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wdmso 08-20-2020 10:00 AM

Why is this a hard question to answer
That this was the response to a simple question toKayleigh McEnany really — from the podium in the White house

Kayleigh McEnany just had this exchange with a member of the media about President Trump’s ongoing attacks on the legitimacy of vote-by-mail:

REPORTER: Is the president saying if he doesn’t win this election, then he will not accept the results unless he wins?
McENANY: The president has always said he’ll see what happens and make a determination in the aftermath.

McEnany went on to claim that Trump wants “a free election, a fair election,” note that extensive vote-by-mail might undermine public confidence in the results, and insist that this is Trump’s real concern.

Another reporter asked McEnany about Trump’s recent claim that “the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.”

That reporter asked: “Does the president believe there is any circumstance under which he could lose the election fairly?” McEnany declined to answer, mumbling some nonsense about voter fraud and Trump’s towering popularity.

This is a softball question to any administration.. And if this answer or lack of a question dosen't disturb you ... your a fascist and more of a danger to America then the so called squad :kewl:

detbuch 08-20-2020 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1199182)
That this was the response to a simple question toKayleigh McEnany really — from the podium in the White house

Kayleigh McEnany just had this exchange with a member of the media about President Trump’s ongoing attacks on the legitimacy of vote-by-mail:

REPORTER: Is the president saying if he doesn’t win this election, then he will not accept the results unless he wins?
McENANY: The president has always said he’ll see what happens and make a determination in the aftermath.

McEnany went on to claim that Trump wants “a free election, a fair election,” note that extensive vote-by-mail might undermine public confidence in the results, and insist that this is Trump’s real concern.

Another reporter asked McEnany about Trump’s recent claim that “the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.”

That reporter asked: “Does the president believe there is any circumstance under which he could lose the election fairly?” McEnany declined to answer, mumbling some nonsense about voter fraud and Trump’s towering popularity.

This is a softball question to any administration.. And if this answer or lack of a question dosen't disturb you ... your a fascist and more of a danger to America then the so called squad :kewl:

How would she know? Ask Trump. He'd probably say no. So what?

The Dad Fisherman 08-20-2020 10:40 AM

Serious Non-Story here..... THIS is the kind of stuff that keeps TDS sufferers up all night??? :rolleyes:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

nightfighter 08-20-2020 11:43 AM

I have to disagree here, Kevin. It does not keep me up, nor am suffering TDS, as the supporters have labeled the non-believers... His statement is simply setting up a narrative, that will be repeated often, giving it some sort of acceptance and legitimacy, to be used if/when he should lose the election. It is an outrageous claim to make, especially as a sitting president. Can you imagine the outrage if Obama had made the same statement? This guy is unqualified....

detbuch 08-20-2020 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1199191)
I have to disagree here, Kevin. It does not keep me up, nor am suffering TDS, as the supporters have labeled the non-believers... His statement is simply setting up a narrative, that will be repeated often, giving it some sort of acceptance and legitimacy, to be used if/when he should lose the election. It is an outrageous claim to make, especially as a sitting president. Can you imagine the outrage if Obama had made the same statement? This guy is unqualified....

I think he actually believes what he said. Should he not have said it? I don't think he should have said it not because of something he could use if he lost the election. At that point, it really wouldn't matter, and there would be all kind of print and electronic media "proving" that no fraud occurred which would continue extending the notion that he is stupid, etc. And he knows damn well how the media reacts to anything he does or says. I think he shouldn't have said it because it just sets up more accusations to be hurled at him, as has happened.

As far as if Obama had made the same outrageous statement as a sitting President, he may not have made the same statement, but he said a number of outrageous and divisive statements while he was President. Two that come up immediately were "if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," which he should have known could prejudice a jury in the trial against Zimmerman, as well as hardening the racial divide, and his accusation that "Cambridge police acted stupidly" when they arrested his friend professor Gates, before he even knew all the facts. A comment that he must have known would not help the friction between blacks and police.

Got Stripers 08-20-2020 02:13 PM

I’d go even further Ross it’s going to be months of this in order to keep as many from voting as he possibly can. If the public hears for months their votes might not be counted or they believe the false noise about a rigged election, it might mean enough in certain precincts. He knows the majority of the country has had enough of his sh*t, hence the moves against the postal service and of course he wants to meet with Putin. If he meets with Putin, I guarantee it’s in private or a portion will be, so he can ask his bud to ramp it up again.

