Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating

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Clammer 04-25-2024 10:04 PM

??????????? is this a fishing site ????
I,m still shore bound . the latest ever not been in .......................................But bass are just about everywhere

from driving bait / to setting up in rips to sitting on rock piles

the majority are like 22" 30'' some smaller more over slot ....I can only guess what it would be like if we han,t had the cold nights .

get them umbrellas out smoke / 3 / 4 at a time .FISHING ><><

Now hoping for someone make me a serious offer ..Boat/ trailer & multi .purpose license ... slip ??? don,t know brand new corporate owner ><>:thanks:

wdmso 04-26-2024 05:55 AM

Mike been out twice dragging my 9iner rig. Goose egg both times. Seen birds working bait found some pogies but no surface action ..

Hopefully it picks up next week

Clammer 04-26-2024 03:24 PM

Wayne don,t know what to tell ya even the nit wits are catching

even waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up river .,

#^&#^&#^&#^& in wind right now ........................really sucks

white caps coming right in the cove :wid:

wdmso 04-26-2024 11:46 PM

You could tell me where all these nitwits are catching :call: lol

Clammer 04-27-2024 10:10 PM

I would say EVERYWHERE & that,s the truth

I,m in the slip & not even going out tomorrow <><

bloocrab 04-30-2024 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Clammer (Post 1244976)
......even waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up river ......

There was some decent action by the HGarden....everything short of the slot....:soon:

Clammer 05-01-2024 02:44 PM

Pogy boats in Mt Hope Bay today .,.

struggling to get keeper Tog ............good size school of bass came by & under the boat ,one hit 27" saw a boat with umbrella rig get two .. but they kept going ><>>

Raider Ronnie 05-03-2024 07:29 PM

This was a fishing site years ago.
Turned into a political website for a bunch of years.
Now it’s a lottery/mega millions website

hq2 05-05-2024 04:42 PM

Yeah, that about gets it right. When I first joined about 20 years ago, there was a lot of good fishing discussion here. I enjoyed reading what people were doing, and throwing in a comment or post here and there when it seemed appropriate. Not any more. The site is now mostly a message board for about 20 or 30 long time members, with the weekend plans now typically having little to do with striper fishing, and of course the essentially irrelevant lottery postings. I’ve made an attempt over the past few years to revive striper fishing discussions, but there are too few fish and too few regular members now to get much going. It looks like it’s going to where surfcaster and reel time were before they both died.

But at this point, we’re headed back to moratorium conditions soon, so in the end, it won’t matter what people post; there won’t be any fish in a few years anyway, right?

bloocrab 05-05-2024 08:20 PM

Just the more reason why we should thank Redmond for keeping it UP. He's not blind, and the hope is always there I guess :huh: I'm not even sure how he covers the expense anymore, are any sponsors still active, in a sponsor-type-of-way$? (not a question, more of a statement)

In the meantime, I enjoy what little those that still post share with's good to hear they're still out there somewhere. I don't really bother with fishing sites anymore, not sure if it's time-related or where my focus is these days, so yeah, coming here is more of a social thing with friends from the past then coming to learn something new.
I miss a lot of people, some of them gone, others moved away, some in different circles or stages of life...but as long as this window is open, I'll keep sticking my head in every once and awhile

redlite 05-05-2024 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by bloocrab (Post 1245033)
Just the more reason why we should thank Redmond for keeping it UP. He's not blind, and the hope is always there I guess :huh: I'm not even sure how he covers the expense anymore, are any sponsors still active, in a sponsor-type-of-way$? (not a question, more of a statement)

In the meantime, I enjoy what little those that still post share with's good to hear they're still out there somewhere. I don't really bother with fishing sites anymore, not sure if it's time-related or where my focus is these days, so yeah, coming here is more of a social thing with friends from the past then coming to learn something new.
I miss a lot of people, some of them gone, others moved away, some in different circles or stages of life...but as long as this window is open, I'll keep sticking my head in every once and awhile

Always viewed your posts as a level headed wise man. Well stated.
I have met most of my dearest life long friends here. Most don't fish anymore. Those that do have been moved from the surf to boat ownership and now strictly tuna. The new generation of "look at me and my "pro-staff" hero status on other social media platforms has taken away the core of why most of us fish
Physical situation has kept me out of the game past 2 years crushing my soul but I still thrive off of even the political and lottery stuff just to see that like-minded people are still alive and kickin and thinking about striped bass enough that they like me come here. Hanging on to what was and never will be again. Great poeple and a dying breed.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 05-06-2024 05:30 AM

My focus on stripers at this stage of the stocks and my life, has to do with getting the wood to look like a nice catch. If the political forum was still up, i suspect it would be buzzing over whats happening in that arena. Nothing beats the old days, cook outs and fishing with friends, peeing my waders after a bassmaster joke down cape or getting some members out mid winter to join me for some holdover fishing. Last person out on my boat before i sold it was Goose and he thanked me for my boat handling skills after getting us back into westport river in 8 foot closely stacked standing waves. All the memories were good, well maybe Juls getting out her crap bucket and asking eyes forward in my old Lund might not have been all that memorable. Sharing cheap beers with friends at the annual TCTF at the vfw was always fun.

