could have made suggestions sooner ( we can guess what the House would have done with his suggestions), but why do 535 people in congress need trump to turn a stupid bill
i to a better bill?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 12-28-2020 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1207173)
I could care less if "he" fails or succeeds but his successes should be the countries success. Giving everyone (regardless of income) $ is stupid. The virus hasn't really caused me any hardships or effected me personally (lost an Uncle to the virus and a bunch of others but they were all old and limits my time w/my dad) other than I've increased my donations to food banks. So I wasn't infavor of giving everyone $2K or even $600 (I don't think I'll get any money but not sure). I'm damn lucky.

The reason he wasn't going to sign the bill even though his admin. was negotiating it for months is one of the reasons I dislike him. He could have voice his concerns earlier or told the people on his staff who were neg. to change the bill but he waited until the last min. to display his strength while making the people who are suffering suffer more. He prob. wasn't even aware of the details of the neg. bc he didn't read his briefing papers, listen at briefings and was playing golf all weekend.

He is a lazy, unprepared, ignorant person who surrounds himself with vile people (Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn, etc).

Are they proposing giving everyone ( regardless of income) money? i saw an earlier bill that had income caps of 150k for a couple.

Trump is lazy? i’ve read he’s one of those guys who only needs 4 hours of sleep and regularly put in 15 hour days when he was in the private sector. is he a murderer too?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 12-28-2020 09:46 AM

[QUOTE=PaulS;1207173 He is a lazy, unprepared, ignorant person who surrounds himself with vile people (Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn, etc).[/QUOTE]

so why then, did a record high. umber of people in a Gallup poll, say they were better off today ( during the pandemic) than 4 years ago?

Gallup conducts that poll during every presidential election year. and in 2020, a record number of people said they were better off. Never before have more people
claimed to be better off than 4 years prior.

Low unemployment, stock market records, tax cuts, increased funding for black colleges, criminal
justice reform, not getting us into questionable conflicts, pounding ISIS, progress in the middle east, making america energy independent (literally a net exporter of energy) economic opportunity zones in blighted urban areas. How did all of that happen in 4 years? Did he get unbelievably lucky?

of course there have been meaningful failures ( no wall, no improvements to healthcare, his disgusting personality), but that’s an impressive list of accomplishments in a term. how did he pull
it off?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

RIROCKHOUND 12-28-2020 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1207173)
I could care less if "he" fails or succeeds but his successes should be the countries success. Giving everyone (regardless of income) $ is stupid. The virus hasn't really caused me any hardships or effected me personally (lost an Uncle to the virus and a bunch of others but they were all old and limits my time w/my dad) other than I've increased my donations to food banks. So I wasn't infavor of giving everyone $2K or even $600 (I don't think I'll get any money but not sure). I'm damn lucky.

The reason he wasn't going to sign the bill even though his admin. was negotiating it for months is one of the reasons I dislike him. He could have voice his concerns earlier or told the people on his staff who were neg. to change the bill but he waited until the last min. to display his strength while making the people who are suffering suffer more. He prob. wasn't even aware of the details of the neg. bc he didn't read his briefing papers, listen at briefings and was playing golf all weekend.

He is a lazy, unprepared, ignorant person who surrounds himself with vile people (Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn, etc).

That is pretty much my view. I haven't seen any personal hardships financially from the pandemic, but the family business (which I don't work for any longer) is tourism based and took a huge hit this year. I would rather see the funds go to folks in the harder hit industries, unemployment and small business grants/loans. We will get some pro-rated amount from this as I think we fall between the limits.

Of course he isn't aware. Is he lazy? Not per se, but he is a fat ass who takes carts on to greens golfing, so yes, he is physically lazy.

His his effort since the election is very much misdirected. He might sleep 4 hours but how many of those hours are spent watching OAN and NewsMax, rage tweeting and how many are spent trying to provide leadership on things that would help Americans. My guess is a fraction above 0%.

He has put the GOP is a brutal spot. The Democrats will keep bringing up the $2,000 number and the majority of the GOP in congress will vote against it, which to their credit sticks to their pretend (for the most part) guns on fiscal issues. The optics are terrible for them to many folks on this issue...

