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Saltheart 12-01-2010 11:46 AM

The illegal immigrants thing.
I just don't get it! If they are here illegally then send them home. What's the big quandry here. I know if I tried to sneek into China and got cought I would be in big , big trouble. Sneak into any other country and see what happns. In the US you hit the jackpot is you are Hispanic and can get across the border.

To me its simple , here without a visa , you go home.

Now it might surprise some that I'm totally for citizen ship for babies born here and whatever that leads to but most of the problem is just individuals , often criminals in their countries , who come here and have it made.

If I get seen walking the streets drinking a beer which 90 percent of American Men drink , I will get arrested. They think nothing of enforcing a law for such a petty thing but a serious crime like illegal immigration is all complicated by bull and so people get away with it.

Its visa , you go home. What could be easier??

The damned politicians all go whatever way will get them that block of voters. What ever happened to simple right and wrong. The people know its wrong to come here illegally. They come at night or in tunnels , etc because they know its against the law. Send them home if you catch them.

I really get heated about this. I have no prejudice as to who the illegal is. If they don't have a visa , be they Chinese , Mexican ,Canadian, Guatamalen , or from Borneo , send them home. Why is that hard to grasp.

Piscator 12-01-2010 11:54 AM

I posted this on another tread:

Fathom the odd hypocrisy that Obama wants every citizen to prove they are insured, but people don't have to prove they are citizens. - Ben Stein

RIJIMMY 12-01-2010 11:57 AM

its not politicans, its LIBERAL poiliticans.

The Dad Fisherman 12-01-2010 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Saltheart (Post 814788)
The damned politicians all go whatever way will get them that block of voters. What ever happened to simple right and wrong.

This applies to ALL Politicians


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 814796)
its not politicans, its LIBERAL poiliticans.

This applies to the Illegal Immigration Issue :hee:

JohnnyD 12-01-2010 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 814796)
its not politicans, its LIBERAL poiliticans.

Yeah! Damn those liberals that pushed bills like this:
Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act
"A bill that would have provided legal status and a path to citizenship for the approximately 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States. ."

Which crazy liberal was it that spearheaded the above?

RIJIMMY 12-01-2010 01:07 PM

John McCain - a liberal

Saltheart 12-01-2010 01:46 PM

People tend to drive these political threads to areas they have hashed over for years with the same people crying "liberal" and the same crying "Conservative" no matter what issue you are addressing.

I am talking about a simple fact. If you enter the USA illegally , you are a criminal and should be sent back as soon as you are caught. All the complications come from making exceptions to the simple fact that they are criminals the moment they cross the border without the proper paperwork.

There are several moral issues here. 1) Illegal aliens are criminals by definition. They can be called nice soft pretty words like undocumented or illegal aliens but in fact they are criminals , plain and simple.
2) They are looking for a way to get one up on the people who file for immigration and wait their turn in the proper way. its morally wrong to let these people get ahead in the line by breaking the law.
3) The huge illegal alien population is figured into the quotas when the immigration services with Political Scientists , Theologians , Social Scientists , economists etc sit down to figure out where to set the quotas for legal immigration. These illegals force these quotas to be lowered , thus further taking away opportunities for those who would follow the legal process of entering this country.

Scream your polarized liberal/conservative sound bites all you want. I
'm saying its morally wrong for them to commit the crime of entering the country illegally and its morally wrong for us to allow them to take away opportunities for those who would pursue immigration in a legal fashion.

PS , I wish this thing had a built in spell checker. I don't see why we need to download some program separately. Obviously I'm quite ignorant of what's available on the web site packages but there must be a way to get a simple windows style spell checker on here.

scottw 12-01-2010 01:48 PM

..I prefer..."undocumented guests"

Raven 12-01-2010 01:52 PM

a comparison
them (politicians) letting illegal things slide
is their way of doing business

take the "tax stamp" on cannabis for example

it was a fraudulent maneuver to place (to begin with)
cannabis into an illegal substance category
because it became illegal
to transport it over STATE borders :point: to get it stamped.

the STAMPS were never MADE so there was
no way to ever stamp it

even if it was grown in Washington DC

it's been like this ever since and they continue to let
that sleeping dog LIE for 50+ years

so illegal immigration is absolutely no different.

these tunnels they are finding from Mexico to usa
and>>>> ...there's HUNDREDS of them

RIJIMMY 12-01-2010 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Saltheart (Post 814853)
People tend to drive these political threads to areas they have hashed over for years with the same people crying "liberal" and the same crying "Conservative" no matter what issue you are addressing.

I am talking about a simple fact. If you enter the USA illegally , you are a criminal and should be sent back as soon as you are caught. All the complications come from making exceptions to the simple fact that they are criminals the moment they cross the border without the proper paperwork.