Guppy 05-06-2024 04:16 PM

How about a “ anything but politics “ forum….
Or “ az holes at the ramp “ forum…. LOL

hq2 05-06-2024 04:57 PM

Yeah, the politics forum has mercifully been removed. I tossed one
post on a few years ago to see what would happen, and immediately
got blasted by three or four posters. JohnR did well to close it down.

wdmso 05-07-2024 04:24 AM

every year I see similar complaints .. it was this, it used to be that ! Bla Bla Bla .... usually by thoses who in my experience haven't posted a fishing report or a photo of a fish in years .. so not sure what there's to complain about ?

Its a Free site.. Thank you John:cheers2:

Don't like it work to make it better.. or move on.. Now i'm going fishing:lama:

bloocrab 05-07-2024 02:02 PM

THANX TO JohnR for keeping the fire going!!!

Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1245044)
.... ..not sure what there's to complain about ?

Not really sure there was an actual complaint here, I think Clamma was just prodding the cow looking for a ...moooooooooo, and Ronnie is just being Ronnie, which is usually pointing out the obvious in "the World According to Ronnie"...:rotf2:

Thanks for the kind words redMike, ...sorry to hear you're still not well, that might explain why I haven't seen you "out there" in a longtime...but then again, since buying a boat, I seem to have moved out of the surf as well..."I remember this like it was yesterday" ...I think you were headed back to the truck that night with those fish, (as I was about to get my suit wet and hook into a couple of skunks, I was a tide late and a dollar short, but children will do that, make you miss tides and fish, but I have no regrets). Those were good times indeed!
MikeyV, from what I understand or read, you're luckier than me...your son likes to fish. Treasure that...he may be too young now, but you should make a list of where and when's, because the how is easy...EELS. Something you can save for him later on in life, IF he develops that same passion in years to come, as your memory may also begin to fail you with age.

Sounds like a cliche, but If you didn't live thru it or experience those years here on (, you really can't know what it was like (the camaraderie). And to try and explain it, does it no justice. The vast cast of characters, the daily threads & posts just kept coming. Who'd a thought the relationships that were virtually formed back then, would still hold their weight well over 20 years later...but as Mike and I stated, people died, people moved...and some people simply lost or changed interest for their own personal reasons.

I said this many moons ago and since I'm on a rant, I'll hypocritically say it much as I appreciate the internet for what it's provided and continues to provide, it has and will continue to negatively impact Fishing, specifically when dealing with spots.
Everyone seems to want to host a podcast, a blog, a youtube-channel, etc/etc and the list goes on...everyone wants to be a know-it-all, even though they Googled most of it minutes before they posted it...I'm not upset by it anymore, I've learned and accepted that,, THIS IS THE NEW WAY <period>. If I didn't adjust and adapt, I'd be fishing angry all the time, and life it too short for that. I understand that people see an opportunity to cash in when involving the internet and fishing, and I guess that I can't blame them.

But ONE thing that still riddles me :wall: :realmad:, is the need for these same people to advertise a spot. As with Facebook, and other social-media tunnels, people simply want to be in the spot-light. They fail to understand the ramifications of constantly bringing a spot to light. Some of these asshats don't even fish those spots, but they'll gladly share someone else's report to glorify their own. Those people I have NO respect for. A friend of mine recently shared someone's podcast with me, I couldn't believe how many areas/spots were mentioned. :hs::hs: ....
As if saying, "SouthCounty, Buzzard's Bay, SouthShore, Narragansett Bay, Any River in any state" isn't enough?? Why do people have to say things like "Common Fence Point" for example? That spot can't handle many people from shore, parking is sketchy, and if mentioned online, the area out-front looks like WaterPalooza!! Which will be happening soon, I'm sure -

In conclusion, as I'm sure the few of you who read this are tired of my rant...please don't knock the guys that miss the old days...whether it be fishing or the times shared on this site, those times were priceless and for some, came at a very difficult point in their lives. So as much as some may never understand, those that lived it....will.

God Bless everyone - stay healthy and go hug someone you love...and when they try to pull away, pull them closer and hug them tighter. Tomorrow isn't promised.........dang, now my hands are thirsty! :buds:

wdmso 05-07-2024 04:34 PM

Went out this morning. Seems some word had gotten out. My ramp was full when I. Got back. 20 boats all bunched up in the usual spots in the bay . Even the charter guy Mel True was in my backyard
I only got a few schoolies . No pogies from Fall River to Bristol harbor . That’s today tomorrow it could blow up
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Guppy 05-07-2024 05:16 PM

Some early top water on the Niko sled this morning in BB, beautiful weather finally!