PaulS 08-20-2020 03:05 PM

So who really has TDS? Is it the people who complain about our President's lies, corruption, cozying up to the Russians and dictators, classlessness, lack of empathy and compassion, slashing as many environmental rules as he can, etc. to an extent never seen before in our history or is the people who will defend him no matter what he does and says yet cried about Obama when they thought he was doing something wrong – even though those things were so petty they pale next to what we see today (wore a brown suit, saluted an officer with a coffee in his hand, played golf occasionally, etc.).

I think some who cry TDS need to look in the mirror and they’ll only see a hypocrite.

Four years after 50 of the nation’s most senior Republican national security officials warned that Donald J. Trump “would be the most reckless president in American history,” they are back with a new letter, declaring his presidency worse than they had imagined and urging voters to support former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

The new letter, released just hours before Mr. Biden formally accepts the nomination, lays out a 10-point indictment of Mr. Trump’s actions, accusing him of undermining the rule of law, aligning himself with dictators and engaging “in corrupt behavior that renders him unfit to serve as president.”

They also accused him of “spreading misinformation” and “undermining public health experts,” making him “unfit to lead during a national crisis.”

“When we wrote in 2016, we were warning against a vote for Donald Trump, but many of the signatories were not ready to embrace his opponent,” Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, noted John Bellinger, a former legal adviser at the State Department and National Security Council who was among the authors of the past and current letters. “This is different: Each of the signatories has said he or she will vote for Biden. Signatories are now even more concerned about Trump, and have fewer concerns about Biden.”

Eric Edelman, a former senior Defense Department official under President George W. Bush, and a signatory to both the old and new letters, noted that the 2016 warnings were “a prospective judgment about Donald Trump’s fitness for office. Today the things that were cited in those letters have been vindicated by Trump’s actual performance.”

scottw 08-20-2020 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1199191)
I have to disagree here, Kevin. It does not keep me up, nor am suffering TDS, as the supporters have labeled the non-believers... His statement is simply setting up a narrative, that will be repeated often, giving it some sort of acceptance and legitimacy, to be used if/when he should lose the election. It is an outrageous claim to make, especially as a sitting president. Can you imagine the outrage if Obama had made the same statement? This guy is unqualified....

making a statement/claim and refusing to answer a stupid, leading question in the way that the hack asking the question would like you to answer are two different things....did Al Gore accept the result of his election?...I think Hillary is still bitching.....he has no idea at this point what may transpire and the democrats are rabid lunatics at this poin:rotf2:t so ....who knows???....gotta wait and see

wdmso 08-20-2020 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1199203)
making a statement/claim and refusing to answer a stupid, leading question in the way that the hack asking the question would like you to answer are two different things....did Al Gore accept the result of his election?...I think Hillary is still bitching.....he has no idea at this point what may transpire and the democrats are rabid lunatics at this poin:rotf2:t so ....who knows???....gotta wait and see

Stupid leading question? Your admiration of the dear leader is almost on par with jim..

Seem you have missed Trumps actual statements. That prompted the questioning

Like. The only way we loose if the election is rigged

Or after the next 4 years we should get another 4 years (12)

Always the hyperbole excuse

A simple honest answer if i win i win if or i lose i lose.. is to hard for Trump ..

But scott sees the question like asking Obama for his birth legitimate. But these questions are outrageous.

rumors has it you still want to see it?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 08-20-2020 05:48 PM

Trump has believed he is above the law his entire life, his latest post office general a Trump donor plant, no experience, doing Trumps dirty work to suppress voting and continue his personal attack on Bezos and Amazon. Anyone with a brain isn’t fooled, it’s corruption in plain sight, brazen and in your face. He has been emboldened by the boot licking GOP senators and his personal attorney Barr watching his back, you think 2020 was bad go vote this nut job in for another term.

scottw 08-21-2020 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1199213)
Trump has believed he is above the law his entire life, his latest post office general a Trump donor plant, no experience, doing Trumps dirty work to suppress voting and continue his personal attack on Bezos and Amazon. Anyone with a brain isn’t fooled, it’s corruption in plain sight, brazen and in your face. He has been emboldened by the boot licking GOP senators and his personal attorney Barr watching his back, you think 2020 was bad go vote this nut job in for another term.

keep venting...

