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Jim in CT 10-07-2010 10:11 AM

Another political question to Mass members - can Barney Frank be defeated?
A couple weeks before Scott Brown won the senate seat in Mass, I asked folks here if he had a chance, and the overwhelming majority thought he would win.

So I'll ask again - can Barney Frank be defeated by Sean Bielat? I'm just interested in this election, and I think Sean Bielat is one of the most impressive aspiring politicians I have seen in a long time...a major in the US Marines, business degree from the Wharton School Of Business, and a masters degree from Harvard. I gather that Scott Brown did very well in this district in his election.

The Dad Fisherman 10-07-2010 10:35 AM

Off to the Pit of Despair it goes....

RIJIMMY 10-07-2010 10:44 AM

JIm - its a tough call, this is my district in Ma. I've been surprised at the number of Bielat signs in my town. But I dont think Bielat is running a strong enough campaign. Polls show most dont know who he is. He needs to get out there, get his name and face in front of people.
Franks attitude at the health care town halls really pissed people off, his blatant arrogance. Still - most in the area are democrats and Barney is a household name. Scott Brown did win this district. Bielat needs to QUICKLY make a name for himself.

Jim in CT 10-07-2010 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 800451)
There is a political forum for a reason!! This does not belong here!!!:smash:

Take a deep breath. My Scott Brown post stayed in the main forum, and I see birthday wishes and stuff like that here...

BigFish 10-07-2010 10:46 AM

There are reasons why there is a political forum.....the day they have a "Happy Birthday" forum.....I will put them there!!:jump1:

fishbones 10-07-2010 11:53 AM

Massachusetts is still a one party state, and thanks to some creative redistricting (gerrymandering), Frank will probably win comfortably. I heard Beilat's ads will start running today or tomorrow, which may help him a little. It may not be a landslide, but Frank will still win.

justplugit 10-07-2010 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 800445)
I think Sean Bielat is one of the most impressive aspiring politicians I have seen in a long time...a major in the US Marines, business degree from the Wharton School Of Business, and a masters degree from Harvard.

I would think the elites would love a guy like this with that education.

I'm more impressed that he was a Marine, knows what serving is. :)

likwid 10-07-2010 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 800506)
I would think the elites would love a guy like this with that education.

I'm more impressed that he was a Marine, knows what serving is. :)

Does he know what towns are in his district?
Does he know what the primary industries he needs to woo are?
Apparently not. :rotf2:

buckman 10-07-2010 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 800457)
JIm - its a tough call, this is my district in Ma. I've been surprised at the number of Bielat signs in my town. But I dont think Bielat is running a strong enough campaign. Polls show most dont know who he is. He needs to get out there, get his name and face in front of people.
Franks attitude at the health care town halls really pissed people off, his blatant arrogance. Still - most in the area are democrats and Barney is a household name. Scott Brown did win this district. Bielat needs to QUICKLY make a name for himself.

Sean will win in Mansfield.
Barney's a crook, pervert, pimp and if I recall, is into drugs. He'll win:uhuh:

Raider Ronnie 10-07-2010 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 800559)
Sean will win in Mansfield.
Barney's a crook, pervert, pimp and if I recall, is into drugs. He'll win:uhuh:

Err, edit

spence 10-07-2010 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 800572)

Quoted for posterity.


striperman36 10-07-2010 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 800559)
Sean will win in Mansfield.
Barney's a crook, pervert, pimp and if I recall, is into drugs. He'll win:uhuh:

Err, edit

justplugit 10-08-2010 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 800558)
Does he know what towns are in his district?
Does he know what the primary industries he needs to woo are?
Apparently not. :rotf2:

Doesn't make much difference since Clinton is coming
in to save Barney. :D
Frick and Frack.

fishbones 10-08-2010 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 800558)
Does he know what towns are in his district?
Does he know what the primary industries he needs to woo are?
Apparently not. :rotf2:

I'm pretty sure he knows the towns in the district, as well as the primary industries. By the way, the south coast is really prospering, huh?

likwid 10-14-2010 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 800933)
I'm pretty sure he knows the towns in the district, as well as the primary industries. By the way, the south coast is really prospering, huh?

one of these days you'll wander out of your cute little bubble and see just how well you have it compared to alot of other comparable areas.

RIJIMMY 10-14-2010 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 802090)
one of these days you'll wander out of your cute little bubble and see just how well you have it compared to alot of other comparable areas.

EXACTLY !!!! So why would you support the SAME guy who has represented you in congress for YEARS!!! His district has been dying for years, they only ones that keep it living and breathing are the people who COMMUTE to work!

fishbones 10-14-2010 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 802090)
one of these days you'll wander out of your cute little bubble and see just how well you have it compared to alot of other comparable areas.