There are several moral issues here. 1) Illegal aliens are criminals by definition. They can be called nice soft pretty words like undocumented or illegal aliens but in fact they are criminals , plain and simple.
2) They are looking for a way to get one up on the people who file for immigration and wait their turn in the proper way. its morally wrong to let these people get ahead in the line by breaking the law.
3) The huge illegal alien population is figured into the quotas when the immigration services with Political Scientists , Theologians , Social Scientists , economists etc sit down to figure out where to set the quotas for legal immigration. These illegals force these quotas to be lowered , thus further taking away opportunities for those who would follow the legal process of entering this country.

Scream your polarized liberal/conservative sound bites all you want. I
'm saying its morally wrong for them to commit the crime of entering the country illegally and its morally wrong for us to allow them to take away opportunities for those who would pursue immigration in a legal fashion.

PS , I wish this thing had a built in spell checker. I don't see why we need to download some program separately. Obviously I'm quite ignorant of what's available on the web site packages but there must be a way to get a simple windows style spell checker on here.

No sound bites, facts! Check them! Its liberals that scream IMMIGRANTS when its really, hush, hush...illegals
Throw em all the f out, I have no issue. Its bleadig heart libs that will oppose it. Want to BET???? Riots will be in NYC , SF, and LA. WHY SALTHEART??? Who lives there ????
I agree its wrong! But there are only one and only one type of people that will get in the way of correcting it.
Sorry reality bothers you. Como esta ingles?

Raven 12-01-2010 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Saltheart (Post 814853)
but there must be a way to get a simple windows style spell checker on here.

just open a microsoft word document
and type your s-b post in there
using their spell checker

then highlight the text, copy it , and paste into an s-b post.

Saltheart 12-01-2010 02:06 PM

So nothing in this political forum can be discussed unless we can boil it down to blaming it on "Liberals" or "Conservatives". One line bantering back and forth LIBERAL :smash: Conservative :smash:. That's the extent of the political discussion here?

I see both L and C promoting some sort of compromise to allow illegals to become legal. I don't care what your idiology is , on economics or war opilicies or tree hugging , etc. Its simple , whatever party you are in , you are promoting illegal behavior if you let people who commit a crime to get here to have an easier road to citizenship than those who do it right.

Saltheart 12-01-2010 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 814861)
just open a microsoft word document
and type your s-b post in there
using their spell checker

then highlight the text, copy it , and paste into an s-b post.

that's exactly what I do when I can be bothered but hitting a button and doing here would be nice.

JohnnyD 12-01-2010 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 814839)
John McCain - a liberal

Bush was the principle driving force of the Bill and one of the most outspoken supporters of it.


Originally Posted by Saltheart (Post 814853)
PS , I wish this thing had a built in spell checker. I don't see why we need to download some program separately. Obviously I'm quite ignorant of what's available on the web site packages but there must be a way to get a simple windows style spell checker on here.

I'm guessing that you use Internet Explorer as your web browser?
I'll fire you off a pm with some more info...

RIJIMMY 12-01-2010 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Saltheart (Post 814863)
So nothing in this political forum can be discussed unless we can boil it down to blaming it on "Liberals" or "Conservatives". One line bantering back and forth LIBERAL :smash: Conservative :smash:. That's the extent of the political discussion here?

I see both L and C promoting some sort of compromise to allow illegals to become legal. I don't care what your idiology is , on economics or war opilicies or tree hugging , etc. Its simple , whatever party you are in , you are promoting illegal behavior if you let people who commit a crime to get here to have an easier road to citizenship than those who do it right.

Im not sure what to discuss since I agree 100% with you. I firmly beleive we'd enforce the laws more strictly if it was not for the liberals. A few years back, a place in Fall River gets busted and illegals arrested John Kerry and Barney Frank swoop down with capes to the rescue. They're liberals.

This is not about illegal immigration - but its the liberal mantra that influences the support of our LAWS!
YouTube - Barack Obama: Your Children Should Learn To Speak Spanish

how do you feel about this? He got elected saying we should be embarrased that we dont speak other languages! your kids should speak SPANISH! I watch this and cant believe this fool was elected.

RIJIMMY 12-01-2010 04:02 PM

YouTube - Barack Obama - El Sueno Americano - Spanish

RIROCKHOUND 12-02-2010 07:19 AM

To me, as one of the token liberals here on S-B...
1. Close the borders; period.
2. Commit a felony as an undocumented/illegal. back home you go.
3. What to do with the other 12? Million, most of whom have been here for a while. Do you round them up at some huge cost? Or do we open some door for them to gain legal citizenship? Regardless, we can't deal with #3 and till #1 is dealt with....

scottw 12-02-2010 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 815022)
To me, as one of the token liberals here on S-B...
1. Close the borders; period.

2. Commit a felony as an undocumented/illegal. that's funny

3. What to do with the other 12? Million, most of whom have been here for a while. Do you round them up at some huge cost? Or do we open some door for them to gain legal citizenship? Regardless, we can't deal with #3 and till #1 is dealt with....