Pete F. 08-21-2020 07:33 AM

Can someone explain the number of former Presidents, former First Ladies, former Secretaries of State and current officeholders speaking at the RNC? I’m having trouble keeping track
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The Dad Fisherman 08-21-2020 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1199191)
I have to disagree here, Kevin. It does not keep me up, nor am suffering TDS, as the supporters have labeled the non-believers... His statement is simply setting up a narrative, that will be repeated often, giving it some sort of acceptance and legitimacy, to be used if/when he should lose the election. It is an outrageous claim to make, especially as a sitting president. Can you imagine the outrage if Obama had made the same statement? This guy is unqualified....

I wouldn’t classify you as a TDS sufferer, you’re a person who is unhappy with the president and wants him out. There’s a difference. A lot of rational people like that out there.

TDS sufferers are incapable of going a day without bitching about Trump, and posting endlessly on FB and S-B about him, like they’re making a difference. They also like to label said rational people with some “ist” or “phobe” just because they’re not frothing at the mouth with hatred for him at there torrid pace

I also wouldn’t classify my self as a Supporter, I didn’t vote for him, I think he’s a class A jack wad, who needs to Turn over the reigns to his twitter accounts to someone else. I also don’t hang on everything he posts.

All she did was give an ambiguous answer to a dumb question.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 08-21-2020 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1199233)

All she did was give an ambiguous answer to a dumb question.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I only wish that was all it was.. and I can see why you may think that , if you just look at it as a question with zero context..or 1 tweet at a time

I have said this a lot .. Trump needs to be looked at in his totality.

A dumb question ? will you respect the out come of the election ....

How is that a dumb question ? After all he has said about the election...?

Why so dismissive about the question ... but the lack of an answer is acceptable :huh::huh:

detbuch 08-21-2020 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1199235)

I have said this a lot .. Trump needs to be looked at in his totality.

A dumb question ? will you respect the out come of the election ....

How is that a dumb question ? After all he has said about the election...?

Why so dismissive about the question ... but the lack of an answer is acceptable :huh::huh:

Looking at Trump in his totality, if you're honest, would include his successes in life and during his presidency. His totality does not create a picture, if you're honest, of a racist, a homophobe, a white natonalist Neo-Nazi, an anti-Semite, a dumb stupid person who is totally incompetent. His totality does not show him to be worse in his sexual conduct than some of the most admired and supposedly successful Presidents. His totality in his first term as President would include inheriting the worst recovery from a recession/depression since the 1940's and turning it into a booming economy, having constitutionally oriented judges appointed to the Supreme Court and its lower district courts, making NATO more financially stable, creating more stability in the Middle East, not entering into stupid wars.

I'm not going to comment on Biden's totality, though from what I have heard and read from those who oppose him, it doesn't seem to be the picture of some shining example of an honorable man. But that is irrelevant to me.

What I care about is not the totality of either candidate, but the totality of the Progressive agenda and which party most fully embraces it. I believe the constitutional republic we've inherited is a far more reliable system to ensure what was once considered our unalienable rights. I know that Progressivism's mission is firstly, to put it simply, the elimination of any notion of limited government.

scottw 08-21-2020 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1199233)

I also wouldn’t classify my self as a Supporter, I didn’t vote for him, I think he’s a class A jack wad, who needs to Turn over the reigns to his twitter accounts to someone else. I also don’t hang on everything he posts.

All she did was give an ambiguous answer to a dumb question.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

ditto...and......he's still better than the alternative...which tells you where the left is :kewl::bl:

Pete F. 08-21-2020 10:25 AM

I’m old enough to remember when a 74 year old drug addict in full face make up was carrying on a pen pal love affair with a 36 year old North Korean dictactor. We not only failed to commit him we paid for their first in-person date.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 08-21-2020 10:32 AM

Why is it hard to answer whether our Pres. believes in Qauckanon?

RickBomba 08-21-2020 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1199245)
ditto...and......he's still better than the alternative...which tells you where the left is :kewl::bl:


Trumbo could never give a speech like Biden’s.

He’d be too busy talking about the planes during the Revolutionary War, or the Spanish Flu ending WW2, or endorsing QAnon, or something.