I'd say that was a funny comment if it wasn't so utterly stupid and ignorant. You have no idea where I grew up and some of the places I've lived. My comment was more about how as much as Barney woo's the primary industries in the south coast, things still aren't getting any better. Apparently the voters are realizing this, too. When I was in New Bedford on Monday, I noticed people out on the corners with signs for Frank as well as a bunch of lawn signs. He hasn't had to campaign in that area in years. There were also a lot of Beilat signs on lawns, which shows that there is some discontent.

Oh and by the way, I lived on the south coast for quite a while.

redlite 10-14-2010 04:33 PM

Now that I am a tax paying resident of SE Ma, I can't wait to vote and do my part to get rid of this Fred Flinstone look-a-like arse clown.

Slipknot 10-14-2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 802090)
one of these days you'll wander out of your cute little bubble and see just how well you have it compared to alot of other comparable areas.

are you a supporter of Barney Frank?
why? because he caters to the commercial fishing city of New Bedford or something? Who gives a crap:smash: The guy will take payolla from anybody and everybody and you know it. Time for him to take a hike.

I wish the voters in this district would smarten up and not just vote for a name they recognize :rollem:

likwid 10-15-2010 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 802238)
He hasn't had to campaign in that area in years.

Yet he does, every election year, strange that...

rocketman 10-15-2010 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by redlite (Post 802249)
Now that I am a tax paying resident of SE Ma, I can't wait to vote and do my part to get rid of this Fred Flinstone look-a-like arse clown.

Looks like Fred but his name is Barney. :tooth:
And everything he has touched is in rubble.

fishbones 10-15-2010 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 802349)
Yet he does, every election year, strange that...

How much campaigning did he have to do in 2008 against Earl Sholley? Sholley wasn't even supported by his own party.

Or what about in 2004 when he ran against Charley Morse? I think Frank had close to 80% of the votes.

And how many signs or ads for Frank did you see in 2002 and 2006? Probably not too many since he ran unopposed in both of those years.

Frank having to campaign every election year, strange that...

RIJIMMY 10-15-2010 09:18 AM

Frank has ads all over
he is nervous.
i was listening to him moan the other day and of course his concerns are that the right wing media has been making up lies about him.
Bielat needs to get out there. I dont see any sign of him other than the few signs on peoples lawns. he needs to campaign and get some press.

RIJIMMY 10-15-2010 09:25 AM

all Bielat needs to do is run 30 seconds of this - the Frank content.
YouTube - Origins of Financial Mess

followed up with a screen with one word : Change ?
Next screen Sean Bielat for Congress
Father, Marine, Businessman, in other words: Change

he'd be golden

RIJIMMY 10-18-2010 12:42 PM

now were talkin!

YouTube - Sean Bielat TV Ad, "Same Old Tune"

fishbones 10-18-2010 01:15 PM

Did you see or hear the video of Frank's partner heckling Beilat last night? Real classy.

RIJIMMY 10-18-2010 03:22 PM

yeah, pretty funny.
At the debate, Frank came across as such an arrogant bafoon. He literally blamed the republicans for not revamping Fannie and Freddie. I didnt realize he is over 70yrs old. Time to go, we need some young blood in there. The guy is usless. I missed the Bielat rally in Foxboro, we drove by when it was wrapping up. Still cant believe all the signs for him, even saw a bunch near the canal!

spence 10-18-2010 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 803286)
The guy is usless.

I think you're shorting his stock.

Frank is seen as someone who fights for the people and is one of the few in Congress who actually understands how the finance industry works. Like his policy or not, many believe he has value.

I know some pretty damn smart business people in his district who are staunch supporters.

He's far from perfect, but I wouldn't say he's usless.


fishbones 10-19-2010 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 803341)
I think you're shorting his stock.

Frank is seen as someone who fights for the people and is one of the few in Congress who actually understands how the finance industry works. Like his policy or not, many believe he has value.

I know some pretty damn smart business people in his district who are staunch supporters.
He's far from perfect, but I wouldn't say he's usless.


Hitler had some staunch supporters who were considered pretty damn smart, too.

And before you get your panties in a bunch, I'm not comparing Frank to Hitler. I'm saying that just because someone has support doesn't mean they have the best interest of the public in mind.

RIJIMMY 10-19-2010 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 803341)
Frank is seen as someone who fights for the people and is one of the few in Congress who actually understands how the finance industry works. Like his policy or not, many believe he has value.


Really? Im mean REALLY???
He gets how the finacial system works? Are you freakin kidding me? This guy had NO clue a crisis was coming, had no clue what to do to prevent it and he WAS CHAIRMAN OF THE FREAKING COMMITEE!!!!
All he knows how to do is react! And what was the reaction? The Frank-Dodd bill. Yup the two bafoons that were at the helm BEFORE the crisis have enacted the legislation to prevent a future one! And yes, there are some good things in the bill, but surpirise, surpirse, the bill creates another large govt oversight organization that has undefined powers, ie - more beauracracy.
Spence, Frank has one thing going for him, he is a Democrat in MA, thats all. Otherwise he would be history.

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