Got Stripers 12-28-2020 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1207178)
so rather than faulting congress (both parties) for proposing such pathetic benefits, it’s trumps fault for
not inserting himself sooner?

i guess you have a point, he could have made suggestions sooner ( we can guess what the House would have done with his suggestions), but why do 535 people in congress need trump to turn a stupid bill
i to a better bill?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Hey news flash if he doesn’t sign it or at least veto it dies where all bills go to die at the feet of Moscow Mitch. If this president was a true leader, somehow he would have worked both sides to put something together that he would sign. What has he done since the election to make that happen, absolutely nothing, he has spent it spewing lies, absorbing conspiracy theories and rage tweeting. It’s amazing the lengths you will go to in defense of a man you “claim” to despise.

scottw 12-28-2020 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1207177)
Is your life so lacking that you need to constantly come here and just comment on people's posts?

that's how it works....people post and then you comment on their posts...sheesh

scottw 12-28-2020 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1207183)

Of course he isn't aware. Is he lazy? Not per se, but he is a fat ass who takes carts on to greens golfing, so yes, he is physically lazy.


you must have missed the schedule and pace that he campaigned at as joe napped in the basement...

Pete F. 12-28-2020 10:25 AM

23 Days
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 12-28-2020 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1207187)
you must have missed the schedule and pace that he campaigned at as joe napped in the basement...

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 12-28-2020 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1207183)
That is pretty much my view. I haven't seen any personal hardships financially from the pandemic, but the family business (which I don't work for any longer) is tourism based and took a huge hit this year. I would rather see the funds go to folks in the harder hit industries, unemployment and small business grants/loans. We will get some pro-rated amount from this as I think we fall between the limits.

Of course he isn't aware. Is he lazy? Not per se, but he is a fat ass who takes carts on to greens golfing, so yes, he is physically lazy.

His his effort since the election is very much misdirected. He might sleep 4 hours but how many of those hours are spent watching OAN and NewsMax, rage tweeting and how many are spent trying to provide leadership on things that would help Americans. My guess is a fraction above 0%.

He has put the GOP is a brutal spot. The Democrats will keep bringing up the $2,000 number and the majority of the GOP in congress will vote against it, which to their credit sticks to their pretend (for the most part) guns on fiscal issues. The optics are terrible for them to many folks on this issue...

if his revisions reduce pork and direct more money to americans, i don’t think most republicans will vote against it. if they do, hey should be held accountable.

if he gets changes to ( or elimination of) section 230 protections for
big tech, i’d be surprised if most republicans voted against.

it was an idiotic bill. 5.500 pages, released a few hours before the vote? a lot of people
on both sides deserve a lot of criticism.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

zimmy 12-28-2020 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1207177)
Is your life so lacking that you need to constantly come here and just comment on people's posts?

Use the ignore feature. It is great.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 12-28-2020 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 1207192)

Use the ignore feature. It is great.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

this is the sign of someone who always got a trophy for last place :wave:

zimmy 12-28-2020 11:39 AM
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 12-28-2020 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 1207196)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1207194)
this is the sign of someone who always got a trophy for last place :wave:

He got you on that one.

Jim in CT 12-28-2020 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1207183)
That is pretty much my view. I haven't seen any personal hardships financially from the pandemic, but the family business (which I don't work for any longer) is tourism based and took a huge hit this year. I would rather see the funds go to folks in the harder hit industries, unemployment and small business grants/loans. We will get some pro-rated amount from this as I think we fall between the limits.

Of course he isn't aware. Is he lazy? Not per se, but he is a fat ass who takes carts on to greens golfing, so yes, he is physically lazy.

His his effort since the election is very much misdirected. He might sleep 4 hours but how many of those hours are spent watching OAN and NewsMax, rage tweeting and how many are spent trying to provide leadership on things that would help Americans. My guess is a fraction above 0%.

He has put the GOP is a brutal spot. The Democrats will keep bringing up the $2,000 number and the majority of the GOP in congress will vote against it, which to their credit sticks to their pretend (for the most part) guns on fiscal issues. The optics are terrible for them to many folks on this issue...

hope your family’s business gets a huge rebound in 2021 Bryan. happy new year.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The Dad Fisherman 12-28-2020 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1207173)
I could care less if "he" fails or succeeds but his successes should be the countries success. Giving everyone (regardless of income) $ is stupid. The virus hasn't really caused me any hardships or effected me personally (lost an Uncle to the virus and a bunch of others but they were all old and limits my time w/my dad) other than I've increased my donations to food banks. So I wasn't infavor of giving everyone $2K or even $600 (I don't think I'll get any money but not sure). I'm damn lucky.


I thought it was asinine giving money to people who didn't have their financial situation change during this.

Just put the Money towards extended unemployment benefits and other financial assistance for those who were affected.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 12-28-2020 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1207197)
He got you on that one.

"He prob. wasn't even aware of the details of the neg. bc he didn't read his briefing papers, listen at briefings and was playing golf all weekend.

