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JohnR 06-10-2009 06:14 PM

RI License Bill - emails needed tonight and wee early tomorrow.
Just pulled this off the wire from Steve Medeiros & RISAA:



The House version of the recreational saltwater fishing license bill
comes up for a vote before the House Finance Committee tomorrow. It is important that they pass the bill without changing it (fees). Like it or not, there will be a license if every coastal state in the U.S. by 2011. At least we can make the Rhode Island license something we can all live with, including a minimal fee.

We need you to send emails to the members of the House Finance Committee urging them to support passage of the license bill and to drop the hint that they must leave the bill INTACT as written.

This link takes you to a page that shows all the committee members:

After each name is their email address which you can click on to send them a direct email.

To make it easy for you, just send the short email below to them.

(If you don't know how to copy & paste...Drag your mouse over and highlight the text below. Copy it by hitting CONTROL-C key. Then click into the email you are sending, and hit CONTROL-V to paste that text into the message.)



Dear Representative,

House Bill No. 6226 (by Kilmartin, M. Rice, Gallison, Naughton, Malik)
is scheduled to be heard by the HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE tomorrow, Thursday.

This bill would create for the first time a recreational saltwater
fishing license in Rhode Island. It is necessary in order to satisfy
the federal law that all saltwater anglers be registered. It has a
small fee built in to cover the cost of the program which, per federal mandate, must be restricted to the use of the program or in support of recreational fishing.

Please support passage of this important legislation as written.

Thank you.
Why do we need to support this? Simply to put through something close to reasonable that we can live with -versus- getting something unreasonable shoved down our throats in a few months. Props to the people that worked hard on getting us to this point -

Cool Beans 06-10-2009 06:38 PM

Just emailed the lot of them.

afterhours 06-10-2009 06:46 PM


Cool Beans 06-10-2009 08:03 PM

I just got a response from Robert B. Jacquard, Representative-District 17


Thank you for your e-mail. The intent
of the legislation is understandable enough. I am a
recreational fisherman myself. But, I did not work to get
elected for the past seventeen years in order to vote to
regulate fishing. Regardless of what the federal government
has to say about the issue, I don’t plan to support this

Robert B. Jacquard
Representative-District 17

ivanputski 06-10-2009 09:11 PM

just emailed a few....

Rob Rockcrawler 06-11-2009 03:22 AM

i got the same response from Robert B. Jacquard

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