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bassballer 12-29-2015 10:49 AM

Heroin-Cape Cod, Ma
Anyone else watch this last night on HBO. Pretty intense. Doc said small town New England has the worst Heroin problem in the country and seems to only be getting worse. Pretty eye opening.

JohnR 12-29-2015 11:03 AM

Yes, I watched this. Very sad and rough and must watch for everyone IMO. 1250 deaths in Massachusetts last year due to OD on opiates.

As someone with family members with addiction it is very hard to watch.

Clammer 12-29-2015 11:11 AM

&&&&&&&&&&&& that,s a surprize to you ????:wid:

CTSurfrat 12-29-2015 11:17 AM

Vermont has been devastated by heroin.

To quote Chris Herron "No one starts out with a needle in their arm. They start with a beer and a couple of tokes in a friend's basement."

Not so sure legalization of pot is a good idea....the jury is still out on this one.

JohnR 12-29-2015 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Clammer (Post 1089469)
&&&&&&&&&&&& that,s a surprize to you ????:wid:

Did you see it?

bassballer 12-29-2015 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by CTSurfrat (Post 1089470)
Vermont has been devastated by heroin.

To quote Chris Herron "No one starts out with a needle in their arm. They start with a beer and a couple of tokes in a friend's basement."

Not so sure legalization of pot is a good idea....the jury is still out on this one.

Also stated that the legalization of pot has forced the drug cartels to push more bad Heroin batches into the states. not sure how accurate that is but...

bassballer 12-29-2015 11:54 AM

80% of the subjects in the film started by accidents and painkillers. Car accident, dirt bike, motorcycle, ect. Got addcited to Vics, to oxy, to heroin.

CTSurfrat 12-29-2015 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by bassballer (Post 1089475)
80% of the subjects in the film started by accidents and painkillers. Car accident, dirt bike, motorcycle, ect. Got addcited to Vics, to oxy, to heroin.

Wow that's a high percentage of the total addicts that go from, I'm assuming, non-drug abusers to heroin addicts. Why the huge increase in heroin addicts from prescription pain killers that have been around for a long time? What are doctors doing that is different - if anything? My mom was recently on pain killers for her back and they would only give her a few days supply at a time.

ecduzitgood 12-29-2015 12:29 PM

I say if they need the pain killers give them to them rather than have them have to resort to heroin. There are plenty of people who function fine while they take pain killers. Look at Rush Limbaugh addicted to oxygen and yet no one knew.
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fishbones 12-29-2015 12:55 PM

Eventually you run out of places to get scripts filled, and painkillers are expensive if bought off the street. Heroine is cheaper than a pack of cigarettes.
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redlite 12-29-2015 01:06 PM

My wife has been waitin for this to come on
My sister in law has been battlin it for a few years, in and out of rehab, and we have had her 5 yr old for over a year and a half. Not long ago it seemed to be bad in fall river and new bedford, now its worse everywhere. My mom is an rn in the er in plymouth. she says on a slow nite they have 10 ods they zappin with narcan. A lot of the time its the same people again and again
For the past few months my wife has been on a vigalante crusade since she moved from urgent care to family practice to weed out pill mules. She wont renew opiate scripts until patient takes urine to confirm they r actually takin em instead of just fillin and sellin. She said it is incredible how many people either dont have any in their system or actually have heroin and coke instead
Just out of control everywhere
The hardest part is the family dealin with the destruction to others caused by an addict
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Fly Rod 12-29-2015 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by CTSurfrat (Post 1089470)
To quote Chris Herron "No one starts out with a needle in their arm. They start with a beer and a couple of tokes in a friend's basement.".

Very true and those that do a few tokes every day do not want to admit that too leads to the needle....Ohio in 2014 is the biggest user of opiates 2,482 deaths....some one here stated let them stay on pain pills, not strong enough and that is Y they seek heroin....heroin is the cheapest for addicts to get, also has put the crack dealers out of business

Gloucester police started a rehabilation program to help addicts...if they stay with the program and heal there drug record will be sealed and other cities across the country have taken up this program...if addicts come in willfully no arrest and R put into the program...drug dealers will end up in's about time the addict(user) is not given a jail in Gloucester people in this program R turning in dealers....maybe your city or town should start this program....:)

nightfighter 12-29-2015 02:44 PM

I also believe the medical community and especially doctors need to be accountable for the scripts they write at the drop of a hat. Oxys and other opioids are used/prescribed way too much. When my daughter was hospitalized last summer with Lyme, she couldn't get the ibuprofen to stay down. No problem, they said. We'll just give you a morphine drip.... I was up and saying WTF?