Take America back from the oligarchs! Trump for Prison, 2020.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

nightfighter 08-21-2020 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1199247)
I’m old enough to remember when a 74 year old drug addict in full face make up was carrying on a pen pal love affair with a 36 year old North Korean dictactor. We not only failed to commit him we paid for their first in-person date.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

What is this all about, Pete? And how does it relate to this thread? Was a pretty on point civil discussion going on....... Little early for the :gu: even on a Friday, no?

Pete F. 08-21-2020 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1199245)
ditto...and......he's still better than the alternative...which tells you where the left is :kewl::bl:


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1199247)
I’m old enough to remember when a 74 year old drug addict in full face make up was carrying on a pen pal love affair with a 36 year old North Korean dictactor. We not only failed to commit him we paid for their first in-person date.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1199248)
Why is it hard to answer whether our Pres. believes in Qauckanon?


Originally Posted by RickBomba (Post 1199249)

Trumbo could never give a speech like Biden’s.

He’d be too busy talking about the planes during the Revolutionary War, or the Spanish Flu ending WW2, or endorsing QAnon, or something.

Take America back from the oligarchs! Trump for Prison, 2020.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1199251)
What is this all about, Pete? And how does it relate to this thread? Was a pretty on point civil discussion going on....... Little early for the :gu: even on a Friday, no?

Just wait till next week when the RNC starts, wondering if Bannon will still appear on Tuesday


Monday: INDIVIDUALISM— Bootstrap Your Way Through The Pandemic.

Tuesday: FEAR— They Are Socialists.

Wednesday: DIFFERENT FEAR—Scratch That. They Are Anarchists.

Thursday: RESULTS— 4 More Years: Take These Results & Double Them.

Friday: Finale-It is what it is, You're on your own now

spence 08-21-2020 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1199252)
Just wait till next week when the RNC starts, wondering if Bannon will still appear on Tuesday

It's lining up to be a Dancing With the Stars style clown car. The McCloskeys are giving a seminar on marksmanship, Sandmann is just going to smirk for 3 minutes, the My Pillow Guy is going to demonstrate how to make your own Covid cure from common household ingredients and Trump plants to go off on a 2 hour rant against communist shower heads.

Buckle up.

PaulS 08-21-2020 12:31 PM

The leading breakout session is "why John McCain is not a hero"

TheSpecialist 08-21-2020 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1199203)
making a statement/claim and refusing to answer a stupid, leading question in the way that the hack asking the question would like you to answer are two different things....did Al Gore accept the result of his election?...I think Hillary is still bitching.....he has no idea at this point what may transpire and the democrats are rabid lunatics at this poin:rotf2:t so ....who knows???....gotta wait and see

exactly. as far Katie, she absolutely owns the media and has had more mic drops than another person in her position.. She is always prepared

The first serious case of voter fraud from mail in voting has appeared in NJ. Traditionally mail in voting was reserved for military, and people living and working overseas temporarily, snowbirds who were retired and at their summer homes. That is the reason it was largely unheard of

RickBomba 08-21-2020 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheSpecialist (Post 1199258)
exactly. as far Katie, she absolutely owns the media and has had more mic drops than another person in her position.. She is always prepared

The first serious case of voter fraud from mail in voting has appeared in NJ. Traditionally mail in voting was reserved for military, and people living and working overseas temporarily, snowbirds who were retired and at their summer homes. That is the reason it was largely unheard of

I think her name is KayLeez, or something like that...she is the epitome of a blonde joke.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

zimmy 08-21-2020 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by RickBomba (Post 1199249)

Take America back from the oligarchs! Trump for Prison, 2020.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

20 2 life
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 08-21-2020 08:39 PM

“Character is on the ballot. Compassion is on the ballot. Decency, science, democracy.

They are all on the ballot.”
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 08-21-2020 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheSpecialist (Post 1199258)
exactly. as far Katie, she absolutely owns the media and has had more mic drops than another person in her position.. She is always prepared

As I said before she’s the one who so much #^&#^&#^&#^& comes out of her mouth, that if she gives head it’s classified as anal
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 08-22-2020 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1199271)

Character, Decency,


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1199271)

As I said before she’s the one who so much #^&#^&#^&#^& comes out of her mouth, that if she gives head it’s classified as anal

too stupid for words....

Pete F. 08-22-2020 07:42 AM

Tweety today
The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics. Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!
Remember he would have only the best people
He is accusing his handpicked FDA Chief, who reports to his handpicked HHS Secretary (both of whom have considerable drug industry experience and support), of not being capable of doing their jobs.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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