He is a lazy, unprepared, ignorant person who surrounds himself with vile people (Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn, etc)."

^^^this is a childish tantrum...

I think zimmy, and you ...only like to hear affirmations.....

scottw 12-28-2020 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1207202)

I thought it was asinine giving money to people who didn't have their financial situation change during this.

Just put the Money towards extended unemployment benefits and other financial assistance for those who were affected.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

dude this is socialism..."equity"....everybody gets to partake of the bread and circus....600 bucks is just enough to buy the Apple Air Pods Max plus tax....not a coincidence:D

wdmso 12-28-2020 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1207169)
Congress passed a bill which spends a fortune, and gives. small portion of that to needy Americans, $600 each.

Trump is trying to single-handedly improve the bill as he sees it, to eliminate the waste, send less to foreign governments, and give much more to Americans.

WDMSO, Spence. Paul, mind if I ask what outcome you’re rooting for here? if he’s able to single handedly get a better bill than was drafted by 535 members of congress ( both parties obviously), will you be able to muster the honesty to give him credit?

Or do you hope he fails so that you can say all he did was delay the original bill, delay the assistance that was in there originally?

Do you hate him more than you like your neighbors?

Biden is telling Trump
to sign the bill passed by congress. Trump is trying to persuade congress to give much more to
americans. who is looking out more for regular folks? if it’s Biden, how so? Is $1200 for a couple
today, better than $4,000 for a couple, a week later?

what planet do you live on you are the biggest cult member here

trump never pushed anything you suggest . your beyond gullible ..

he single-handedly did nothing his own people conducted the negations no mention of 2k dems wanted it but Mitch was like hell No

Do you even know these were 2 separate bills and who combined these bills Mitch

please go away already!! you misrepresent the truth as bad if not worse than Trump ..:faga:

do you even know foreign aid provided through the U.S. State Department and 1.2% of total spending. and Defense spending accounts for 15 percent of all federal spending and roughly half of discretionary spending

Its funny republicans run against socialism than think Trump (lame duck) a hero for wanting to spend money like a socialist giving money back to the people ?? its crazy

Jim in CT 12-28-2020 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1207206)
what planet do you live on you are the biggest cult member here

trump never pushed anything you suggest . your beyond gullible ..

he single-handedly did nothing his own people conducted the negations no mention of 2k dems wanted it but Mitch was like hell No

Do you even know these were 2 separate bills and who combined these bills Mitch

please go away already!! you misrepresent the truth as bad if not worse than Trump ..:faga:

do you even know foreign aid provided through the U.S. State Department and 1.2% of total spending. and Defense spending accounts for 15 percent of all federal spending and roughly half of discretionary spending

Its funny republicans run against socialism than think Trump (lame duck) a hero for wanting to spend money like a socialist giving money back to the people ?? its crazy

congress passed the bill.

trump sent it back with revisions. the revisions are his.

do you think his changes are improvements?

Not sure what you mean if “ i mention if the 2k dems wanted.”. Biden advised trump to sign the bill
with the $600 in there. Trump requested the change to $2k.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 12-28-2020 04:03 PM

The lame duck signed the Bill.
He has zero power to redline anything.
His administration was involved in drafting the legislation and then after the fact he comes up with a bunch of baloney that will result in Republican Senators voting against the 2K on the record.
Stable Genius screwed everyone who’s unemployment expired yesterday and now has to reapply and go through another waiting period.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 12-28-2020 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1207204)
"He prob. wasn't even aware of the details of the neg. bc he didn't read his briefing papers, listen at briefings and was playing golf all weekend.

He is a lazy, unprepared, ignorant person who surrounds himself with vile people (Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn, etc)."

^^^this is a childish tantrum...

I think zimmy, and you ...only like to hear affirmations.....

You can't help yourself.

Sea Dangles 12-28-2020 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1207204)
"He prob. wasn't even aware of the details of the neg. bc he didn't read his briefing papers, listen at briefings and was playing golf all weekend.

He is a lazy, unprepared, ignorant person who surrounds himself with vile people (Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn, etc)."

^^^this is a childish tantrum...

I think zimmy, and you ...only like to hear affirmations.....

Wait til you hear the comments on your post👖

zimmy 12-28-2020 05:15 PM

Paul, stop quoting him dangit. He should know that it isn't about affirmation. He is in very select company in what is going on twenty years on here and sol. A special reward for a special guy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 12-28-2020 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 1207213)
Paul, stop quoting him dangit. He should know that it isn't about affirmation. He is in very select company in what is going on twenty years on here and sol. A special reward for a special guy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

This is gibberish but I will award you a participation trophy
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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