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UserRemoved1 10-23-2011 04:15 AM

#^&#^&#^&#^& you karzai
Afghanistan to back Pakistan if wars with U.S.: Karzai - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan -

You trash can headed freak :smash:

Hows that for a stab in the eye. Pull the troops. Let them kill each other. :nopics:

Seal the borders. Carpet bomb the #^&#^&#^&#^&s. :yak5:

Hunt them down like the dogs they are.........givem the kadaffy treatment :hee:

Raven 10-23-2011 05:28 AM

they bite the hand that feeds them

never could be trusted...

what do you do with a rabid dog?

justplugit 10-26-2011 12:35 PM

Nothing suprises me anymore with the thinking of these
crazies and the ones in the US.
Maybe Obama can take another tour and sweet talk them
back to our side.
There has been no foreign respect for our country for the last 3 years imho.

The Dad Fisherman 10-26-2011 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 896271)
There has been no foreign respect for our country for the last 3 years imho.

Been more than 3 years.....i'd put it at closer to 8 years

Raven 10-26-2011 02:06 PM

is there a presidential candidate
that would restore that respect?

i'm not so sure....

detbuch 10-26-2011 03:37 PM

Have we been respected before? Our power has been respected, especially by those who were rescued by it. For the rest of it, for who we are and how we have perceived ourselves, it seems we've been more disliked and envied than respected. We've almost always been looked down upon as being uncultered, and have been despised for spreading our commercial pop culture. Sure, there are those who wanted a piece and emigrated here. In the early 1960's the phrase "ugly American" was bandied about by others and by our own elites. It referred to loudmouth travelers who felt superior by being American. Americans were disliked, or envied, for most of our existence because of our greater freedom, greater consumption, perceived feeling of superiority, aggressiveness, and just about anything that Americans used to be proud of. Even our immediate neighbors just to the north and south of us have always harbored varying degrees of antipathy to us. Of course, we were heroes to some after the World Wars. Not so to those who lost. Certainly not so to those who espoused socialistic political views, and, I'd guess that the more the rest of the world became socialistic, the more the rest of the world disliked us. There may be a chance for us now to become beloved if we can continue to flip over to their view of social justice. I think that was the hope the rest of the world had when Obama was elected.

The Dad Fisherman 10-26-2011 06:13 PM

When I was in the service we pulled into Germany for 3 weeks, they had a program their that let German families take us into there homes while we were there. They treated us great......I'd say they respected us...there was no envy. They truly welcomed us into there homes. I stayed with one family for 3 days and it was one of the most memorable times of the trip. I remember they had a B'day party for the father....we sat around the table singing and drinking Schnaaps...the mother was the last one could she drink the Schnaaps.

I saw the same in Norway, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

France and Spain....not so much.

as for the Loudmouth Travelers....there were some guys on my ship that were an embarassment if you ask me....being down right loud, obnoxious #^&#^&#^&#^&heads....

justplugit 10-26-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 896326)
There may be a chance for us now to become beloved if we can continue to flip over to their view of social justice. I think that was the hope the rest of the world had when Obama was elected.

Imho, that was Obama's agenda from day one and will be as long
as he is President.

detbuch 10-26-2011 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 896357)
When I was in the service we pulled into Germany for 3 weeks, they had a program their that let German families take us into there homes while we were there. They treated us great......I'd say they respected us...there was no envy. They truly welcomed us into there homes. I stayed with one family for 3 days and it was one of the most memorable times of the trip. I remember they had a B'day party for the father....we sat around the table singing and drinking Schnaaps...the mother was the last one could she drink the Schnaaps.

I saw the same in Norway, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

France and Spain....not so much.

as for the Loudmouth Travelers....there were some guys on my ship that were an embarassment if you ask me....being down right loud, obnoxious #^&#^&#^&#^&heads....

I was overgeneralizing when I said the rest of the world. And it was more an observation based on "official" views--media, politicos, cultural elites, academia--uppercrusts that supposedly own the real skinny on how their society thinks. Of course, that's BS. The regular folks, as in our country, are often out of step with the higher mucketymucks. For several years after WWII, most of the common Europeans had a high regard for Americans, especially the military. As a serviceman, especially one with the friendly, playful but respectful manners that you have, you would have been treated well by most anybody, but especially by regular people.

As far as America being "respected," I think that has been more of a political ball to toss around rather a than significant factor. To say that "foreign" respect, or the respect of the rest of the world was damaged by this or that president is probably more of a propaganda tool than a reality. If you were to go on a vacation to Germany, or Belgium or the Netherlands today, being who you are, I think you would be treated well as you were before. If you acted like an ass, you would not be liked. Your money and manners would be welcomed and "respect" would be reciprocated.

striperman36 10-26-2011 08:05 PM

Karazi is a warlord #^&#^&#^&#^&in on his father's legend. We've paid this dude bags of cash, all we need is an errant drone, one with you know the virus we can't get rid of

UserRemoved1 11-05-2011 06:36 PM

U.S. General Fired For Verbal Attack On Afghan Leader | Fox News

"Fuller called Karzai's statements "erratic," adding, "Why don't you just poke me in the eye with a needle! You've got to be kidding me … I'm sorry, we just gave you $11.6 billion and now you're telling me, 'I don't really care'?"

Gen. John R. Allen, the commander of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), released a statement Friday saying Fuller was to be relieved of his duties, "effective immediately." "

Wow didn't I just say this? Lucky they can't fire me.

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