Nebe 12-29-2015 02:58 PM

Weed leads to heroin addiction?
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redlite 12-29-2015 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1089489)
I also believe the medical community and especially doctors need to be accountable for the scripts they write at the drop of a hat. Oxys and other opioids are used/prescribed way too much. When my daughter was hospitalized last summer with Lyme, she couldn't get the ibuprofen to stay down. No problem, they said. We'll just give you a morphine drip.... I was up and saying WTF?

I fully agree that they r handed out way too much and easily.
My wife is a nurse practioner and just went to work for several doctors. Several of them were doin that, just handed out perks etc like it was halloween. I have asked her if the any of the doctors are now complainin that they are losin patients because of her tactic. She says not really and she doesnt care cause she not gonna jepordize her licenses. They say no because apparently when these patients sign on they sign an agreeement that they can only have pills prescribed bybthem, filled at only one and the same pharmacy, and at any time can be urine/ and or blood tested to confirm personal use of narcotics. Violation of agreement reults in automatic refusal for further medical treatment from her facilty

She is off today and just checked her patient log from yesterday. Just caught 2 more "ex-clients". Both came back positive for coke and no opiodes in systems even tho they have both been being prescibed 120 perks a mth by one of the doctors for the past few months
She had 2 last week. 1said her husband must have been sneakin coke into her cigerettes. A guy simply said oh well, it is what it is
Sure they will just find new docs to write them scripts
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Sea Dangles 12-29-2015 06:53 PM

This was a sad show,heroine will soon become like cancer.
Everyone will know a family that has been affected to a degree.

I have to say Flyrods weed statement was one of the dumbest I have read here,ever.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Fly Rod 12-29-2015 08:03 PM

RRRRRRRRRRR....UUUUUUUU can tell the pot heads.....:)

Raven 12-29-2015 08:43 PM

lost to many good people to Hot Shots
(cocaine/heroin combo)

if you have to point fingers the blame squarely falls in
the FDA arena for the prescription drug epidemic
so large............
it's as bad as the drought in california

Swimmer 12-29-2015 08:50 PM

Raven their was a heroin problem a long time before kids decided to abuse opiates, and blame their physicians.
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Raider Ronnie 12-29-2015 08:50 PM

[QUOTE=Raven;1089512]lost to many good people to Hot Shots
(cocaine/heroin combo)

if you have to point fingers the blame squarely falls in
the FDA arena for the prescription drug epidemic
so large............
it's as bad as the drought in california[/QUO

Always someone else's fault........
Guess the breakdown of the family, divorce rate, both parents (if they are even together) working full time jobs and no one home with the kids in their formative years has anything to do with it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 12-29-2015 09:51 PM

[QUOTE=Raider Ronnie;1089516]

Originally Posted by Raven (Post 1089512)
lost to many good people to Hot Shots
(cocaine/heroin combo)

if you have to point fingers the blame squarely falls in
the FDA arena for the prescription drug epidemic
so large............
it's as bad as the drought in california[/QUO

Always someone else's fault........
Guess the breakdown of the family, divorce rate, both parents (if they are even together) working full time jobs and no one home with the kids in their formative years has anything to do with it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Totally agree. I would think it has to do with feeling hopeless and having very little to live for.
I did not watch this show and don't know much about this epidemic but I think that the price of heroin is rediculously cheap and people who have picked up an oxy addiction gravitate to heroin because they can afford it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

justplugit 12-29-2015 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1089491)
Weed leads to heroin addiction?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I think the jury is still out on that one. It all depends on who your friends are
and how deep they get into the harder drugs. These kids are so influenced and
wanting to be accepted by their peers they are like sheep.

