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goosefish 11-06-2010 10:37 AM

Pets and vet bills.
I got two dogs. One is 10, the other 8.


My female pug had a stick sticking out the side of her intestinal walls. Nice! Talk about gastric acids.

But she appears to be doing fine. Still at the Doggie ER. But they say she is doing fine.

Can someone here please say that they too have spent more than $2,000 but less than $5,000 on their dog. For some reason this would make me feel better.

ecduzitgood 11-06-2010 11:08 AM

One of our Corgies has been in twice for the same injury, once for the right rear knee and once for the left (two years apart) and I know this last time cost $2600, I think the first time it was around $2000 for the same operation. They are like our children and when they are still in their prime it has to be done, unless the dog will remain in pain and not live for long. It seems like a lot of money but when you consider what it would cost to have a human operated on in the same manner it's a bargain, especially when you consider the amount of joy they bring you due to their loyalty and endless admiration.

striperman36 11-06-2010 11:35 AM

I am getting pet insurance. Company offers it.

ProfessorM 11-06-2010 12:32 PM

Yes, yes , yes, spent that in one year on my black lab's acl's 10 years back. Have not gotten another dog yet since I put her down a year or so ago for 2 reasons 1 and most importantly, I just don't have the time to dedicate to a dog right now and 2 the friggin expense of owning a dog. Stuck with 3 cats now and that is enough. Even the darn cats aren't cheap.

Nebe 11-06-2010 01:16 PM

You cant put a price on that sweet little Rhoadie... She will be around for many years to come. :love::love::love:

Swimmer 11-06-2010 01:59 PM

Just a regular year at the Vets with the usual tests and once a year shots for my golden cost probably $1,000.00. Had to take her to West Bridgewater last year after she ate a razor blade. She only swallowed a small piece and it passed o.k. Keep your chin up. The companionship is worth it. You can talkk to them all day long and unlike your wife they never give you any chit. That says it all.

Karl F 11-06-2010 03:52 PM

echoing what swimmer said... unconditional love is worth every penny, that being said, people should realize that pet ownership, like having kids, is taking on the reposibility of paying for good care..while dogs are not human, (despite what they think), they are entitled to good care... very little to give back, for what they give to us.

Bailey is always glad to see me, happy to be in my company at all times, does not demand a thing, give me any crap at all, and is always a pleasure to be with...can't always say that about any human on the planet....
worth every penny...and yes a grand a year, on just "maintenence" is about right... have spent twice that on surgery...

do remember one family dog, when I was a real young kid, going for a "walk" with Dad in the woods.. Dad had the .22... and we did not see the dog again... I gotta tell you.. that has never left my mind....
his generation would most likely think much different than I do...

goosefish 11-06-2010 05:30 PM

Jen and I just got back from visiting hours at the animal hospital. Roadie was about as doped up as Kurt Cobain. But it was great to see her. We do love our animals too much.

The next time around I'm definitely looking into pet insurance.

ktugboat42 11-07-2010 04:25 AM

Ive got pet insurance for my 2 goldens but it takes ALOT to get any money back/refund. Persistance pays off however.

Raven 11-07-2010 07:18 AM

ticks are the main nuisance

but all the other disease prevention has gone over kill i think

when we were growing up they had none of that and all the pets did just fine.

when you own a pet you live longer because of that unconditional love

but when you loose a pet you HURT much deeper because you were in fact closer to your pet than you are to a human.

jbuck 11-07-2010 08:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have a pointer with addison's. He get a shot every 28 days.$60.00
We found this out about 6 years ago. He also get skin tags,that if no removed they rupture and he bleeds all over the house.So every 4 months or so they put him under and remove what they can see @ 300.00 a pop.

basswipe 11-07-2010 08:34 AM

I've spent a few bucks on my two dogs over the years.

goosefish 11-07-2010 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by basswipe (Post 808733)
I've spent a few bucks on my two dogs over the years.

good undertone.

basswipe 11-07-2010 01:11 PM

My two boys are worth it.My dachshund had a back issue last year and that was not a cheap issue to deal with but he's back to being his crazy self again which is amazing considering he's 10.

Mr. Sandman 11-07-2010 01:25 PM

I thought Obama made health care free for everyone?:confused:

TheSpecialist 11-08-2010 10:04 AM

One time about 8 years ago we had 2 cats. One had some problems and was peeing all day long. My wife takes it to the vet and they keep the cat to run some tests. So I come home from work and as I come in the door the phone rings and it is the vet. She is telling my wife the cat has some kind of urinary tract infection, and a kidney thing. Then she says the cat also has cancer in the jaw and needs about 2500 in care. I say to my wife ask her how much to put the cat down,at the time money was tight and we were saving for a house and paying off some bills, so she relays the question. They tell her like 250. to put the cat down. I tell my wife to tell them I will be right down to pick up the cat, and I will take him hunting with me tomorrow and put him out of his misery. The vet tells my wife, lets see what we can do, so they treat the urinary and kidney thing, and and it was about 800. The cat lived to a nice old age before it had to finally be put down. I hate vets because they play off of your emotions, and that his huge in this country because we humanize our pets way too much. In europe most dogs don't even sleep in the house, unless it is some fancy smancy poo-poo breed.

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