I was the one armed observer…. :-(

Hookedagain 05-07-2024 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1245051)
Went out this morning. Seems some word had gotten out. My ramp was full when I. Got back. 20 boats all bunched up in the usual spots in the bay . Even the charter guy Mel True was in my backyard
I only got a few schoolies . No pogies from Fall River to Bristol harbor . That’s today tomorrow it could blow up
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I saw 2 guys tonight at a spot north of the ramp, they were tight quite a bit. Seemed to be on top, and slot sized and larger. I am hoping to hit the ramp on Pleasant St tomorrow night for a few casts.

wdmso 05-08-2024 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Hookedagain (Post 1245055)
I saw 2 guys tonight at a spot north of the ramp, they were tight quite a bit. Seemed to be on top, and slot sized and larger. I am hoping to hit the ramp on Pleasant St tomorrow night for a few casts.

Went out today same as yesterday.. if it was a teal boat spoke to him this morning.. he had said he’s done better north and last week was better .. maybe one morning this week if I can dodge the rain I’ll give the flats a shot.

Hookedagain 05-08-2024 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1245060)
Went out today same as yesterday.. if it was a teal boat spoke to him this morning.. he had said he’s done better north and last week was better .. maybe one morning this week if I can dodge the rain I’ll give the flats a shot.

These guys were casting from shore. Mallard Pt.

wdmso 05-08-2024 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Hookedagain (Post 1245061)
These guys were casting from shore. Mallard Pt.

It’s odd caught some big fish in the boat off the point but never from shore and I’ve tried. With my canal gear

Rockfish9 05-14-2024 07:11 AM

First of all , big thanks to john for keeping this thing going.
There are a lot of pieces to this puzzle.
Most of us here have been doing this a very long time, it gets to the point where we've seen just about everything that can happen, highs, lows, storms, moon tides, changing methods, areas that go hot then -not.
Most of us are getting to the stage where weeklong fishing binges fishing around the clock on 2 or 3 hours sleep are a thing of the past, are backs hurt, our knees ache, our shoulders burn after a short time tossing a plug or jigging, we don't discuss new tackle or methods because the ones we use work and are proven, our basement hold enough tackle to put bass pro out of business, we have little respect for he "look at me" intent hero's that want instant gratification for doing no work... and sadly some of "us" are no longer here, we don't travel to hot fishing like we used to so we are not interested in what's happing 2 states away - we have family and loved ones that take more of our time- so we dwell in the past - I fish with rods i built 30 -40 years ago and am on the final stages of restoring a 46 year old boat that I've had for 43 years - as I work on that boat- my mind goes back to my younger days, a time when I spent every waking moment ( and plenty of restless nights) planning my next fishing trip - it seems like yesterday that I was a young kid, standing neck deep in the sewage filled Merrimack river tight to a school striper , My best friend Dave and I laughing at the "old buzzards" shore bound giving advice to us youngsters- now as my arthritic fingers type this - I realize, i'm that "old buzzard" - and damn proud to have made it to buzzardhood.

bloocrab 05-14-2024 09:13 AM

Well stated Joe - :btu:

hq2 05-14-2024 10:41 AM

Yeah, that's a very good post. Sums up the way I see things these days too. I may
have some more to say on this pretty soon that some folks here may find of interest.

piemma 05-14-2024 11:16 AM

Great post Joe. I am in total agreement although I am fishing more this year in the surf than I have in 15 years. BTW, it DOES hurt a lot more.

Clammer 05-14-2024 07:19 PM

not anything else to say ..Joe just about got it all ,,.. AMEN is a good closer :lm:

Raider Ronnie 05-22-2024 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rockfish9 (Post 1245134)
First of all , big thanks to john for keeping this thing going.
There are a lot of pieces to this puzzle.
Most of us here have been doing this a very long time, it gets to the point where we've seen just about everything that can happen, highs, lows, storms, moon tides, changing methods, areas that go hot then -not.
Most of us are getting to the stage where weeklong fishing binges fishing around the clock on 2 or 3 hours sleep are a thing of the past, are backs hurt, our knees ache, our shoulders burn after a short time tossing a plug or jigging, we don't discuss new tackle or methods because the ones we use work and are proven, our basement hold enough tackle to put bass pro out of business, we have little respect for he "look at me" intent hero's that want instant gratification for doing no work... and sadly some of "us" are no longer here, we don't travel to hot fishing like we used to so we are not interested in what's happing 2 states away - we have family and loved ones that take more of our time- so we dwell in the past - I fish with rods i built 30 -40 years ago and am on the final stages of restoring a 46 year old boat that I've had for 43 years - as I work on that boat- my mind goes back to my younger days, a time when I spent every waking moment ( and plenty of restless nights) planning my next fishing trip - it seems like yesterday that I was a young kid, standing neck deep in the sewage filled Merrimack river tight to a school striper , My best friend Dave and I laughing at the "old buzzards" shore bound giving advice to us youngsters- now as my arthritic fingers type this - I realize, i'm that "old buzzard" - and damn proud to have made it to buzzardhood.

That reads like a Eulogy for someone that passed away

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