I had a sister in law who started on pot and went the route to cocaine with an early death 6 years ago.
I have no doubt she would have gone to heroin if she had still been around today
with the recent explosion of heroin and it's cheap price.

Her problems started with hanging around the wrong dead head people.
Slippery slope, slippery slope.

Sea Dangles 12-30-2015 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Fly Rod (Post 1089510)
RRRRRRRRRRR....UUUUUUUU can tell the pot heads.....:)

Agreed, but unfortunately I have enough knowledge to point out what was nothing but an opinion which is based on nothing but ignorance. It is an addiction that sadly doesn't discriminate the way you describe.
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Raven 12-30-2015 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 1089516)

I did not watch this show .I think that the price of heroin is rediculously cheap and people who have picked up an oxy addiction gravitate to heroin because they can afford it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

yep.... didn't need to watch a show
....saw it first hand out west....

crystal meth is way "out of control" too

they are like a run away disease that the CDC
cannot even begin to deal with

seadogg 12-30-2015 07:50 AM

The idea that weed leads to heroin addiction is absurd. I haven't used it in years on account of my Captain's license, but when I did I never felt compelled to take it further than that. It's no different than a guy cracking some beers after a long day of work, except without the debilitating effects of alcohol. I think some people walk a path of bad decisions that starts out with weed or booze, ever searching for more a more "effective" means of disconnecting with reality. It's a disease, I suppose. I agree with the painkiller addiction theory as well, in that people receive them for an injury of sorts, become addicted, can't afford them, and then resort to cheaper means to satiate the gnawing addiction. A terrible thing for sure.
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Nebe 12-30-2015 08:25 AM

Blaming weed for heroin problems is saying surf casting leads to offshore tuna fishing. :hihi:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

vineyardblues 12-30-2015 09:10 AM

Its everyplace and its cheap , 25 dollars to get high with the option of death mixed in.
We lost a member of the family this past summer. College degree out on a friday night ,all star baseball player
It can happen.........
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

justplugit 12-30-2015 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by seadogg (Post 1089525)
The idea that weed leads to heroin addiction is absurd. I haven't used it in years on account of my Captain's license, but when I did I never felt compelled to take it further than that. It's no different than a guy cracking some beers after a long day of work, except without the debilitating effects of alcohol. I think some people walk a path of bad decisions that starts out with weed or booze, ever searching for more a more "effective" means of disconnecting with reality. It's a disease, I suppose. I agree with the painkiller addiction theory as well, in that people receive them for an injury of sorts, become addicted, can't afford them, and then resort to cheaper means to satiate the gnawing addiction. A terrible thing for sure.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Far from being absurd. There are those with addictive personalities that once
started, wether it be food , alcohol or drugs have to start somewhere including the reasons I mentioned above.

Then there are those that are not happy and use to escape their problems
and continue to escape by using. It's more complicated then cut and dry.
Of course those who use want to deny it started with chochlate, beer or pot, but denial is part of the addictive personality.

I'm not saying the majority who have smoked pot go further, but there are those that do for many different reasons if they indulge. You have to start somewhere.

Nebe 12-30-2015 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 1089534)
Far from being absurd. There are those with addictive personalities that once
started, wether it be food , alcohol or drugs have to start somewhere including the reasons I mentioned above.

Then there are those that are not happy and use to escape their problems
and continue to escape by using. It's more complicated then cut and dry.
Of course those who use want to deny it started with chochlate, beer or pot, but denial is part of the addictive personality.

I'm not saying the majority who have smoked pot go further, but there are those that do for many different reasons if they indulge. You have to start somewhere.

Your argument is valid, just as blaming guns is a valid point for gun control.
It's the person who makes the decision to do what he or she does who is to blame.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

bassballer 12-30-2015 10:59 AM

I took a couple tokes before I saw Star Wars. i think I'll be OK on the heroin epidemic.

This only my opinion, but from what Ive seen first hand from guys i went to school with who went down this path, and a few have died, is that they started from popping pills. They became addicted to oxys. When they couldnt afford anymore Oxys after pawning and stealing everything in their parents home they switched to heroin. I played sports with these guys growing up and now i read their names in the police reports. Its a shame. Addiction is a scary thing.

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