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RIJIMMY 05-29-2008 03:36 PM

Nebe - I guess you may have a shot
Barack Obama’s Unlikely Supporter: Rupert 'Fox News' Murdoch
Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg had a long day of grilling executives at their All Things Digital Conference. But they saved Rupert Murdoch -- their Wall Street Journal overlord -- for last. The highlight? Murdoch’s not-quite-but-almost endorsement of Barack Obama for president.

The founder -- and defender -- of Fox News said he expected Obama to win in a landslide, citing widespread unhappiness with the current administration and his disenchantment with Republican contender John McCain. Murdoch added that after a long career in the Senate, McCain had been forced to compromise too much and doesn’t stand for much. Murdoch even nonchalantly owned up to influencing the New York Post to back Obama in the New York primary.

Nebe 05-29-2008 04:52 PM

did you ever question my genius? If so your fired. Nebe is always right. And if Nebe is wrong about something, it is usualy part of a larger picture, which Nebe is right about.. mcCain will only steer this country down the road of more of the same... A longer war in Iraq, more hand outs to corperations to rape US citizens, More excuses why YOU have to live in fear and not question the pilfering that is going on..

Im not saying Obama is perfect but his heart is in the right place.

EarnedStripes44 05-29-2008 06:00 PM

Obama is more qualified than McCain....

and he is smarter

stripersnipr 05-29-2008 07:50 PM

So now an endorsement from Murdoch is a good thing...........okay.

spence 05-29-2008 09:29 PM

I certainly think Obama success would be good for Murdoch's media mega-enterprise, and, hence, pocketbook.


Joe 05-30-2008 07:33 PM

I don't think it will be a landslide. I think it will come down to Ohio and Florida going blue instead of red and maybe not Florida, but certainly Ohio. The hardcore red states are staying red.

spence 05-30-2008 07:51 PM

I'm still standing by my call some time ago...McCain by 5.

Although I think it's going to be neck and neck into the home stretch.

As many negatives as Obama does have, the country is really sick of the current GOP.


Bronko 05-30-2008 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 593604)
I'm still standing by my call some time ago...McCain by 5.

Although I think it's going to be neck and neck into the home stretch.

As many negatives as Obama does have, the country is really sick of the current GOP.


I agree with Spence. Gonna be close, but the old bird is going to win it. I do think if he were to run against Hillary, he would lose.

stripersnipr 05-31-2008 07:32 AM

Yep, There's going to be a crossover vote factor with a substantial number of Moderate Dems opting for Mcain that wouldn't exist if Hill was running. Anyone who think's the Reverends exposure isn't a factor in this are living in a state of denial. It matters.

spence 05-31-2008 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 593652)
Yep, There's going to be a crossover vote factor with a substantial number of Moderate Dems opting for Mcain that wouldn't exist if Hill was running. Anyone who think's the Reverends exposure isn't a factor in this are living in a state of denial. It matters.

I love it..."state of denial" :heybaby:

Were Bush supporters last time round in a state of denail thinking the war wouldn't hurt his vote? Cause in the end it didn't make a difference.

The Wright issue will turn some people off, but as the real campaign unfolds Obama has plenty of opportunity to woo those people back.

Ultimately the vote is going to come down to vision for the next few decades, and on this aspect McCain is off his personal message and into the GOP rut.


stripersnipr 05-31-2008 08:57 AM

Oh yeah, I forgot the "But Bush" factor. At least you concede my point that the Reverend effect has turned some people off. I do agree that the final outcome of the election will come down to the perceived vision of the canidates and the fundamental sources that vision is derived from. That's why we're looking at four more years of the GOP.

spence 05-31-2008 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 593673)
Oh yeah, I forgot the "But Bush" factor. At least you concede my point that the Reverend effect has turned some people off. I do agree that the final outcome of the election will come down to the perceived vision of the canidates and the fundamental sources that vision is derived from. That's why we're looking at four more years of the GOP.

Some effect, although in the big picture the impact will likely be marginalized assuming Obama doesn't get his advice from former Kerry campaign staffers.

I think most people are smart enough to understand Obama wasn't some brainwashed flockster who's life hinged on Wright's every word. And the rest, perhaps mostly Hannity fans will still cling to the notion that Obama is a secret Cuban exile who's first official act will be to burn the American flag. There's nothing that will change that as they have more interest in mocking than working for beneficial change.

It's probably safe to assume that Obama's vision, like most of us was influenced primarily by his family and his which case he has a pretty strong American platform to stand on.

It's more than ironic how the party of "family values" is so quick to discount this fact.


stripersnipr 05-31-2008 10:08 AM

The description of Obamas up bringing on a "strong American platform" is debateable, don't you think?

Joe 05-31-2008 02:35 PM

There's no way McCain can win Ohio.

Nebe 05-31-2008 02:47 PM

and there is no way Obama will win Florida.. assuming the voting fraud happens agian :hs:

FishHawk 06-02-2008 04:52 AM

Obama will beat McCain. McCain will loose his temper and then it'll be over. FishHawk

EarnedStripes44 06-02-2008 12:28 PM

McCain is kind of thuggish

maddmatt 06-02-2008 02:53 PM

your thuggish

Nebe 06-02-2008 03:06 PM

and he looks like a chipmunk with those puffy jowls. who would ever vote for a chipmunk?

fishbones 06-02-2008 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 594124)
and he looks like a chipmunk with those puffy jowls. who would ever vote for a chipmunk?

David Seville?

RIROCKHOUND 06-03-2008 10:43 AM


RIROCKHOUND 06-03-2008 10:53 AM


Nebe 06-03-2008 11:03 AM

make her go away... please. :crying:

buckman 06-03-2008 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 593730)
and there is no way Obama will win Florida.. assuming the voting fraud happens agian :hs:

Your talking about the the way the Dems just gave Obama, Clintons votes?

Nebe 06-03-2008 02:23 PM

No, i am talking about the way florida restricted many poor people access to their right to vote by any ways neccessary, be it physical restrictions such as limit the # of voting machines to cause long lines or tampering with electronic vote #'s

buckman 06-03-2008 03:04 PM

Them Bush's were at it again. Their pretty clever when the left needs an excuse. And they pulled off 9/11. "Shear"genius ( no pun intended from the other thread)

likwid 06-03-2008 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 594330)
make her go away... please. :crying:

When will she learn that no means no? :bl:

buckman 06-03-2008 03:20 PM

She should be your parties nominee. She has that all important polular vote that you made the big stink about last election.:kewl:

Nebe 06-03-2008 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 594420)
She should be your parties nominee. She has that all important polular vote that you made the big stink about last election.:kewl:

true but how many republicans voted for her in the primaries to give her the popular vote? :devil:

buckman 06-03-2008 03:43 PM

I didn't think of that. I'm glad she won't be running. The more I hear her the less impressed I am with Obama. You better get her out soon

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