I think Arizona proved that if you remove the magnets that keep them here they will go elsewhere

Raven 12-02-2010 11:41 AM

you ever seen a pot seed burn?

especially if it's mistakingly rolled in the end of a Joint...

well for those that haven't, it burns like a mini torch
or one of those super deep thermal vents in the ocean
it spews gas for a long time is my point....

it is the PERFECT fuel
...and that seed also grows on HEMP plants too

so get the whole drug aspect out of your head

if we harnessed the mexican growers and let them grow
our fuel for bio diesel it would change everything

problem is.... the politicians are not running this country

Saltheart 12-02-2010 11:57 AM

I'm having a haed time finding out if the illegal entry itself is a feloney. It certainly is a federal Crime and best as I can tell , may be a felony if you use false papers or give false info or several other things you might do to avoid detection.

Anyway , isn't the initial federal Crime of illegal entry enough to deport them? Why do they have to commit another serious crime before we are willing to send them home?

I don't understand the cost argument. It seems to me that if the process of sending them home when caught was streamlined , it would be a small cost compared to the potential costs that add up over their years here.

Nobody addressing the fact that they are commiting a crime to get in line ahead of the other honest people who do it right? I don't see how anyone can defend the idea that committing the crime of illegal entry warrants them getting preferencial treat ahead of those who do it right and apply and wait their turn.

Saltheart 12-02-2010 11:59 AM

Raven , what the hey are you talking about! :)

Take a breather between bones and read that this post is about illegal immigration. :)

RIJIMMY 12-02-2010 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Saltheart (Post 815108)
I'm having a haed time finding out if the illegal entry itself is a feloney. It certainly is a federal Crime and best as I can tell , may be a felony if you use false papers or give false info or several other things you might do to avoid detection.

Anyway , isn't the initial federal Crime of illegal entry enough to deport them? Why do they have to commit another serious crime before we are willing to send them home?

I don't understand the cost argument. It seems to me that if the process of sending them home when caught was streamlined , it would be a small cost compared to the potential costs that add up over their years here.

Nobody addressing the fact that they are commiting a crime to get in line ahead of the other honest people who do it right? I don't see how anyone can defend the idea that committing the crime of illegal entry warrants them getting preferencial treat ahead of those who do it right and apply and wait their turn.

agree, agree and agree.
So a state is unhappy with the Fed enforcement, passes its own law to enforce. And what happens? Towns and other instiutions,across the country, like Cambridge MA, boycott products/services from the state. The Federal govt sues the state for passing the law!
Goes what party passed the law, guess what party is suing and boycotting them?

buckman 12-02-2010 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 815022)
To me, as one of the token liberals here on S-B...
1. Close the borders; period.
2. Commit a felony as an undocumented/illegal. back home you go.
3. What to do with the other 12? Million, most of whom have been here for a while. Do you round them up at some huge cost? Or do we open some door for them to gain legal citizenship? Regardless, we can't deal with #3 and till #1 is dealt with....

I agree. And you recieve NO entitlements untill you are a citizen.

scottw 12-02-2010 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 815121)
I agree. And you recieve NO entitlements untill you are a citizen.

meanie...what about the children????

Jim in CT 12-02-2010 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Saltheart (Post 814788)
I just don't get it! .

It's this simple. The Democratic party wants to expand its voting base, so they do whatever they can to appear to be the party that cares for poor Mexicans.

In reality, the Democratic agenda will ensure that those folks stay pemmanently trapped in dead-end jobs with zero economic upward mobility. That way, those folks (lots of them) become addicted to welfare, so they'll vote for the party that will keep giving them welfare.

The last thing the Democrats want is for those people to prosper. If they did prosper, they'd vote Republican.

scottw 12-02-2010 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 815131)
It's this simple. The Democratic party wants to expand its voting base, so they do whatever they can to appear to be the party that cares for poor Mexicans.

In reality, the Democratic agenda will ensure that those folks stay pemmanently trapped in dead-end jobs with zero economic upward mobility. That way, those folks (lots of them) become addicted to welfare, so they'll vote for the party that will keep giving them welfare.

The last thing the Democrats want is for those people to prosper. If they did prosper, they'd vote Republican.

are you talking about "all" democrats or just certain democrats? Paul would like to know because sometimes it matters and sometimes it doesn't....

Saltheart 12-02-2010 02:02 PM

I totally agree that the politicians want these people here and want to appear to be helping them to get the big block vote of the ones here legally who can vote. I don't agree its always Dems though. I see Rep politicians doing the same if their state has a large Hispanic population. I think it also happens in cities where they have whatever ethnic high population density.

Again , how can even the people of the same ethnicity be in favor of allowing the criminals who enter illegally get treated better than the honest ones who go through proper channels?

buckman 12-02-2010 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 815138)
are you talking about "all" democrats or just certain democrats? Paul would like to know because sometimes it matters and sometimes it doesn't....

LMAO:rotf2: It's been pretty funny in here.

scottw 12-02-2010 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 815189)
LMAO:rotf2: It's been pretty funny in here.

I've almost wet myself laughing a couple of times...this was my favorite....

Originally Posted by Saltheart

"Take a breather between bones and read that this post is about illegal immigration."

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